Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1     Relevant Background Information


         VFM Review of Security


1.1    Since agreement by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 18 May 2012 for a VFM review of Security to be undertaken the Director of Finance and Resources and the Director of Property and Projects have provided regular updates on the progress of the review to Members. 


1.2    In order to assist in the development of a preferred operating model for the Council’s manned guarding and CCTV/ alarm monitoring and to establish the extent to which this could be achieved and delivered on a voluntary basis, it was agreed by SP&R on 22 November 2013 that a trawl for ‘expressions of interest’ in voluntary redundancy among Security Unit employees likely to be affected by the review could commence. The trawl was therefore undertaken in December 2013.


         Civic HQ Review 


1.3    A report in relation to the re-structuring of the Civic HQ Unit was presented to the Committee at its meeting of 22nd November 2013, and approved (Appendix 1).


2       Key Issues


         VFM review of Security


         Proposed option


2.1    Officers have now scoped the potential costs, savings and organisational design implications resulting from each potential operating model and a preferred option and structure has now been identified.


2.2    The proposed option will result in a reduction of 11 FTE posts from the current Security Unit and can be implemented on a voluntary basis. Details of the current and proposed Security Unit structures have been circulated for the information of the Members.


2.3    The current security arrangements at Duncrue will remain unchanged and Dunbar Link and Raphael Street operations will be kept under review. A summary of the proposed changes has been circulated.


         Benefits of the proposed model


2.4    The proposed Security model offers a number of benefits which address many of the key issues identified by IJA:


·        Reduces annual costs by in excess of £300,000, achieved by a reduction in employee costs, specifically salaries and overtime costs;


·        Enhances the security presence at City Hall;


·        Maximises use of access control technology in key locations – CWB; Digital Services – ensuring that staff are deployed to sites where they add maximum value;


·        Addresses the issues that the Control Room in its current state is expensive and adds limited value


·        Removes physical staff from sites where they add limited value.


         Review of Civic HQ


2.5    A report in relation to the re-structuring of the Civic HQ Unit was presented to the Committee at its meeting of 22nd November 2013, and approved. This revised structure is made up of a number of underlying structural changes which are summarised below for members’ information:-


·        a total of 12 posts (full-time and part-time) have been deleted from the current structure ; and


·        a total of 13 new (full-time and part-time) posts have been created.


         (NB The full structure was set out in appendix of the SP&R report of 22nd November 2013 attached as Appendix 1 of this report).The net annual additional cost (excl. on-costs) of the revised structure is as follows:-


2.6    Cost of new posts:                                           £189,196

         Savings from deleted posts                            £155,814

         Net annual cost:                                               £33,382

                                                                                    (as reported to

                                                                                    SP&R 22/11/13)


2.7    The HR implications of this review will be managed in accordance with the council’s normal policies and procedures.


2.8    In the course of the review, 2 members of staff (Civic HQ Manager & Tour Services Officer) made application for voluntary redundancy under the council’s standard protocol. At the time of writing the report of 22 November 2013 it was not possible to quantify the cost. The overall one-off cost to the council will be £134,328.


         Trade union engagement


2.10  There has been regular consultation with staff and trades unions and this will continue during the implementation phase to address any operational issues that may arise. Three of the recognised trade unions have indicated their broad agreement with the principles underpinning the proposed Security model. Specifically, they have noted the enhanced use of access control technology, integration of the operational Security posts and the use of external contractors to support manned guarding and CCTV monitoring provision. The fourth trade union, NIPSA, has indicated that they will provide their feedback in advance of the committee meeting, in order that a verbal update can be provided.


         The trade unions did, however, note that their priorities for the implementation phase of the review are that:


·        Final agreement of the new structure would be dependent upon the grade of the new post;


·        The proposals for the Digital Services building should be reviewed to determine the potential for BCC staff to provide night shift cover;


·        All applications for VR are accepted; and


·        They are fully involved and consulted during the implementation phase of this review.


         Next steps


·        Further engagement with staff and trade unions will take place to evaluate the requests for voluntary redundancy and to ensure the proposed Security structure is implemented by April 2014 line with agreed HR policies and procedures.


·        The Head of Facilities, with support from the Corporate Efficiency Unit, will continue to keep under review the proposed operating model to identify the scope to deliver further efficiency savings for 2015/16 and to allow for consideration of the wider LGR implications for the Service.


3       Resource Implications


3.1    Financial Implications:


·        The proposed Security option will result in ongoing annual efficiency savings in excess of £300,000. Any initial costs to facilitate the proposal will be funded from existing operational budgets. The anticipated payback period is 1.4 years with no additional cost to the ratepayer.


·        The proposed Civic HQ structure will result in a net annual cost of £33,382.


3.2    Human Resource Implications:


·        Reduction in the number of Security Unit FTE by 11.


·        A net increase of 2 Civic HQ FTE.


4       Equality and Good Relations Implications

4.1    There are no equality or good relations implications associated with this report.


5       Recommendations


5.1    The Committee is requested to note the information and progress made in each review as set out above, and to authorise officers to continue with the development and implementation of the revised structures on the basis outlined above.


         A detailed report on the Security Review will be brought the Committee prior to the commencement of the new financial year.”



            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: