Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0 Purpose of report


The purpose of this report is to request permission to deviate from Standing Orders and to accede to Standing Order 62a exceptions in relation to contracts by direction of the Council acting on a recommendation of a Chief Officer that the exception is justified in special circumstances. 


2.0    Background


2.1    Members will be aware that Joint Diversity Group at its meeting on 6 September, 2013 considered a report on City Hall Memorabilia which had emerged out of the recommendations of the Equality Impact Assessment on Belfast City Hall:  Promoting a Good and Harmonious Environment and it was agreed that the displays and memorabilia element be added to the Emerging Project list as part of overall City Hall works project.


2.2    It was further agreed that a detailed report be presented to Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in January, 2014 and that a consultant be engaged to develop the narrative and conceptualise the recommendations contained within the Interpretative Design Advice paper (by Victoria Kingston, Independent Advisor).

         This report will develop the Interpretative Design Advice recommendations into a more focused and detailed plan which would feed into an overarching Strategic Outline Case for City Hall to include the further development of the project and the East Wing as a dedicated visitor space, taking into consideration a number of other key issues such as staff accommodation, impact of local government reform, conflicting priorities for use of space already in East Entrance.


2.3    Members are reminded that Joint Diversity Group at its meeting on 6 September, 2013 agreed that the set of principles which had been used for undertaking any Decade of Centenaries work also be adopted when undertaking any work in relation to City Hall memorabilia. 


                3.0    Key Issues


3.1    Given the tight timescale involved it is essential that whoever is appointed is in a position to expedite the work in order that a comprehensive report can be brought to Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in January, 2014.


                3.2    The City Hall Memorabilia project requires the successful consultant to be sympathetic to and very aware of the political sensitivities around memorabilia issues in City Hall. 


                3.3    The successful contractor must demonstrate political sensitivity and a sound understanding of the impact of any changes to City Hall memorabilia will not only in City Hall but also in a wider political context.


                3.4    The successful contactor must also demonstrate that they have a proven track record of working with Belfast City Council in the past on similar types of projects.


                3.5    This approach has been taken on the advice from the Head of Contracts in conjunction with Legal Services.




4.0    Resource Implications




Officers from Property and Projects will work closely with the appointed Contractor in order to ensure that the work is undertaken expeditiously.




The expected costs associated with undertaking this type of project are in the region of £20,000 (NB budget estimate figures) and will be met from the Feasibility Budget.




Property and Projects Department are currently undertaking a review of staff accommodation and the conceptualisation of the City Hall memorabilia proposals will have an impact.


                5.0    Equality Implications


An Equality Impact Assessment in relation to City Hall Memorabilia (recommendations by John Kremer) was approved by Council on 3 December, 2012,.


6.0    Recommendations


Committee is asked to note the contents of this report and –

-        agree to accede to Standing Order 62, (a) exceptions in relation to contracts by direction of the Council acting on a recommendation of a Chief Officer that the exception is justified in special circumstances “


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: