Agenda item


            (Mr. E. Deeny, Head of Corporate Communications, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Head of Corporate Communications submitted for the Committee’s consideration a report outlining a draft Communications Plan in relation to the Investment Programme.  He reminded the Members that the Investment Programme had been launched in February, 2012 in the Belfast Waterfront Hall and at a number of smaller events throughout the community.  A short-term communications plan had been approved by the Committee, at its meeting on 18th May, 2012.  This had included recommendations for media coverage, website updates, internal communications and coverage in City Matters magazine for a range of projects and initiatives.  It had also outlined designs for ‘branding’ Investment Programme projects, particularly on temporary signs at construction sites.


            He explained that, one year into the Programme, it was important that communications around the Investment Programme were stepped up.  To that end it was vital that the Council:

·         developed overarching key messages about the Council’s work overall, as well as second tier messages dealing specifically with the progress of the Investment Programme;


·         developed a communications strategy and action plan of planned public relations activity and events;


·         developed individual communications plans for each major project; and


·         considered how the work of area working groups could be publicised.


            He pointed out that the starting point had to be a review of the published aims of the Investment Programme, which should be used as a benchmark to compare progress to date, with a view of having up-to-date information and lines to take in areas that were likely to be of most interest to the media including:


·         finances secured;


·         job, training and education opportunities;


·         projects completed/investment to date; and


·         major projects and the next twelve months, particularly in the areas of jobs created, finances secured, level of investment, projects completed or underway and those that would be progressed in the coming year.


            The Head of Corporate Communications reviewed the overarching key messages which needed to be continually highlighted in press material and in response to press queries, in major speeches, at the monthly Council meetings when the media were present, and in publications.  He reviewed also the key facts and figures regarding the commitments which had been made in relation to the physical investment, the investment in local economic growth, investment in people, communities and neighbourhoods and value-for-money.  In order to maintain interest and highlight the achievements of the Council, a draft Communications Plan had now been developed and he outlined the main points contained therein.


            After discussion, the Committee approved the draft Communications Plan for the Investment Programme and the template for quarterly updates to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.


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