Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0    Purpose of report


1.1    The Capital Programme is a rolling programme of investment which either improves existing Council assets or provides new assets. This report provides an update on –


§    The development of a MUGA programme for new and replacement  MUGAs


2.0    Relevant Background Information


         Rolling Capital Programme 2013/14 onwards


2.1    Members have agreed that all capital projects must go through a 3 Stage process where decisions on which projects progress are taken by SP&R. This provides assurance as to the level of financial control and will allow Members to properly consider the opportunity costs of approving one capital project over another capital project. Importantly it will also enable Members to focus on delivering the projects which can have maximum benefits and investment return for the city and local areas.


2.2    Members are aware that the Capital Programme (as agreed by Committee on 22nd March 2013) has been reconfigured to reflect the 3 approval stages as agreed –


§    Committed projects (Stage 3) - projects which have completed a Full Business Case (FBC) and where approval has been obtained by SP&R to proceed to tender and award contracts


§    Uncommitted projects (Stage 2) projects where a Strategic Outline Case (SOC) has been agreed by Committee and work on the project is being progressed through the development of an Outline Business Case (OBC), but they have not yet been developed to a stage where permission could be sought from SP&R to proceed to tender


§    Emerging proposals (Stage 1) proposals which require completion of an SOC before they could be considered further by SP&R Committee


2.3    Members will recall that they agreed at SP&R Committee in November that various proposed MUGA projects be moved into a discrete MUGA Programme and be moved from Stage 1 – Emerging project to Stage 2 – Uncommitted on the Capital Programme and that officers progress the development of this programme and report back to Committee in January.




         Capital Programme – MUGA Programme – New and Refurbishment


3.1    Members are asked to note that a MUGA is a Multi-Use Games Area which are suitable for a variety of informal sports including football, netball and basketball etc. Due to their nature the majority of MUGAs are accessible and free to use. The Council currently has 37 MUGAs across the city.  There are a number of different types of MUGAs which are classified as –


·    Type 1 - Surfaced using bitmac, incorporating basic line marking and free standing goal units. Used primarily as kick-about areas or for other informal recreation. Sizes are flexible depending on site conditions


·    Type 2 - Surfaced using bitmac, incorporating sports pitch markings, goal units and high ballstop fencing systems.  Can normally be locked to prevent access after dark.


·    Type 3 - Surfaced using polymeric rubber crumb, incorporating sports pitch markings, high ball-stop fencing systems and goal units. The majority of these facilities will include floodlighting. Type 3 MUGA’s are accessible and free to use during daylight hours; however booking/charging may be required for sites that utilise floodlights in the evenings. Type 3 facilities can be managed by the council or by local users/stakeholders.


         MUGA Programme – Phase 1 (Refurbishments and New)


3.2    It is proposed that the work is progressed on the following MUGAs (as at 3.4 below) under Phase 1 of the MUGA Programme. This is broken down into two strands – refurbishments and new builds.


3.3    Members are asked to note that the majority of sites under Phase 1A are linked to the Council’s ongoing Playground Improvement Programme – however refurbishments to the MUGAs are not covered under this programme. The linkages to the playground programme will facilitate work on these sites and upgrading the MUGA provision will provide further enhanced facilities for local people. The majority of these sites can be delivered by the end of this financial year. In relation to Springfield Av Site A, Members will be aware that there are a number of access and community issues in relation to this site and a number of feasibility studies are being carried out in the wider area.  It is therefore recommended that an interim refurbishment is carried out which will test demand for the site and will allow for further community consultation. This refurbishment will include resurfacing, lining and the installation of goal units.



Phase 1A – Refurbishments - £300,000


Clara Street

Completion by end of March 2014


Victoria Park

Completion by mid  April 2014


Finlay Park

Completion by mid February 2014


New Lodge

Completion mid March 2014


Springfield Av Site A

Completion by end of February 2014



Completion mid March 2014


Dover Street

Complete December 2013

Phase 1B – New Builds - £565,000



New build. Preparatory work to commence now. Due for completion March 15


Clarendon Playing Fields

New build. Preparatory work to commence now. Due for completion March 15


3.5    If Members agree Phase 1 above, approval is further sought to initiate the necessary procurement processes (including the invitation of tenders and/or the use of appropriate ‘framework’ arrangements) with contracts to be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tenders received and full commitment to deliver.


3.6    The Director of Finance and Resources has confirmed that Phase 1 of the MUGA Programme is within the affordability limits of the Council and that Phase 1A will be financed through non-recurrent underspend and the new builds will be progressed under the Capital Programme. Members are therefore asked to agree to move the MUGA Programme to Stage 3 – Committed on the Capital Programme. 


4.0    Development of a rolling MUGA Programme 2014/15 and beyond


         MUGA Refurbishments


4.1    Members will be aware that there is already a very successful rolling programme of improvements in place for the Council’s playground which is based on robust independent condition surveys.  It is recommended that a similar process is put in place to assess the remaining existing MUGAs and the results of this assessment form the basis of a rolling programme of refurbishments for the Council’s MUGAs going forward.  Members will be aware that a number of MUGAs are transferring in under the LGR (both from DSD and from Lisburn/Castlereagh) and it is recommended that these are included in the inspection programme. 


4.2    Members are therefore asked to approve the progress of a rolling programme of MUGA refurbishments including the appointment of independent consultants to undertake condition surveys.  If approved it is envisaged that this work could be completed by the Autumn time and a further report on a rolling programme will be brought back to Committee after this.


         New MUGAs


4.3    Members will be aware that the Council also receives requests to develop new MUGAs from time to time. However currently there is no framework within which to assess these requests. Members are asked to agree that officers progress the development of a policy framework in relation to the provision of new MUGAs.  This will be carried out in parallel to the work being progressed on the condition surveys and will be brought back to Committee at the same stage to allow Members to consider an overall Programme.


4.4    Members will be aware that work is also ongoing on rebaselining the Pitches Strategy and looking at Facilities Management Agreements within the Parks & Leisure Departments. The work on development of a rolling MUGA programme will be looked at in the context of these.


4.5    Approval is also sought to initiate the necessary procurement processes (including the invitation of tenders and/or the use of appropriate ‘framework’ arrangements) for the rolling MUGA programme, with contracts to be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tenders received and full commitment to deliver.


5.0    Resource Implications


·    Financial -Phase 1 - £865,000 for Phase 1 of the MUGA Programme which includes £300,000 for Phase 1A to be funded under non-recurrent underspend and £565,000 towards the new builds for Annadale and Clarendon Playing Fields. The Director of Finance & Resources has confirmed that this is within the affordability limits of the Council.   Rolling Programme - Members have already agreed that £30,000 from the Feasibility Fund is set aside to progress the development of a MUGA Programme.


·    Human Resources – Staff from Parks & Leisure and Property & Projects will deliver the MUGA Programme


·    Assets and other implications – The MUGA Programme will enhance enhanced facilities for local people


6.0    Recommendations


         Members are asked to –


·    agree the projects under Phase 1 of the MUGA Programme as outlined above, agree to move the MUGA programme from Stage 2 – Uncommitted to Stage 3 – Committed Projects on the Capital Programme;  agree the development and next steps in relation to the development of a rolling MUGA Programme going forward and agree that the MUGA Programme (Phase 1 and rolling programme) is advanced to the invitation of tenders, with contracts to be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tenders received and full commitment to deliver.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation, subject to the Springfield Avenue Site A project being included in Phase 1B – New Builds.


Supporting documents: