Agenda item


            (Ms. D. Wheatley, Consultant, attended in connection with these items.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information



      The Committee will recall that, at its meeting on 18 May 2012, it considered and authorised the issue of two draft Equality Impact Assessment reports (EQIAs) on ‘Belfast City Hall: Promoting a Good and Harmonious Environment’ and the ‘Flying of the Union Flag’  for a period of public consultation. The draft reports set out the evidence gathered for each EQIA at that stage and preliminary conclusions.  The public consultation period ran for a 16 week period from 11 June – 1 October and allowed for an additional 4 weeks over the holiday period.


      The EQIAs and the related consultation process, including the design of the associated questionnaires, were undertaken in accordance with the advice of the Equality Commission and best practice regarding survey methodology.


Key Issues


      Information regarding the EQIAs was circulated widely, not only to Equality Scheme consultees, but to encourage members of the public to submit their views.  A variety of methods used included information on the Council’s website, a press release, a public advertisement and an article in the September edition of City Matters.   Questionnaires related to each of the 2 EQIAs were available to facilitate the process but respondents were advised that they could make their comments in any format.


      The views of the Council’s own employees were also sought as part of the EQIA process, since three Council buildings were affected by the policies.  This staff survey was well advertised internally and both an on-line survey and a hard copy questionnaire were available.  Arrangements were also made for the 1000 (approx.) front line staff who do not normally have access to a PC to have an opportunity to submit a response.  All employees were assured of confidentiality.


Analysis of consultation responses


      At the close of consultation on 1 October over 2,200 responses were received to both EQIAs, plus a petition of over 14,000 names.  The responses came in a wide variety of formats – i.e. on-line questionnaires, e-mails, hard copy letters and a petition.


      To ensure that all views expressed were considered appropriately, the responses were analysed by an independent external consultant with a good track record in survey methodology to ensure impartiality and a professional input.


      The consultants have assessed the range of varying views received and the potential differential impacts of the various options considered and have incorporated the findings from the consultation into the EQIA Final Decision Reports.


Joint Diversity Group


      The Joint Diversity Group of the Party Group Leaders’ Forum and Centenaries Working Group considered the EQIA Final Decision Reports at their meeting on Friday 16 November 2012.  The Consultants who had completed the EQIAs were in attendance and made short presentations on their findings.   The Joint Diversity Group made the following decisions in respect of each EQIA:


Belfast City Hall: Promoting a Good and Harmonious Environment


      In relation to this EQIA, the Joint Group agreed to re-affirm the principles contained within the Final Decision Report.  The Joint Group also acknowledged that the development of a properly resourced action plan was the next critical step in the process.


      Flying of the Union Flag


      In relation to this EQIA, the Joint Group agreed that the Final Decision Report plus Appendices should be submitted to the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee for its consideration of the various options.


      Recommendations/Decision required


Belfast City Hall: Promoting a Good and Harmonious Environment


      The Committee is requested to approve the recommendations within the EQIA.


      The Committee is requested to grant approval to proceed to draw up an appropriate Action Plan with associated budget in order to progress the work envisaged.


      Flying of the Union Flag


      The various options are listed at Section 7.30 – 7.35 of the Consultant’s Report.


      It may be helpful if the Committee wished to consider the position at the Duncrue Complex and the Ulster Hall separately from the position at the City Hall.


      In relation to the position at the City Hall, the EQIA Report has concluded that ‘it would appear that the policy options which best promote good relations are – in descending order of effectiveness:

·        Designated flag days only

·        Designated flag days plus specified additional days

·        No flag or a neutral flag

·        Two flags.’


      Accordingly, the Committee’s views in relation to these options are requested.”



            Belfast City Hall: Promoting a Good and

            Harmonious Environment


            The Committee approved the recommendations, a copy of which is set out hereunder, contained within the Equality Impact Assessment, in relation to promoting a good and harmonious environment in the Belfast City Hall:



“1       Existing artefacts other than statues should be removed from the main reception areas (i.e. the Marble Hall and Rotunda) and repositioned in alternative  contexts so as not to detract attention from the impressive grandeur of the building itself.


2       The Council should be encouraged to seek expert advice on how its existing collection can be presented most effectively for those visiting the City Hall and its grounds. This should extend to specific advice on the preservation of individual items.


3       It is recommended that those parts of the building that are routinely visited by the public, including thoroughfares, corridors and designated display areas, should continue to portray the story of Belfast through the appropriate display of artefacts and memorabilia.


4       The Council will continue to work with those skilled in interpretive design to develop appropriate narratives in those parts of the building that are frequented by visitors and tours, including thoroughfares, corridors and designated display areas.


5       The Council shall continue to liaise with local communities to facilitate the provision and management of temporary exhibitions in the City Hall and its grounds, and to ensure that these exhibitions are deemed appropriate.


6       Any signage and accompanying information throughout the City Hall and its grounds must aspire reasonably to accommodate those who may not be able to access written English.


7       In designated work areas (e.g. staff offices, kitchens), further to the Fair Employment and Treatment Order 1998, an obligation should fall on the Council to provide an environment where ‘no worker feels threatened or intimidated on grounds of religious belief and/or political opinion’; the display of materials more closely associated with one community than another should be avoided in these designated work areas.


8       In designated political party rooms, it is recommended that responsibility should continue to rest with each political party to provide and manage what they regard as a good and harmonious environment within that space.


9       Where a Council employee may have concerns about working in an environment containing certain displays that he or she regards as likely to disrupt a good and harmonious working environment, then the Council will aspire to accommodate these concerns through an examination of his or her duties, on a case-by-case basis.


10     In public function rooms, and including the Registrar’s Offices, it is recommended that the Council should continue to ensure that these environments are maintained in a welcoming manner that is not likely to cause offence to those attending functions from any section of the community.


11     Displays in the Lord Mayor’s Parlour shall continue to be managed by the incumbent Lord Mayor in a reasonable manner that accommodates not only his or her freedom of expression of political opinion but also is mindful of the identities of those visiting that room.


12     The Council will continue to liaise with those organisations hosting functions and events to ensure that any temporary displays are not likely to disrupt a good and harmonious environment, and are in keeping with the function in question.


13     Where a Council employee may have concerns about working at a function associated with certain temporary displays that he or she regards as likely to disrupt a good and harmonious working environment, then the Council will aspire to accommodate these concerns through an examination of his or her duties, on a case-by-case basis.


14     The Council Chamber should be preserved in its present form.”

            Policy on the Flying of the Union Flag


            The Committee agreed that the decisions on the question of the Flying of the Union Flag at Council-owned properties be by means of a recorded vote.


            Duncrue Complex and the Ulster Hall


            Moved by Councillor Attwood,

            Seconded by Councillor McVeigh,


      That the Committee agrees to amend its current policy in relation to the Flying of the Union Flag on Council-owned properties and accordingly that no flags be flown on neither the Ulster Hall nor the Duncrue Complex.


            A poll having been taken, there voted for it thirteen Members and against it seven Members and it was declared carried:


For 13


Councillors Hargey, Attwood, Convery, Corr, Hanna, Hendron, Jones, Lavery, Maskey, McCarthy, McVeigh, Mac Giolla Mhín, Ó Muilleoir.

Against 7


Aldermen Browne, M. Campbell,

R. Newton.

Councillors Haire, McKee, A. Newton, Reynolds.


            Flying of the Union Flag at the Belfast City Hall


            Moved by Councillor Attwood,

            Seconded by Councillor McVeigh,


      That the Committee agrees to amend the current policy in relation to the Flying of the Union Flag on Council-owned properties and that no flags be flown on the City Hall.




            Moved by Councillor Hendron,

            Seconded by Councillor Jones,


      That the Council’s policy in relation to the Flying of the Union Flag at Council-owned properties be amended to provide that the Union Flag be flown on the City Hall on Designated Flag Days only.


            A poll having been taken on the amendment, there voted for it two Members and against it eighteen Members and it was declared lost:



For 2


Councillors Hendron, Jones


Against 18


Aldermen M. Campbell, Browne, R. Newton.

Councillors Hargey, Attwood, Convery, Corr, Haire, Hanna, Lavery, Maskey, McKee, McCarthy, McVeigh, Mac Giolla Mhín, Ó Muilleoir, A. Newton, Reynolds.


Further Amendment


            Moved by Councillor McKee,

            Seconded by Alderman M. Campbell,


      That no change be made to the policy regarding the Flying of the Union Flag on the City Hall.


            A poll having been taken on the further amendment, there voted for it seven Members and against it thirteen Members and it was declared lost:


For 7


Aldermen Browne, M. Campbell, R. Newton.

Councillors Haire, McKee, A. Newton, Reynolds.

Against 13


Councillors Hargey, Attwood, Convery, Corr, Hanna, Hendron, Jones, Lavery, Maskey, McCarthy, McVeigh, Mac Giolla Mhín, Ó Muilleoir.


Original Proposal


            The original proposal standing in the name of Councillor Attwood and seconded by Councillor McVeigh was thereupon put to the meeting, that is, that the Committee agrees to amend the current policy in relation to the Flying of the Union Flag on Council-owned properties and that no flags be flown on the City Hall.


            A poll having been taken on the proposal, there voted for it eleven Members and against it nine Members and it was accordingly declared carried.


For 11


Councillors Hargey, Attwood, Convery, Corr, Hanna, Lavery, Maskey, McCarthy, McVeigh, Mac Giolla Mhín, Ó Muilleoir.

Against 9


Aldermen Browne, M. Campbell, R. Newton.

Councillors Haire, Hendron, Jones, McKee, A. Newton, Reynolds.




Supporting documents: