Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


1.1     Members will recall that the council secured over £200,000 of EU funding to install the new LED lighting features on the City Hall under the EU ILLUMINATE project. The system went live in March 2013.


1.2     In making the case for approval of the project to the Committee the business case developed by the Facilities Management Section pointed to the potential for significant cost savings and associated CO2 emissions reductions, and an assurance was given that once quantifiable data was available a report would be brought back to the Committee quantifying any savings made.


1.3     The following figures are based on a direct comparison of actual usage for a six-month period as compared with the same period last year;



Peak Load

Average Load


Old system



37 tonnes

New LED system



  4 tonnes


1.4     As can be seen from this, the new LED lighting system has reduced electricity usage by some 70%. Electricity costs to the council for the City Hall in 2012/13 were £16,720, however based on the usage reductions achieved thus far the annual cost in 2013/14 will be approx. £5,016, representing a saving of over £12,000 for the rate-payer.


1.5     In addition, the new LED low-energy lighting creates significantly less CO2 emissions and this single project has, in fact, contributed over 30% of the council’s corporate 1% reduction target for the year (approx. 48 tonnes).


1.6     The new LED lighting has also attracted a great deal of positive media and public interest. Corporate Communications confirm that the video of the ILLUMINATE launch is one of the most popular videos on the council’s YouTube channel with 4,532 views and has received the 3rd-highest number of ‘likes’ on the channel despite only being uploaded in April 2013. It is also well followed on social media postings.


1.7     In addition to the stated aims of reducing energy consumption, costs and CO2 emissions, the system was implemented on the basis that it also has the potential to enhance good relations by allowing us to mark days of particular significance to local people and communities.


1.8     Members will be aware that, in addition to the agreed schedule, the system has already been used to mark a number of additional* days, most notably:-


·         India Night

·         World Police & Fire Games

·         Child Cancer (Light it up Gold)

·         Belfast Book Festival Launch

·         Launch of Restaurant Week

·         Poppy Appeal launch

·         World Diabetes Day

·         Christmas Switch On

·         Philippine Flood Disaster

·         Holocaust Day (Jan 2014)


         * It should be noted that all of the above were approved on a ‘one-off’ basis and will not necessarily be repeated in 2014 or beyond.


1.9     All of the above were either approved by committee; were part of council organised events or related to charities nominated by civic officer holders. The one exception was the Philippines Flood Disaster where a request from the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor was received to close to the chosen date to obtain approval. Delegated authority was used in this instance.


1.10   The Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor have also requested that the building is lit up in South African colours to mark the funeral of Nelson Mandela and committee is asked for its view on this.


1.11   Since the main system went live additional works have commenced in terms of the installation of low-energy LED lighting in the interior of the City Hall, Malone House and Belfast Castle, all of which will produce associated energy and cost reductions. Most recently, additional EU funding has been secured in order to extend the LED lighting to the statues in the grounds of the City Hall, and this work will be complete by the end of March 2014.


1.12   There has in the past been some discussion around the desirability of extending the system to the Donegall Square South façade and there is currently the potential to perhaps attract additional EU funding to do so. It would therefore be useful to have the Committee’s views on the desirability of pursuing this option.


2       Key Issues


2.1     Members are asked to note the positive energy consumption, financial savings and CO2 reductions outcomes and the very positive media and public interest in the ILLUMINATE system.


2.2     The Committee is also asked to give a view on the desirability of extending the system to the Donegall Square South façade. If this is something which the Committee is minded to explore a further report will be brought in due course.


3       Resource Implications


3.1     There are no direct resource implications arising from this report.


4       Equality and Good Relations Implications


4.1     There are no direct equality or good relations implications arising from this report.


5       Recommendations


5.1     The Committee is asked to note the above report and to give its views on the desirability of extending the system to the south façade.


5.2     The Committee is also asked for its position in terms of marking the occasion of Nelson Mandela’s funeral by lighting the building appropriately.”


            The Committee noted the contents of the report and agreed to the lighting up of the building to mark the occasion of Nelson Mandela’s funeral as outlined.