Agenda item


(Mrs S Toland, Head of Environmental Health, attended into connection with this item.)


            The Head of Environmental Health reminded Members that, in 2001, the Northern Ireland Executive had endorsed a Better Regulation Strategy which aimed to reduce the regulatory burdens on businesses, and, in so doing, to encourage and assist the competiveness and growth of Northern Ireland businesses.  To date the Strategy had focused only on the central Northern Ireland Government Departments and had not included the work of local authorities.


            She pointed out that, despite not being included, the Council had recognised the potential for the “Better Regulation Strategy” to help improve public protection in a way that was fair and encouraged economic progress.  Council Officers had met regularly with representatives from the Department of Energy, Trade and Investment and other Government Departments to discuss Better Regulation and the Council had been working to ensure the principles of Better Regulation were applied to all its enforcement and regulatory approaches.  


            The Head of Environmental Health explained that key decisions taken to date by the Council in support of Better Regulation included:


·         Formally adopting “The Enforcement Concordat” in 2003 and subsequently using its principles of good enforcement as the blue print for all the Council’s enforcement policies thereafter;


·         In February, 2009 agreeing, in principle, to the adoption of the “Statement of Intent” between Northern Ireland Councils, the Department of Energy, Trade and Investment and the Local Better Regulation Office.  The agreement established the Council’s intentions to have regard to the principles of better regulation, Local Better Regulation Office guidance and to comply with the standards of the Regulators Compliance Code; and


·         In December, 2011 the Council agreed its Regulation and Enforcement Policy formally adopting the principles of Better Regulation and aiming to ensure all its regulatory actions are proportionate, accountable, consistent, transparent and targeted.


Following a review of the Northern Ireland Executive’s “Better Regulation Strategy” in 2009/2010 it was proposed that the strategy should be extended to cover the regulatory and enforcement work of local authorities.  That reflected the significant regulatory responsibilities of councils, particularly in the areas of environmental health, building control and business licensing.  Subsequently, earlier in the year, Arlene Foster, MLA, Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, had written to each Council in Northern Ireland to seek formal agreement to extend the scope of the Northern Ireland Better Regulation Strategy to include all of Northern Ireland’s local authorities. 


            As the Council had consistently worked to ensure the principles of Better Regulation were applied to all its regulatory activities, that was not seen as something new but rather a formalisation of its existing approach.  It was, therefore, not envisaged that including local authorities within the strategy would impose an additional resource demand on the Council or its services.


            The Head of Environmental Health explained that specifically including the work of local authorities within the strategy was seen as an important step in recognising the important work Councils did in protecting citizens and supporting businesses.  It was hoped that it would help build on the existing relationships and further improve collaboration with government departments, other regulators and stakeholders.  Better regulation continued to help encourage business growth and competitiveness and support the Council’s Investment Program.


            The Committee agreed to:


(i) Recommend that the Council formally agree that the scope of the Northern Ireland Better Regulation Strategy should be extended to        include all of Northern Irelands local authorities; and


(ii) That the Lord Mayor write to Arlene Foster MLA, Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to confirm its decision.



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