Agenda item


            (Councillor Attwood left the meeting whilst this item was under discussion.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0Relevant Background Information


1.1The Local Investment Fund (LIF) has been developed to support the delivery of key regeneration projects in neighbourhoods and also as a means for Members to connect with local communities, in preparation for their formal role in community planning under RPA.


2.0Key Issues          


2.1AWG Recommendations on LIF proposals


      At the most recent round of AWG meetings, officers updated Members on the external meetings they have facilitated on the LIF proposals. In accordance with Council procedures, individual Members declared any conflicts of interest and this was noted in the minutes of the AWG. Members are asked to note that only the West, North and Shankill AWGs have met in time for the preparation of this report and put forward project recommendations.


      On the basis of the information presented, the West, North and Shankill AWGs have made the following recommendations for the consideration of the Committee:



Ref No.

Up to £

AWG Comments


Colin Glen  Forest Park



Subject to match funding being obtained within 12months



Agreed that this would be passed to Parks & Leisure for consideration under its capital programme.  The AWG is arranging a site visit to the Suffolk area for consideration of a number of potential projects

WEST sub-total





Midland Boxing Club



All are subject to match funding being obtained within 12 months

Macrory Hall



Cliftonville Community Economic Development



NORTH sub-total





Highfield/Springmartin floodlit astroturf sports facility



In principle subject to discussions with DSD for additional funding

SHANKILL sub-total





All of the above have been assessed against the prioritization matrix and the summary is contained in appendix 1. It is recommended that Committee approves the above projects subject to confirmation of costs, clarification of legal issues, sustainability etc.


      Total LIF Commitment to date


2.243 LIF projects have been approved in principle by SP&R Committee at its meetings in June, August and September. At September the amount that had been committed in principle was £3,359,893.40. This was subject to confirmation of detailed costings and sustainability as well as seeking authority from the relevant Committees on leasing arrangements.



Total LIF allocation

Agreed in principle SP&R June

Agreed in principle  – SP&R Aug

Agreed  in principle  – SP&R Sept

Total agreed in principle (as at October Council)

Add. Proposals (Para 2.1)

Amount remaining**









































Sub total















**Assuming the above projects at 2.1 are approved by Committee and ratified at Council.


      Feasibility Fund


2.3The SP&R Committee, at its meeting on 22nd June, approved the establishment of a Feasibility Fund up to the value of £500,000.  The Fund is intended to be used to move projects to a stage where Members can make decisions regarding future financing.  This work may involve the preparation of


2.4The following projects have been recommended for progressing to feasibility -


NORTH AWG  - Projects proposed for Feasibility Funding

Project Ref

AWG Recommendations

NLIF010 – New Sunningdale Community Centre

Feasibility study

NLIF057- Ardoyne Holy Cross Boxing Club

Feasibility study

NLIF032 – Finlay Park Community Centre

NLIF033 – Fairyknowles Play Park

NLIF058 – Community Hall – St. Ninian’s

To be combined as one Feasibility Study

NLIF027 – Sailortown Forum – St. Josephs Church

NLIF028 – Sailortown Regeneration

To be combined as one Feasibility Study

NLIF016 – Play Park at Gray’s Lane

Feasibility study


SHANKILL AWG  - Projects proposed for Feasibility Funding

Project Ref

AWG Recommendations /comments

ShLIF022 – Welcome Church Community facility

Feasibility study


The other AWG’s will recommend Feasibility fund proposals in November as agreed at Committee in September. 


2.5As outlined to Committee at its meeting on 21st September, any feasibility work undertaken will be commissioned and procured by Council through the Project Management Unit ‘Call-Off’ contracts. If the above projects are agreed, Council officers will progress these to the next stage.


      Update on Area Working Group Workshops


2.6At its meeting on 22 June, SP&R Committee agreed to a series of workshops examining the role of Members in place-shaping and community engagement, in the context of the LIF, as well as the wider context of community planning.


2.7The first round of these workshops, which were facilitated by Jon Huish, took place during the last week of August and the first week of September. The objective of the initial workshops was to develop a shared understanding the local area, its assets, issues and existing investments. A joint workshop, to which all Members were invited, was then held on 24th September.  This workshop explored best practice around place-shaping and started to identify the capacity and processes needed to undertake effective community engagement.


2.8The dates for the next series of workshops, which will be focused on identifying a vision for change for each area and agreeing area specific outcomes, are currently being finalised and Members will be notified by Democratic Services when these have been agreed.




3.0       Equality Implications


      The overall programme of LIF investments will be screened at regular intervals to ensure that the Council is fulfilling its obligations as part of the Equality Scheme, as well as ensuring that it is in line with the Investment Programme’s underpinning principles related to good relations and balanced investment.


4.0Resource Implications


      Human: Resources are currently being allocated to individual projects.


      Financial: As outlined in para 2.2 above

      Assets: Further work to be completed.  Will be presented to Committee for agreement in due course.    




      It is recommended that Committee:


1.     endorse the North, West and Shankill AWG project recommendations in paragraph 2.1

2.     note the current remaining levels of LIF allocation as set out in paragraph 2.2

3.     endorse the North and Shankill AWG Feasibility Fund recommendations as set out in paragraph 2.4

4.     note the update on the ongoing Area Working Group workshops.”      


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.



Supporting documents: