Agenda item


            The Committee approved the Departmental Plans for the Chief Executive’s, Finance and Resources and Property and Projects Departments.  A copy of the key actions as detailed in the Plans for each of the Departments is set out here under:


Chief Executive’s


“2.0 Key actions for 2013/ 14


The Department’s key actions have been defined against the background of the value creation map. Each key task has a relationship with one or more of the themes described in the corporate VCM. Key performance indicators (KPIs) for the main outcomes expected are included at section 3. More comprehensive details of tasks, performance indicators and targets which contribute to the outcomes sought are contained in supporting service plans.


2.1    City Leadership


Review, update and support the delivery of the Investment Programme


We will support the year 3 update of the Council’s 2012 – 2015 Investment Programme, providing information on the achievements of the first two years of the programme and what is to be done in year 3. We will also provide communications, HR, policy, legal and

administrative support as required to help deliver the Investment Programme.


         Community Planning


To ensure Belfast is ready for the formal introduction of the duty of Community Planning in 2015, we will develop city and local area planning and engagement processes in collaboration with our community planning partners.


Legal advice


We will continue to provide ongoing legal advice on strategic city wide projects, for example Royal Exchange, University of Ulster campus, Sprucefield, Girdwood Community Hub and Waterfront Hall extension.


Good Relations Plan


We will continue to implement the Good Relations Plan for 2013 – 14 and plan the required actions for 2014 – 15.


Peace & Reconciliation Plan


We will oversee the implementation of Phase 2 of the Peace & Reconciliation Plan, including for example those projects centred on interfaces, bonfire management and the migrants forum.


Peace IV


We will engage with SEUPB in relation to the prospect of the Peace IV programme. City Hall memorabilia We will oversee the implementation of the programme of work resulting from the Equality Impact Assessment on the City Hall memorabilia and the development of an appropriate action plan.


Party Group Leaders and Diversity Group


We will provide support to the Party Group leaders and Diversity Group.


Statutory Transition Committee


Continue to support the work of the Voluntary Transition Committee and the new Statutory Transition Committee to prepare for the new Council in 2015.


Local government elections


         Prepare for the local elections to the Shadow Council in 2014.


New governance arrangements


Review the Council governance arrangements, including a review of Standing Orders, in the lead up to the Shadow Council year from June 2014.


Local Government Reform Legislative Programme (Internal)


Provide internal legal advice and guidance in preparation for local government reform.



Legislative Working Group (External)


Shape and inform the regional primary and subordinate legislative programme, ensuring that the best interests of local government and Belfast City Council are pursued.


Council constitution


Oversee the continuing development and review of the Council’s Constitution.


Member development


Contribute to the development of an overall Member training and development process in preparation for the return of additional functions and responsibilities to the Council under local government reform.


Member severance


Engage and inform policy development in relation to Member severance.


Policy support to local government reform programme


Provide policy support for agreed aspects of the local government reform programme.  Undertake policy development for Council following introduction of Local Government Reform Bill.


Regional HR advice for local government reform


Engage and provide strategic advice and support to the Local Government Reform Joint Forum and regional HR Working Group.


Regional legal advice for local government reform


Engage and provide strategic legal advice and support to the local government reform implementation structures.


2.2    Environment


Residual Waste Contract


Provide legal support and advice on the issues surrounding the Arc21 Residual Waste Contract and the Council’s Zero Waste Action Plan.


Sewer Baiting


Represent the Council in the ongoing dispute over payment of sewer baiting with NI Water.


2.3    Economy


Job Opportunities


Deliver 60 job opportunities as part of the Investment Programme commitment to create 200 job opportunities between 2012 and 2015.


Work Placements, Internships & Apprenticeships


As part of the Investment Programme commitment to providing 400 work placement, internship and apprenticeship opportunities over 3 years, we will provide 170 work placement, internships and apprenticeship opportunities within BCC with a focus on graduates and young long term unemployed and disabled people.


Superconnected Cities Project


Provide legal advice and PR/ communications support for the development of theSuperconnected Cities project


Social Clauses


Develop legally robust social clauses for the Council’s procurement policy.


Good Relations


Continue to undertake a series of events to celebrate the Decade of Centenaries Programme, including those in the spring of 2013 round the rise of the labour movement and the development of the trade unions.


Cultural diversity programme

Develop and oversee an inclusive cultural diversity programme of events to demonstrate the city’s support for a variety of backgrounds and traditions.



World Police & Fire Games


Provide support as required in delivering the communications plan for the World Police & Fire Games, including for example pre, during and post games marketing, logistics and results.


Tall Ships 2015


Begin to develop and agree communications plan for the Tall Ships Challenge 2015 in preparation for promoting and marketing the event during 2014 – 15.


400th Anniversary


Develop and implement a communications plan for the celebrations of the 400th anniversary of the granting of the city charter.


2.4    People, Communities and Neighbourhoods


Local Investment Fund


Provide legal support on the administration of the local investment fund.




Undertake the agreed programme of work in the Interface Programme as part of the Peace III plan. Actions for 2013 – 14 include working in close collaboration with the Department of Justice and named community partners to co-ordinate activities and



Equality Scheme


Oversee the implementation of the Council Equality Scheme and associated Equality Action Plans, including appropriate training and development for staff.


Disability Action Plan


Implement the actions contained in the disability action plan for 2013 – 14, including the mainstreaming of disability duties and the promotion of positive attitudes towards disabled people.





Continue to implement the Bonfire Management Programme for 2013 – 14, including providing support to promote inter-community cohesion and better relationships with statutory agencies.


2.5    Improving our Services


Information Management


Provide strategic policy support for the development of a corporate information management strategy and for the creation of a central intelligence repository.


Democratic Services


Facilitate the greater use of IT in the administration of Committee business and continue to develop greater use of IT by elected Members in their constituency work.


Council website


Support the delivery of the Council’s IT strategy and its aim to improve access to our services and provide new ways of working to improve service quality and staff productivity through website and social media development.


Organisational Development Strategy


Finalise the development of the Organisational Development strategy for the Council and implement year one of the OD programme of work, focusing on skills, leadership and organisational structure and governance.


Organisation Structure


Design and develop an effective overall organisational structure to support and deliver corporate priorities and new governance arrangements in preparation for local government reform.


Local Government Reform – HR & OD Implications


Identify and address HR & OD implications of local government reform including transfer of functions, governance and convergence issues. This includes developing and implementing appropriate organisation and service delivery models and capacity building programmes for Members and officers. Democratic Services will ensure these issues are adequately planned and resourced (with alignment to the Council’s Organisational Development programme of work)


Local Government Reform Communications & Engagement Plan


Support the development and oversee the delivery of a communications & engagement plan for local government reform, including internal staff, transferring staff, residents other key stakeholders, through various communications channels and internal communication sessions.


Improvement, Collaboration & Efficiency Programme


Through the local government ICE Programme, explore the potential opportunity for the council to extend the provision of legal support and advice to other councils on a collaborative basis.


Planning Service


Put in place the necessary organisational foundations/ preparations for the transfer and integration of statutory planning functions.


Efficiency Reviews


Provide significant HR and OD support to efficiency reviews such as Waterfront Hall, review of leisure, security and procurement.


Employee Costs


Review organisational design and employee costs (overtime, agency and working arrangements) to support the delivery of corporate objectives, local government reform, enhanced service delivery, achievement of efficiency savings and the creation of jobs as part of the investment programme at no additional cost to the ratepayer.


Corporate HR System


Develop and implement new corporate HR system, taking account of the local government reform programme and applicable systems convergence issues.


Review of Strategic Planning


Review of approach to planning in organisation to incorporate organisational changes and new powers under local government reform. This will include:


·         Strategic city plan. As part of the community planning process, we will provide strategic policy and planning support to the creation of a long term city-wide planning/outcomes framework in consultation with our key city partners.


·         Community Planning. In preparation for community planning legislation that will commence in 2015 as part of local government reform, we will continue to develop the community planning model, with a view to having an agreed action plan with our key partners by 2015.


·         Area Plans. Develop the framework for introducing area planning into the Council and work with Members in developing area plans that are aligned to the corporate and community plan.


·         Year 3 update of Corporate Plan. We will prepare a year 3 update of our Corporate Plan 2012 – 15 and review the process for developing the corporate plan for the new Council from 2014.


Policy & Research


Review the work programme and management arrangements of policy and research within the Council.


Review corporate approach to consultation responses.


Consultation & Engagements


Undertake public, staff and Member consultation exercises and incorporate the findings into the planning process for priorities and improvement actions.


Legislative Review


Through the legislative review group, assess emerging pieces of legislation in liaison with departments and ensure that Council policies and processes are changed to comply with changes to legislation.





Support the review of the strategic approach to marketing in the Council and help to implement the findings of the review.




Produce a published copy and online interactive version of BCC constitution.”


Finance and Resources


“2.0 Key actions for 2013/ 14


The Department’s key actions have been defined against the background of the value creation map. Each key task has a relationship with one or more of the themes described in the departmental VCM. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the main outcomes expected are included at section 3. More comprehensive details of tasks, performance indicators and targetswhich contribute to the outcomes sought are contained in supporting Service Plans


2.1    City Leadership


         LG Reform Regional


·         Engage and provide strategic advice and technical support to the local government reform regional implementation structures (including the Regional Transition Committee, regional Operational Board and technical implementation groups and the ICE programme)


§  Inform the funding model for the transferring functions – grant versus re distribution of the regional rate

§  Agree and communicate the BCC position on the disaggregation of funding for transferring functions across the new councils

§  Input into/ Influence the detail of the rates convergence model


·         Engage and provide strategic advice and support to the regional Finance Working Group (e.g. costing and resourcing plan for local government reform and rates convergence plan)


·         Establish and oversee implementation of the work plan for the Financial Planning Sub-Group including baselining transition related costs


·         Support the Council’s engagement, and input to the work of the systems convergence Working group and implementation structures of local government reform


2.2    Economy


Super Connected Cities


·         Implement the Super connected cities project, including the following strands:


§  Broadband in-fill

§  Targeted Ultra-Fast zones

§  Wireless connection


Rates Base


Sustain and enhance the rates base and manage the rate setting process including:


§  Developing a programme of work on vacant property data to address issues such as vacant office accommodation and business premises


§  Undertaking the rate setting process for 2014-15 taking account of additional costs for the shadow council including the development of the medium term financial plan


2.3    Improving our Services


Local Government Reform – Internal Work


·         Implement a programme of work (transition plan) to ensure that the Council effectively prepares for, and takes full advantage of, local government reform including the transfer and integration of new functions.


·         Provide support to the review of BCC governance structures and options


·         Provide support to the development of draft policy positions (e.g. governance, service delivery and performance management) following release of the draft Local Government (Reorganisation) Bill,


·         Support relevant internal systems convergence implementation structures and working groups.


Investment Programme


Oversee the delivery of the Investment Programme including; the implementation of the programme and project management framework and the production of regular updates reports to Chief Officers and Members


Efficiency Programme


Develop and deliver a Corporate Efficiency Programme in collaboration with the other departments to ensure the achievement of the £20m efficiency target by 2015


Develop programme management arrangements for the efficiency programme to incorporate the capturing and reporting on efficiencies for


·         ICT

·         Energy

·         Accommodation


Identify and implement a programme of work for efficiency related service reviews taking account of emerging opportunities through the ICE programme

·         Work with departmental business managers to mainstream efficiency/VFM into departmental plans and identify opportunities for future savings


·         Provide support to VFM reviews on cross cutting issues and at service level including security, marketing, energy and utilities and office accommodation


·         Oversee implementation of fleet management improvement plan

·         Oversee implementation procurement improvement plan


·         Develop a departmental efficiency plan to generate efficiency savings



2.4    HR Management


Investors in People


·         Implement the Council’s IPM / PDP process in support of IiP


2.5    Financial Planning


Local Government Reform – Internal Work


·         Undertake a financial assessment of potential local government reform costs and prepare a detailed resource plan including e.g. severance schemes, service convergence costs, transfer of functions, organisational development, staffing etc.


·         Capture transition costs to BCC in order to complete the regional template and enable draw down of money


·         Ensure appropriate financial consideration and due diligence is undertaken of any potential transfer of assets and liabilities form both neighbouring councils and transferring function departments


Investment Programme


·         Implement a capital financing strategy in support of the Investment Programme including a Financial Estate Financing Strategy.


Medium Term Financial Plan


·         Implement the Financial management arrangements for the capital programme including the Belfast Investment Fund and the Local Investment Fund


·         Develop a City Financing Strategy


Financial Improvement Programme


·         Implement a financial improvement programme in relation to:

·         debtors, creditors, payroll and treasury management

·         Increase % of creditors paid within 28 days

·         Ensure purchase order processing compliance across the organisation


2.6    Information Management


Web and Customer Focus Programme


·         Implement a corporate content management system to support mobile access to council services

·         Develop a business case for corporate CRM to manage citizen interaction with the council and help provide a more joined up service taking account of the pending boundary changes resulting from local government reform

·         Identify and develop E-enabled transactions for citizen self service

·         Implement corporate complaints improvement plan


ICT Strategy


Develop an ICT Strategy and Plan to deliver on the organisational priorities.


Improve Information Management


         Information Compliance:


- ISO 27001/PCI/FOI/DPA/Risk


·         Develop and agree actions from the Information Management Group


·         Continue information audit & completion of Information asset register categorising information online with ISO classification


·         Align further key Departmental and Corporate systems to the Corporate Gazetteer.


·         Develop an ICT strategy and plan to deliver on the organisational priorities.


ICT Governance


Deliver key departmental/corporate projects


·         Implement GPS system for improved Fleet Management

·         Develop approach and specification for purchase of a corporate HR/Payroll system

·         Develop specification for purchase of a corporate asset management system

·         Implement a OCR system to consolidate and scan invoices to support more efficient processing and use of resource

·         Complete the development and live implementation of Cleansing and Waste Management System

·         Implement a corporate-wide approach to complaints based on best practise and implement supporting CRM system and processes

·         Work with Audit and Risk to implement the new audit and risk racking system across the organisation

·         Implement the HR Health and safety inspection system for corporate use

·         Extend Parks Inspection system to paths and leisure to reduce the level of citizen claims settled by the Council

·         Continue to improve information management processes in the department

·         Assess and prepare a plan for potential internal systems convergence issues associated with the transfer of new assets/facilities

·         Complete on board processing and implementation of Network NI in preparation for local government reform and transfer of new functions


2.7    Policy, Planning & Performance


Performance Management


·         Support the performance management infrastructure including


§  Reporting and analysing key corporate performance information

§  Supporting departments in monitoring and reporting departmental performance information


Develop a performance and accountability framework


Undertake a review of the performance unit in line with emerging accountability arrangements under local government reform


Produce the Council’s 2012-13 Annual Report



2.8    Communication & Engagement


Local Government Reform – Internal Work


Support the effective delivery of a communications and engagement plan for local government reform.




Develop and implement a common communication framework across the department

2.9    Governance and Risk


·         Develop and implement a departmental risk management improvement plan

·         Implement an action tracking, risk management and audit management system (including health and safety) and associated processes

·         Implement agreed actions arising from external review of AGRS, including risk management development plan

·         Implement agreed actions arising from external review of Corporate Health and Safety

·         Provide ongoing assurance work on the risk management process re key corporate risks


Investment Programme


Complete assurance and advisory work on the Investment Programme in line with agreed audit plan for 2013/14.


         Local Government Reform – Internal Work


·         Assess the impact of transfer of functions and boundary changes in relation to audit and assurance.”


Property and Projects


“4.0 Key actions for 2013 / 14


The Department’s key actions have been defined against the background of the value creation map. Each key task has a relationship with one or more of the themes described in the departmental VCM. Key Performance Indicators (KPIAs) for the main outcomes expected are included at section 5. More comprehensive details of tasks, performance indicators and targets which contribute to the outcomes sought are contained in supporting Service Plans


4.1    City Leadership


Key actions


Take the lead in driving the physical portfolio of the Investment Programme across the city ensuring delivery is on time, to budget and agreed specifications.  The physical portfolio is made up of the following strands:


o   Capital Programme

o   Local Investment Fund

o   Feasibility Fund

o   Planned maintenance programme

o   Non recurrent capital

o   Property and Asset Programme

o   Belfast Investment Fund (Projects to be agreed by SP&R Committee)

o   Social Investment Fund (Physical projects to be agreed by OFMDFM)


·         Support SP&R and CMT in managing the project portfolio through dashboard reporting


·         Manage and maintain a Portfolio, Programme, Project Office to provide overview of progress and benefits of all physical projects contained within the Investment Programme


·         Further develop, maintain and apply appropriate systems such as Gates, Economic Appraisal and Whole Life Costing, so as to ensure sufficient challenge and appropriate delivery to proposed projects and ensure agreed outcomes


·         Work with Area Working Groups (AWGs) in the identification and prioritisation of physical projects in the Local Investment Fund


·         Work with other departments to develop the Council’s integrated approach to neighbourhood working in respect of physical infrastructure to maximise the impact of existing and emerging neighbourhood and community development work.


·         Ensure appropriate consideration due diligence of any potential transfer of assets and liabilities from both neighbouring councils and transferring departments.


·         Assist in the delivery of collaborative opportunities which maximises value for money through participation in the local government led ICE programme


·         Assist the Parks and Leisure Department in the implementation of the Leisure Review


o   Develop and implement a programme of work for the transfer of assets


4.2       Environment


   Key actions


·         Capture landfill gas to convert to electricity

·         Develop an Energy / CO2 strategy for the Council

·         Deliver procurement strand of the Sustainable Action Plan

·         Complete phase 2 of the policy position on contaminated land

·         Ensure that the Council’s built and fleet assets are environmentally efficient


4.3    Economy


         Key actions


·         Increase the amount of council spend within Belfast based suppliers via the quotation process and increased supplier information events


·         Support job creation within the city through the delivery of the Council physical projects in the Investment Programme and associated capital investment in the city and via the Council’s Investment Property Portfolio at Gasworks, Balmoral and Duncrue Estates


·         Participate on externally led project boards (e.g. Ballysillan Masterplan, Colin Town Centre Project, Shaftesbury Square Regeneration Framework)


·         Use Council spending power to increase Local Economic Development


·         Develop the North Foreshore


·         Assist in the development and implementation of Social Clauses within Council Contracts.


4.4    People and Communities


         Key actions

·         Work with local councillors, communities and end user groups to ensure sustainability of Capital Investment and benefits realisation


·         Work with the Development Department in assisting the delivery of the Renewingthe Routes Programme


·         Work with other departments in relation to the development of Regeneration Plans


4.5    Better Services


Key actions


·         Undertake a review of the Departmental structure and sectional services to align with the Council’s Investment Programme and to improve service delivery


o   Complete and implement the review of the Fleet Management Unit


o   Implement the findings from the review of the council’s fleet provision


·         Implementation of the Procurement Improvement Plan, including:


o   Develop a strategic plan for procurement spend


o   Identify procurement efficiency savings


Develop and implement the security policy and complete a review of Security


4.6    An Organisation Fit to Lead and Serve


Human Resource Management


         Key actions


·         Support the delivery of the Council’s Core Skills Management Development Programme and other training initiatives

·         Develop transferable skills set for new and existing staff in respect of Programme and Project Management e.g. Benefits Management, Stakeholder Management, Consultation and Engagement to ensure greater community and organisational

·         benefits.

·         Recruit up to 7 apprentices in crafts employed in Facilities Management in support of the investment programme

·         Have consistent PDP processes and participate in the process of retaining corporate IiP status


         Financial Planning


Key actions


·         Work with Financial Services to help build a robust Capital Financing Strategy

·         Proactively manage rent reviews of the Council’s Investment property portfolio at the Gasworks, Balmoral and Duncrue and other properties (including market shop units) to maximise the financial return to the Council

·         Undertake Capital Assets valuation of the Council’s property portfolio

·         Carry out capital programme forecasting and costing


·         Deliver efficient and effective procurement through directing and supporting procurement activities across the Council, preparing and distribution of procurement guidelines and reviewing and updating suppliers’ database

·         Produce analysis of spend for 2012/13 to identify expenditure efficiencies

·         Increase SRM catalogue use to achieve process savings


Information Management


         Key actions


·         Further develop the project management system (P2) which will underpin the delivery of key projects emerging from the Council Investment

·         Implement and roll out E-Contract Management



         Planning & Performance


         Key actions


·         Reinforce the Governance procedures including the Gate Review process in the Council

·         Implement the Portfolio Framework for the Council


         Communication & Engagement


         Key actions


·         Develop and communicate delivery calendar for projects in conjunction with Corporate Communications




         Key actions


·         Administer the Asset Management Board (AMB) and optimise effectiveness

·         Assist in the development of a Community Transfer Framework

·         Complete the implementation of the recommendations in Asset Management Strategy

·         Produce a Corporate Asset Disposal Policy and devise the asset disposal plan

·         Agree and develop a Corporate Property Information System

·         Implement the long term Accommodation Strategy

·         Work with departments to include asset planning in their departmental plans


·         Produce and agree Frameworks for roles and responsibilities for the Council Assets

·         Assist in the development of the Progress the ‘One Public Estate’ initiative and develop agreed working arrangements between the Department of Education, BELB, CCMS and the Council in relation to respective assets

·         Carry out planned maintenance in accordance with the maintenance plan



         Governance & Risk


         Key actions


·         Implement Health and Safety recommendations

·         Complete and sign off quarterly assurance statements to support quarterly reporting on the management of key risks to CMT, Assurance Board

·         Work with AGRS on the development of the risk management system.”


Supporting documents: