Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.      Relevant Background Information


1.1    Members are aware that the Illuminate project, which has been parted funded by the EU, has replaced the existing City Hall façade lighting on the front, east and west facades as well as the main dome and turrets with a new low-energy LED lighting infrastructure.  The key aim of the project is to sustainably reduce energy consumption and significantly reduce CO2 emissions.


1.2    One of the other benefits of the project is that it will also enable the City Hall to be illuminated in a variety of colours and colour combinations which are not currently possible. The lights which have been installed are the same technology which is used on the Empire State Building and other iconic buildings around the globe and the system which has been installed on the City Hall is one of the most advanced in the world.



2.0    Key Issues


2.1    The new lighting features can be used to promote inclusivity and cultural awareness by recognizing days of particular significance to groups within the wider community through the illumination of the City Hall in the relevant colour(s). 8 specific days of particular interest to local people and communities have already been agreed by Members and included in the Illuminate schedule:


St. Patrick’s Day (Green)

Polish Independence Day (Red and white)

Orangefest (Orange and purple)

Chinese New Year (Red and yellow)

St. Valentine’s Day (Red)

Gay Pride (Rainbow)


May Day (Red)

International Women’s Day (Purple)


         It has also been agreed that 12 nominated charities selected by the Council’s civic dignitaries (Lord Mayor/Deputy LM/High Sheriff) will be able to use the new lighting features for charity events etc.  


2.2    Members have already noted that further days of cultural/social significance can be added to the schedule if agreed by the SP&R Committee.   However it has been highlighted that this needs to be balanced against the iconic status of the City Hall as the over-use of the lighting facilities on too many days per year could adversely affect the image and reputation of the building.


         Proposed further days to be added to the Illuminate schedule


2.3    A number of further days which could be illuminated have been proposed namely –


-          the Official celebration of Her Majesty’s Birthday (red, white and blue) and

-          Remembrance Sunday (red – Cenotaph only, the main building will be in standard white). 


         At SP&R committee on 19th April, it was agreed that these days be equality screened and a report thereon be submitted to the Committee in due course.



2.4    Members are asked to note that these additional days have now been equality screened in line with the Council’s Equality Scheme and there are no major equality implications arising from the inclusion of these two days on the Schedule.


2.5    The lighting features on the City Hall allow for a wide range of colour options and designs. It is proposed that a demo showing options for how the City Hall could be illuminated on these two days is held for Members on week commencing 3rd June. Members are asked to note that the demo will need to take place in the evening time. Members will be updated in due course of the exact arrangements for the demo.


3.0    Resource Implications


3.1    The Illuminate Project will generate significant savings for the Council in terms of costs, both because of the lower consumption of energy and also because of the significantly longer life span of the lighting units. The system also provides the opportunity for a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.


4.0    Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1    The proposed additional days of Remembrance Sunday and the Official celebration of Her Majesty’s Birthday have been equality screened in line with the Council’s Equality Scheme and there are no implications arising. Members are asked to note that any further days which are proposed will be subject to equality screening.


5.0    Recommendations


5.1    Members are asked to note the contents of this report and


-                agree if they wish to include the additional two days of Remembrance Sunday and the Official celebration of Her Majesty’s Birthday on the Illuminate schedule.  These days have been equality screened and there are no major equality implications arising  


-                note that a demo with options of how the City Hall could be illuminated on these days is held for Members week commencing 3rd June in the evening time. Members will be notified of the arrangements for the demo in due course.  


-                are reminded that other events/days may be considered by SP&R Committee as necessary if specific requests are made. As outlined in 5.1 above any further days will also be subject to equality screening” 


            After discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor McVeigh,

            Seconded by Councillor Maskey,


      That the Committee agrees to defer consideration of the report to enable it to be considered in the first instance by the Joint Group of the Party Leaders’ Forum and Historic Centenaries Working Group.


            On a vote by show of hands six Members voted for the proposal and ten against and it was accordingly declared lost.


Further Proposal


            Moved by Councillor Attwood,

            Seconded by Councillor Hendron,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt the recommendations as set out in the report and agrees further that a report on the Illuminate Project, the current programme of dates and how any future requests would be dealt with, be submitted to a future meeting of the Joint Group of the Party Leaders’ Forum and Historic Centenaries Working Group.


            On a vote by show of hands ten Members voted for the proposal and six against and it was accordingly declared carried.


Supporting documents: