Agenda item



            (With the exception of the Head of Human Resources and the Senior Democratic Services Officer, all members of staff left the meeting whilst this item was under consideration.)


            The Head of Human Resources submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


            “1     Relevant Background Information


1.1   Members will be aware that the Local Government Staff Commission (LGSC) recently issued a Consultation Document on the Procedures for the Recruitment and Selection of Chief Executives in the 11 New Councils.  Belfast City Council’s response on this was agreed by SP&R on 20 September 2013 and sent to the LGSC on 23 September 2013.


1.2   The LGSC is still considering the consultation responses and formal guidance on the Procedures for the Recruitment and Selection of Chief Executives in the 11 New Councils will be issued at the end of October 2013.  The LGSC, however, has

         indicated that the likely timeline for the recruitment and selection of Clerk and Chief Executive in the 11 new councils is as follows:




One public advertisement placed by DOE

15 November 2013

Closing date


Short-listing and interviewing panel nominated and agreed


Panel training


First short-listing

Prior to Christmas

Assessment centre

Early January 2014

Second short-listing

Early January 2014


February / March 2013


            2       Key Issues


2.1   Given the potential timeframe for this process, and some of the issues raised in the consultation process about the format of the selection process, it is proposed that representatives from the VTC meet with the Minister to clarify/discuss options for Belfast City Council.


It is proposed that such a conversation should focus on the following key issues:


2.2   Belfast City Council believes it will be necessary to have 11 short listing panels comprising, as set out in the Consultation Document, the Chair of the STC; not less than two and not more than four members of the STC, as appointed by the STC; the Chairperson of the LGSC; and the Chief Executive of the LGSC.  Belfast City Council also recognises that these panel members must be fully trained; however, in the absence of a STC, we need to discuss what the alternative options might be for Belfast.


2.3   The council is keen to ensure that the impact of the public advertisement for its ‘top’ job accurately reflects the nature, scope and scale of the Belfast challenge and would have concerns about how this could be communicated effectively in a single advertisement for all 11 jobs. Also, further discussion would be welcomed around how Members’ views can be incorporated into the process in terms of issues such as where the advert should be placed; its style and content; whether executive search should be used, and what format the job micro-site should take, if there is to be one at all etc?


2.4   The council believes that an assessment centre in accordance with LGSC guidance must be undertaken and it is keen to ensure that the individual priorities, challenges, corporate objectives and ambitions for Belfast are accurately reflected in this assessment process. In particular, it is keen to ensure that quality is not compromised by either a ‘one size fits all’ approach or by an imposed timeframe.  A key issue for discussion with the Minister is the possibility of a Belfast-specific assessment centre, in liaison with the LGSC.


2.5   It is of paramount importance that Belfast’s elected members ‘own’ this recruitment and selection process.  While complying fully with the LGSC Code of Procedures; it is essential that the LGSC work closely and specifically with our Members to ensure that the recruitment and selection methods accurately reflect Belfast’s needs – e.g. that the message is targeted; that Members can input appropriately into the competency areas, including the weighting and significance of each area; that the exercises are tailored and specific to the particular job role; that consideration is given to whether or not the assessment centre scores are carried forward to interview; that the presentation topic to be delivered at interview is relevant; that the interview questions are targeted and weighted appropriately; and that the most technically proficient Professional Assessor for Belfast is assigned to Belfast to assist and support the panel.


            3       Action Required / Proposals


3.1   As Belfast City Council does not yet have an STC in place, it has not yet established a short-listing and interviewing panel for this process. 


3.2    Given the issues, it is recommended that representatives of Belfast City Council’s VTC meet with the Minister to discuss and clarify these matters prior to constituting a panel



            4       Resource Implications


         Human Resources

4.1    None.


            4.2    None.



            5       Equality Implications


            5.1    None.  All selection panel members will receive appropriate training in non-discriminatory recruitment and selection techniques, including awareness of the Equality Commission’s statutory Codes of Practice and Guidance documents, as and when required.”


            The Head of Human Resources outlined the main aspects of the report and the steps which the Council would be required to take to appoint a new Chief Executive for the new Belfast District Area. 


            She reported that consultation regarding the recommended salaries for the eleven new Chief Executives was ongoing currently.  A meeting for the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the Statutory Transition Committees (STCs), with the independent expert procured to undertake that piece of work on behalf of the Joint National Negotiating Committee for Chief Executives (JNC), was scheduled for later that afternoon at the Northern Ireland Local Government Association offices, but that, in the absence of the Council having appointed a Statutory Transition Committee, the JNC would seek to accommodate the Council’s input on another date.  In addition, the Minister had written to the Chairs of the Statutory Transition Committees confirming that the STCs must appoint a Chief Executive through open competition and that those Chief Executives who did not wish to apply might stay in post until the end of March, 2015.  The Council’s Chief Executive had written to the Head of Human Resources formally advising her that he would not be applying for the new Chief Executive role and she would submit a report to the Voluntary Transition Committee on that matter.  Finally, the Minister had announced that, following a full consultation exercise, he intended to have the Local Government Staff Commission wound up by 2017.


            After discussion, the Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed to seek an all-party deputation meeting with the Minister for the Environment to discuss the issues as set out in the report.


Supporting documents: