Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1       Belfast City Council, as part of the City Investment Strategy, has agreed to co-ordinate the acquisition of lands to enable the Connswater Community Greenway Programme to proceed.  The Council will secure rights over the land needed for the Greenway and shall be responsible for the management and maintenance of this land and any assets on the land.  The Greenway must be accessible for 40 years to comply with the Big Lottery Fund letter of offer, although the intention is to secure rights for longer if possible.


2          Key Issues


2.1       The Committee is reminded that at its meeting on the 18th June 2010 it approved the purchase of the area for the Greenway. The owners of the Laburnum Site, CBM Developments Limited subsequently approached Council officials with a view to changing the route of the Greenway to minimise the impact on the future development potential of Laburnum Playing Fields.



2.2       In addition, the route of the CCG adjacent to the British Legion site off Montgomery Rd has proven difficult to agree and there is little scope for an alternative route at this location. After much negotiation with the British Legion it has been agreed that the CCG will be constructed over the Loop River.  The S&PR Committee approved the acquisition of half the bed of the Loop River at this location from Fiona Thompson on the 15th April 2011 and the acquisition of the other half bed of the Loop River at this location from the British Legion on the 17th June 2011. Council officials have now agreed, subject to Committee approval, to acquire a compensatory strip of land from the Belfast Metropolitan College and transfer it to the British Legion at no cost to the British Legion. This arrangement is vital to allow the construction of the Connswater Community Greenway at this location, without the additional land the British Legion could not rebuild their club premises on the site without compromising the position of the Connswater Community Greenway. The transfer will be initially by way of land access agreement until such times as the purchase from the Metropolitan College as outlined below has been completed.


2.3       The area of land consisting of 0.501 acres has been identified as being required in part for the construction of the Connswater Community Greenway and otherwise to provide the British Legion with a compensatory strip to allow redevelopment of their site as outlined above. Council officials have agreed to acquire the land outlined red on the plan attached from the Belfast Metropolitan college for £9000.


3    Resource Implications


3.1       There are no additional resources required for the proposed acquisition from CBM Developments Ltd.


3.2       The transfer of the land and the grant of the temporary Land Access Agreement will be at no cost to the British Legion.


3.3       The proposal to acquire the land from the Belfast Metropolitan College requires expenditure of £9000 plus reasonable legal fees.


3.4       Human Resources


            Staff resources required from Estates Management Unit and Legal Services to complete the acquisition from CBM Developments Ltd and the Belfast Metropolitan College and the disposal to the British Legion.

3.5       Asset and Other Implications


            The additional land will form part of the Connswater Community Greenway which when complete will be managed and maintained by the Council.


4    Equality and Good Relations Implications


4.1       The Connswater Community Greenway will have a positive impact in terms of equality of opportunity and good relations.


5    Recommendations


5.1       It is recommended that the Committee approve the change in route for the Connswater Community Greenway;


5.2       It is recommended that the Committee grant approval to the transfer and the temporary Land Access Agreement to the British Legion; and.


5.3       It is recommended that the Committee grant approval for the Council to purchase the land for £9000.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.



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