Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:



“1     Relevant Background Information


1.1    Under the Investment Programme Implementation Plan, agreed by Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in June 2012, it was agreed that a project would be initiated to enable the re-development of the leisure estate.  Deloitte were appointed by the Council to assist in undertaking research to develop options. There is a separate report on this review at Committee this month.


1.2    The significant investment by DCAL, IFA and GAA into the stadium developments at Casement Park and Windsor Park fits with the review of the leisure estate and presents  major strategic opportunities for the Council to begin a transformation plan for the  estate.


1.3    The NI Executive has committed significant investment towards local sports facilities including £25.2m to the IFA for the redevelopment of Windsor Park and £61.4m to the GAA for the redevelopment of Casement Park, which is further supported by other funding.   Appointment of a contractor for Windsor Park is planned for July 2013 and for Casement Park by September 2013.


1.4    Recent public consultation by IFA and GAA on the stadia designs and feedback from members highlighted interest in potential synergy with the council’s assets in proximity, in particular:


·        Windsor Park – Olympia Leisure Centre/Community Centre, Boucher Road Playing Fields, and

·        Casement Park – Andersonstown Leisure Centre.


1.5    On 14 June 2012 the Parks & Leisure Committee received a report on these stadia developments and was updated on a report by Deloitte commissioned by the Council on potential added value and regeneration impact.


1.6    On 22 June 2012 the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee received a report on both stadia.  Committee gave approval in principle for:


·        an access for construction traffic at Windsor Park;

·        a feasibility study on Windsor/Olympia/Midgley; and

·        consideration of  the future development of leisure facilities at Andersonstown in the context of the wider strategic review of leisure.


1.7    At a special meeting of the Parks & Leisure Committee on 12 November 2012 the IFA provided a presentation on the Windsor Park development.


1.8    On 14 December 2012, the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee received a stadia update and agreed that:

·        A further report and timetable would be submitted to the committee in line with the leisure review report which was due in January;

·        GAA would be invited to make a presentation to Council on Casement Park;

·        Officers will continue working on a strategy with DCAL, IFA and GAA to ensure the greatest mutual benefit in terms of community gain from these projects and to report back in January in the context of the leisure review.


2       Key Issues


         Potential opportunities


2.1    The new stadia will impact on the entire city, however Members have emphasised their aspirations that the Council works to ensure enhancements for communities adjacent to both stadia. This is an opportunity to realise the potential socio-economic benefits and work towards an enhanced community provision.


2.2    The new iconic stadia are on an aggressive timeline for delivery.  There is a limited window of opportunity for the Council to take advantage of the potential regeneration opportunities arising from these massive projects.


2.3    DCAL has recently insisted that both major refurbishments demonstrate strong community benefits and has now approached the Council for support.  In anticipation of this, the Council has been working on potential options for the sites.  DCAL will need details of any inclusive Council regeneration and a decision on any agreed funding commitment for new centres and associated works by the end of May 2013.


2.4    DCAL’s Regional Stadium Programme requires the development of opportunities for the stadia to be a catalyst for change, sharing facilities with all of the local community and developing participation as integrated organisations.


2.5    In their report Deloitte recommend the following principles to inform future decisions regarding leisure provision:


·             Quality: Council leisure facilities should be fit for purpose, attractive and welcoming

·             Outcomes-focussed: Working with others to improve the health of the population

·             Balanced investment and accessibility: A hierarchy of provision within each quarter of the city, safe and well-connected

·             Partnership: Partnering and strategic opportunities will be actively explored and pursued

·             Affordability: A financial strategy for the renewal of the estate in the context of current capital financing requirements and the commitment, as part of the Investment Programme, to set the district rate at inflation or below for the next three years.  Financing will also need to include revenue savings generated from within the leisure budget.

·             Value for money: demonstrated through user numbers, health and well-being outcomes and financial metrics. 


2.6    Members will be aware that in 2011 Deloitte was commissioned by the Council to look at the potential  for wider regeneration impacts that might be achieved through the Stadia projects. This was shared at the time with the relevant Government departments and sports governing bodies. Due to government processes and the need for the IFA and GAA to meet delivery dates it is only now that DCAL, IFA, Linfield, GAA and DSD have all shown support for inclusive regeneration around the stadia.  DSD’s Belfast Regeneration Office has also recently approached the Council expressing an interest in partnership delivery through complementary public realm activity.


2.7    Discussions are underway with Invest NI and DCAL on the development of procurement opportunities for local companies in the supply chain management for DCAL’s three stadia projects. Associated with this, a paper on social benefit clauses within the stadia contracts and their impact will also be brought to the Development Committee in February regardless of a decision on our investment within the inclusive stadia strategies.


2.8    A paper will be brought to Development Committee next month updating Members regarding current and potential future community provision at Olympia Community Centre and surrounding area.


2.9    Potential opportunities for the Council could include:


·        Delivery of a range of potential social and economic benefits for the surrounding communities and the city as a whole;

·        Addressing three council facilities nearing the end of their economically useful life namely Olympia Leisure and Community Centre which is 30 years old and Andersonstown Leisure Centre which is 33 years old;

·        Facilitating a new prominent boulevard style entrance to the new stadium at Windsor Park providing a more welcoming and visually pleasing entrance from Boucher Road;

·        Possible enhanced access to community services through relocation of Olympia Community Centre to a more appropriate location closer to the community;

·        The potential creation of a modern ‘sports village’ at Windsor Park/Olympia through integrated leisure facilities available to the public within the new stadium;

·        Integration of a number of public leisure facilities within the new Casement Park stadium;

·        The possibility to consider the enhancement of the Andersonstown leisure offering;

·        Exploring options to reconfigure the pitch at Midgley Park to enhance stadium access, subject to agreement with Linfield;

·        Creating the potential to free up land for valuable commercial opportunities on both Boucher Road and Andersonstown Road, this could potentially include possibilities such as a new hotel or retail space- subject to planning.


         Consultation to date


2.10  Clearly the views of the local communities need to be taken into account when developing and considering options for both sites.  The IFA and GAA held public consultations in October and November 2012 on the stadium developments.  IFA report that no objections were raised to Windsor Park’s proposed design, but there were concerns over the construction phase and the management of events.  The planning application has since been lodged and highlights a ‘construction charter’ and an ‘event management plan’ which aim to address these issues.  The SP&R Committee has already agreed that a special meeting  be arranged for GAA to present their progress on Casement Park to Members.


2.11  Members will note from the timetable attached at appendix 2 that time has been allowed for the Council to carry out public consultation around proposals for both sites starting in February





2.12  As per Committee direction, progression of options for the two Council assets is ongoing as Phase 1 of the emerging Leisure Review.  Work on Windsor Park / Olympia is more developed at present due to the advancement of the stadium’s planning application process and the proximity of Council property.


2.13  Windsor Park / Olympia


·        The council commissioned Hamilton Architects, who are also architects for the stadium, to carry out a feasibility study on a range of options that would allow for a more integrated approach and improved access. Options range from simply providing an enhanced pedestrian access to the side of the existing leisure centre, through to an integrated sports village concept with new public leisure and community facilities within the west stand of the stadium. A copy of the initial options has been circulated.

·        In line with the emerging leisure estate principles (to be confirmed over the coming months), Options 1 and 2 would appear to be the best fit in terms of maximising socio-economic factors and outcomes, including good quality facilities and social benefits.

·        In order to meet Members’ aspirations in terms of maximising opportunities, an economic appraisal is being commissioned to provide further analysis of the options in the context of their technical, planning and cost implications and socio-economic impact.

·        Departments are working to identify the appropriate recommendation to be brought to Committee regarding the Olympia community services facility. This may include retention at Olympia, relocation to an existing community facility elsewhere in the area, or a new facility.

·        Provision of play areas in the local area is a key consideration in the re-development of the area.  Preliminary discussions have been initiated to ensure that there are adequate and well-located play facilities in the immediate locality.

·        Officers are also working with stadia partners to identify specific requirements for a potential new leisure facility.

·        Discussion is ongoing with Linfield on options at Midgley Park in order to facilitate more comprehensive site planning and access.


2.14  Casement Park / Andersonstown


·        Concept sketches are being prepared by the stadium architects Consarc on potential layouts to incorporate dry leisure facilities within the stadium. Development of options and an economic appraisal will provide further analysis for Members, aligned with the work underway on Olympia.

·        Parks & Leisure department and Property & Projects are also working to identify requirements for a potential new leisure facility taking account of potential public leisure provision within the new Casement Park stadium.

·        Discussion is also to take place with local education and sports providers in and around Casement Park to ensure that the appropriate level of

·        Any commercial opportunities on the leisure centre site will also be identified alongside a planning appraisal.

·        This work on potential options for inclusive stadia regeneration is in line with ongoing discussions with Members on the Leisure Review.


      Proposed consultation


2.15  Attendees at the stadia consultations were interested in implications for adjacent Council venues. The Deloitte report on potential added value and regeneration impacts of the stadia highlighted that ‘the economic impact of the stadium projects on surrounding neighbourhoods is likely to be minimal without the Council utilising its civic leadership role to prioritise wider investment and to work with local communities to determine positive outcomes that will have long-term, sustainable effect.’  It will be important for the Council to engage with Members, staff and the public now that options are beginning to be developed further.


2.16  Council staff will meet Members to discuss these potential regeneration projects and this will continue into February/March 2013 alongside a period of public consultation. Options on the Windsor Park/Olympia site and initial concepts around Casement Park/Andersonstown will be displayed and wider opinion sought through an engagement process. This will involve public displays of potential options, local public consultations, stakeholder meetings and online feedback. A further period of consultation would be envisaged in April/May 2013 on more detailed proposals.





·        Members have stressed the urgency of this and it will require urgent decisions.

·        Members will play an important role in addressing community concerns in consultation.

·        The proposed timetable to develop options to the point of delivery is at Appendix 2, and the proposed process is at Appendix 3.

·        To ensure inclusive regeneration of council facilities can be undertaken in tandem with these major developments, it would be necessary to advise DCAL regarding any funding commitment from Belfast City Council prior to the anticipated appointment of contractors in May 2013.

·        A potential inclusive strategy is dependent on decisions regarding the future of Olympia Community Centre, the leisure requirements for Olympia and Andersonstown, land agreements with Linfield and arrangements with IFA and GAA on potential public use of the stadia.

·        Continuity of public service provision and human resource issues are both of paramount importance during any potential construction or relocation of services.

·        There are land valuations, legal and planning matters to be addressed, which will all feed into the economic appraisal process.

·        In order to fully realise the vision of Phase 1 of the Leisure Review, it is also necessary for Members to consider sufficient funding be in place for all the potential associated works and redevelopment of the lands adjacent to Windsor and the Andersonstown site.

·        When Council has received more detail on cost implications through an economic appraisal, the Director of Finance and Resources will be in a position to advise Members as to how this would be provided and the level of funding required.

·        To meet these timelines, it is envisaged that the Council will avail of the tendering and contracts overseen by DCAL to execute and deliver any work associated with the stadia, however this would be subject to CPD approval.  Additional Belfast City Council contracts would be required for any other works.

·        If Members are minded to approve in principle the redevelopment of both leisure centres, reports will be brought back following consultation, completion of economic appraisals, costing of options and consideration of risks.


3       Resource Implications 


3.1    Financial


         Unquantified at this stage but likely to involve significant financial investment.


3.2    Human Resources


         There will be significant staff resource requirements from relevant departments in order to develop each project in line with DCAL’s tight timeframe.


3.3    Potential staffing issues will be examined as part of the overall review of the leisure estate.  Any resultant HR issues will be managed in accordance with the Council’s processes, policies and procedures for dealing with HR matters and TU consultation.  


3.4    Asset and Other Implications


         Unknown at this stage, however comprehensive regeneration of the significant stadium developments should lead to improved services and benefits for the community and aesthetic improvements at Council sites.


4       Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1    It is envisaged that both inclusive regeneration stadium strategies progress in parallel, enabling a wider positive impact across the city.


4.2    The phases of the overall Leisure Estate Review will be subject to equality screening.  This will include the periodic screening of the stadia developments as part of phase 1 of the Leisure Estate Review to identify differential impacts and any mitigating actions required, in accordance with standard Council procedures.


5       Recommendations


5.1    Committee is asked:


i.       To note the potential for comprehensive regeneration at both sites through collaborative developments, and the wider social, physical and economic benefits possible through maximising the major DCAL investment, as a key element of Phase 1 of the Council’s Leisure review;


ii.      To approve in principle the redevelopment of both the Olympia Leisure Centre and Andersonstown Leisure Centres and associated assets to form Phase 1 of the citywide Leisure Review, which will allow progression to Stage 2 options appraisal as part of the capital programme;


iii.     To approve the proposed timetable (Appendix 2) and proposed process (a copy of which a has been circulated atAppendix 3) for concurrent development of options for both sites;


iv.     To note the proposed approach to public engagement on all options presented, and the progress made with external partners at both sites;


v.      To approve the progression of further analysis of Options 1 and 2, emerging from the feasibility study on Windsor Park / Olympia / Midgley Park by Hamilton Architects including options regarding the Olympia community facility;


vi.     To note the continuing development of initial concepts around Casement Park / Andersonstown by Consarc Design Group.


Appendix2: Inclusive stadiumredevelopments    DRAFT







Initial consultation with membersand internal departments on options for Windsor Park/ Olympiaand forCasementPark/ Andersonstown

25 January

Strategic Policy& Resources Committee


February / March


Publicconsultation periodincludingpublicmeeting(s)for Andersonstown site,details to beconfirmed,andpublic meeting(s) for Olympia site, detailsto be confirmed



Updateon Olympia Community Centre


Strategic Policy& Resources Committee(Special)

PresentationfromGAA on CasementParkstadium,all membersto be invited,details tobe confirmed

14 February

Parks & Leisure Committee

Updateon progress

22 February

Strategic Policy& Resources Committee

Updateon progress

14 March

Parks &Leisure Committee

Updateon progress

22 March

Strategic Policy& Resources Committee

Updateon progress

11 April

Parks & Leisure Committee

Updateon progress

19 April

Strategic Policy& Resources Committee



Engagement: Feedback topublic


DCAL advised of anyfunding decision

24 May

Strategic Policy& Resources Committee

Updateon progress

June- September

Progressiontotendering and contract stages


DCAL construction at WindsorParkscheduled


DCAL construction at Casement Parkscheduled

            The Committee adopted the recommendations.



Supporting documents: