Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0       Relevant Background Information


1.1       In June 2012 the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee agreed that a business case should be brought back regarding the use of iPads by Members. This report demonstrates both the efficiencies that can be achieved through the use of iPads by Members and the opportunities they provide for alternative forms of citizen engagement. This paper also considers the implementation issues associated with an iPad roll out drawing on the experience of local authorities where iPads have already been introduced.


2.0       Key Issues


2.1       The table below summarises the costs and savings relating to the introduction of iPads over a three year period. From the table below it can be seen that the net savings over a three year period would be £178,300.




2.2       The initial cost of purchasing 64 iPads (32GB and suitable suite of software, detail of which have been circulated, will be £32,300.) A recurring monthly charge of £12.77 will be incurred per device for the 3G connection which will provide 3GB of data per month equalling a further cost of £9,800 per year.




2.3       Internal Printing – the Council spends approximately £36,000 annually on printing Committee Books and Council Minutes. If Members decide to use the iPad to access these documents then savings in printing materials would amount to £30,000. This would allow for a small number of Committee Books and Council Minutes books still to be printed.


2.4       External Printing - the reduction in time spent by Reprographics printing these internal documents would enable print jobs currently being done externally to be handled internally by Reprographics.  Taking into account the materials and resources required for these jobs it is calculated that up to £50,000 could be saved annually.

Costs and Savings for use iPads


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3












Procurement of iPads





Running Costs





Total Cost










Internal Printing





External Printing





Total Savings





Net Savings






Additional Benefits


2.5       In addition to the financial savings there are also benefits in terms of improved communication through the use of mobile emailing, video calls, social networking and instant access to online information, such as websites and electronic documents.


2.6       One of the key benefits outlined by councils that have already implemented iPads is the opportunity for Members to engage more effectively with citizens. It is proposed that the Council trials a new application called ‘My Council Services’ as part of the iPad roll out, if agreed.


            Implementation Issues


            Training and support for members


2.7       Should the provision of iPads be agreed, it is important that members receive the necessary training and support in order to get the most out of the technology.  Based on feedback from other councils who have embarked upon similar initiatives it appears that a range of training and support mechanisms work best. ISB and Democratic Services will put together a training and support programme for members which will aim to cater for both new and existing users of mobile technology as well as cater for the varying time commitment of members.


2.8       It is proposed that a demo of the iPad will be provided for all Members in early October to allow individuals to make an informed choice as to whether they want to avail of the new technology or not.


2.9       Robustness and reliability of technology


            It is important that Members are confident in the technology. Measures have been put in place to help ensure the consistent delivery of the technology including access to an enhanced internal secure wireless network within the City Hall. If Members agree to the use of iPads for Committee and Council meetings, it is proposed that a dual system of paper and iPads is introduced in November and is used up until the end of March 2013. This will allow sufficient time to ensure that all potential risks have been identified and solutions are fully tested.


            Terms of Use


2.10     It is important to note that iPad users will be required to sign a ‘Terms of Use’ document before they receive the iPad, a copy of which has been circulated.


3.0       Resource Implications


3.1       The provision of iPads and the associated software as outlined will result in a potential overall average saving of £178,300 over a three year period.


4.0       Recommendations


            Members are requested to agree:


1.   to the provision of iPads and associated software to Members;


2.   to the ‘Terms of Use’ for the allocation of  iPads;


3.   that ISB schedule a program of procurement, training and distribution of iPads to Members in October and provide a demo of the technology in early October; and


4.   to provide  a dual system of paper reports and iPads running from November 2012 to  the end of March 2013.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.

Supporting documents: