Agenda item


            The Director of Finance and Resources submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“1.0    Relevant Background Information 


1.1    The Executive has published revised guidance on the implementation of the programme in June 2012.  It outlines that:


‘The aim of the programme is to reduce poverty, unemployment and physical deterioration through strategic areas based interventions of significant scale.  The fund will encourage communities, statutory agencies, business and local political representatives to work together in a co-ordinated way, reducing duplication, sharing best practice and enhancing existing provision for the benefits of those communities most in need.’

         A total funding of £80m (£40m for programmes and £40m in respect of capital programmes) will be provided during the life of the programme to end in March 2015.


1.2    The 4 strategic objectives of the Fund are:


­   Build Pathways to Employment by tackling educational under achievement and barriers to employment; tackling skills deficits and promoting jobs brokerage, widening access to the labour market, promoting business start up and increasing sustainability through social enterprise;


­   Tackling the systemic issues linked to deprivation including poor mental and physical health, young unsupported parents, substance abuse, children and young people at risk, and enhancing community capacity, confidence and partnership working to help reduce deprivation;


­   Increase community physical resources – by regenerating and refurbishing existing facilities and providing play facilities and environmental improvements.


­   Address dereliction – and promoting investment in the physical regeneration of deprived areas.


1.3    The Steering Group within each zone will be tasked with managing the design, delivery and development of an Area Plan.  OFMDFM has defined the criteria for allocating resources as:


­      Areas within the top 10% most deprived super output areas on the Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010;


­      Areas within the top 20% most deprived Super Output Areas on the key domains of income, employment, education and health;


­      Areas with independently verified and robust evidence of objective need which can include data at Census Output Area level.


2.0    Key Issues


2.1    Zones


         The membership of each Steering Group has now been published.  The membership of all Belfast groups is attached. 

         There is a Belfast Councillor on each Steering Group and will be a useful opportunity for Members to strategically align the work of the Council, including the Area Working Groups, to inform and influence the emerging Zone action plans.


         Twinbrook and Lagmore are the only 2 areas which are set to transfer to Belfast under the new local government boundaries which are not included in the Belfast zones.  They are zoned within South East zone.  It will be important to ensure that the Council has sight of their plans.


2.2    Workshop – 17/18 October


         OFMDFM convened an introductory workshop for all the Steering Groups.  The workshop was an opportunity for members to come together to discuss the area planning process, outline the role of Steering Groups and identify priorities for a work plan. 


2.3    Steering Group


         There will be up to 14 people per Steering Group:


   Political x 4 representatives (Political parties, in proportion determined by D’Hondt, nominated MLAs, councillors or non-elected reps)


   Statutory x 4 representatives (senior level with authority to make decisions)


   Voluntary and Community x 4 reps (Applications from the voluntary and community sector)


   Business x 2 representatives (Key business organisations to nominate reps.)


         The Council is currently the only named statutory representative on each group.  In addition to this, a group of ‘floating’ statutory reps will be established.  They will be called to join Steering Groups on the basis of the focus of the emerging action plan.


         There is an ongoing process to identify the business representatives. 


2.4    Working with neighbouring Councils


         Consequent to the decision of Committee at its meeting on 7 September, it has been agreed with Castlereagh Borough Council that the Belfast City Council nominees for the Belfast South and Belfast East zones will rotate with the Castlereagh representative.

         In the interests of inclusiveness, all Castlereagh and Belfast officers were invited to attend the Steering Groups’ induction workshop and they will rotate thereafter. 


         Regarding a sub-group to support the effective co-ordination and communication between the Councils, officers are developing the terms of reference for this group and will present this to Committee in due course for their consideration. 


2.5    Technical assistance


         OFMDFM completed a tender exercise to identify service contractors to assist the Steering Groups in each zone in developing strategic area plans. These have now been appointed and will attend the workshop also.  Copius Consulting has been confirmed has supporting consultant for all 4 areas of Belfast.


3.0    Resource Implications


         Financial: none

         Human: officer time

         Assets: none at present


4.0    Equality Implications


         OFMDFM is responsible for screening the Steering Group action plans.


5.0    Recommendations


5.1    Members are asked to note the above information.”


            After discussion, during which the Chief Executive undertook to convene a meeting of the Council’s representatives on the Steering Groups and the Party Group Leaders in order to ascertain the Council’s position and way forward in relation to the Social Investment Fund, the Committee noted the contents of the report.


Supporting documents: