Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      At its meeting on 3rd September, 2007, the Council passed the following resolution in response to a Notice of Motion by (then) Councillor Patterson:


      ‘This Council acknowledges the tremendous support and sacrifice made by Her Majesties Forces during thirty-five years of conflict in Northern Ireland.  Operation Banner was the longest running campaign in military history, a campaign which saw the loss of many lives.  Peace in Northern Ireland came at a heavy price but without the selfless dedication and commitment of the British Army, Ulster Defence Regiment, Royal Irish Regiment and the Royal Ulster Constabulary/Police Service of Northern Ireland this great City and, indeed, the entire Province would have found itself in a state of civil war.  The Council welcomes the ending of Operation Banner but must be ever mindful of the ultimate sacrifice many had to pay for peace.  The Council agrees to construct a fitting memorial to the Servicemen and women who helped to maintain peace and law and order during the duration of Operation Banner.’


      No action was taken at that time as the Council was preparing to decant from the City Hall. At its meeting on 24 April 2009 the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee referred this to the (then) Memorabilia Working Group to be considered as part of the overall review of memorabilia and there was a suggestion at the meeting that the memorial might take the form of a stained glass window.


      A report was submitted to the Memorabilia Working Group on 29 May 2009 which noted that there were already 3 stained glass windows in the City Hall dedicated to various arms of the forces – including the UDR, the British Army and the RUC/George Cross. The Working Group agreed, on that occasion, that the memorial should be located in the City Hall grounds, preferably in the Garden of Remembrance and made several suggestions, including a bench with a suitable memorial plaque, tree planting etc.


      The Memorabilia Working Group considered a further report with a range of options and costs at its meeting on 14 August 2009.  These options included the planting of semi-mature trees, a bespoke granite seat and a memorial bronze statue. The Memorabilia Working Group Members discussed these options at various meetings in 2009 and 2010 but no decisions were made; Party Groups were to consider the issue and report back their views but no agreement was reached regarding what form the memorial should take or an associated budget.


      Members may wish to note that in the interim, a 19 feet high bronze statue in memory of the Ulster Defence Regiment was unveiled in the centre of Lisburn in June 2011.  It was funded entirely by the UDR Memorial Trust and was intended to be a regional/Northern Ireland wide memorial.


Key Issues


      At the meeting of the Joint Diversity Working Group on 29 June 2012, the issue was considered again and the Members requested updated costs for a number of options, including the alteration of the existing UDR window and additional features provided within the Garden of Remembrance.  These are set out below in ascending order of cost:




Approximate cost


Existing UDR window to be modified to include the ‘Conspicuous Gallantry’ Cross awarded by HM The Queen on 6 October 2006 for their work ‘during Operation Banner’ and an interpretative brass plaque to be placed alongside the window


(Window = £1,000; internal plaque = £800)


A granite bench and four semi-mature trees (one for each decade of Operation Banner) with a dedication plaque on one planter, located in the Garden of Remembrance


(Bench = £2,220; planters + trees = £17,900; external plaque = £5,000)


An external bronze memorial on a Portland stone plinth



      The Joint Group discussed the matter and recommended that these 3 options should be forwarded to SP&R Committee for their consideration.

Resource Implications


      Costs within the limits outlined above could be met within existing budgets.


Equality Implications


      None.  This proposal is within the context of broader programme of work on diversity which seeks to promote good relations and support the positive expression of the diversity of heritage, culture and identities in the city.


Decision required


      The Committee is requested to consider the options presented.”


            After discussion, the Committee agreed that the consultation exercise be time-bound and that the report on the matter be submitted to the Committee’s meeting scheduled to be held on 19th October.

Supporting documents: