Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1      Relevant Background Information


1.1     Digital Services has recently worked with Deloitte on a new ICT Strategy for Belfast City Council to assist with the delivery of the Council’s strategic goals. The attached strategy provides a new vision for ICT services outlining the key capabilities that will be required for the future.


2       Key Issues


2.1     Purpose of the Strategy


         The ICT Strategy provides a framework, under the remit of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, to oversee the development of the Council’s ICT platforms and systems over a period of 3 years, based on the Council’s key business priorities.


2.2     Immediate Priorities


         Local Government Reform (LGR)


         Delivering the ICT requirements for LGR will be the main priority for Digital Services over the coming year. There will be major ICT implications that must be addressed to ensure secure access to systems, technology and information relating to the delivery of new functions, dealing with an extended Council boundary and preparing for changes to our governance and political management arrangements. Digital Services will also play a lead role in addressing the opportunities that may exist from a regional approach to the delivery of ICT services.


2.3     Super-connected Belfast


         Over the coming year Digital Services will administer, procure and oversee the delivery of the 3 key strands of the Super-connected Belfast Project that will realise our plans to develop a city-wide digital infrastructure. This will see us administer the Belfast and Derry City Council voucher schemes, procure and implement the Metro Wireless strand and roll out public Wi-Fi across the public sector.


2.5     GPS and Route Optimisation


         Another significant project will be the installation of GPS and route optimisation software on all Belfast City Council vehicles to maximise current fleet utilisation and minimise fuel cost.


2.4     Online and Mobile Transactions


         The corporate plan includes a number of ICT-related objectives relating to the use of mobile computing, social media and online transactions, which act as enablers for service improvement and the delivery efficiencies. Where possible Digital Services will continue to make progress in these areas.


2.2     Key Challenges to be addressed


         ICT is recognised as playing a key role in the delivery of the Council’s Corporate plan, and will be required to enable each of its strategic themes. The strategy sets out a vision for a digital council and provides recommendations around the role of ICT and the key capabilities and projects that will be required to deliver a successful strategy.


2.4     The 2 diagrams below taken from the strategy provide:


1.   a summary of the six digital capabilities that the council must develop, and

2.   key projects mapped to the council’s strategic themes.


         Figure 1. Digital Capabilities


         The Council’s vision for ICT is one of a digital council which is equipped to take advantage of the latest technology developments to enable it to meet its business goals. The vision is based on the development of these six key digital capabilities.





         Digital Information Management


         Digital Information Management is the capability to design, build and maintain systems and policies that minimise duplication, protect the quality of the Council’s data, help ensure compliance with relevant legislation and facilitate efficient case management.


         Digital Insight


         Digital Insight will be vital for councillors to support decision-making at both city wide and local levels. Better use of information will promote a more direct and connected form of representation, which will require members to continue to maximise the use of new technologies.


         Digital Insight is the capability to conduct detailed analysis of a range of data including any of: organisational data (e.g. vehicle locations, leisure centre usage), sentiment data (e.g. public reaction to Council events expressed on social media), environmental data (e.g. footfall on shopping streets) and community data (e.g. metrics relating to citizen wellbeing) to measure the performance of the business, assist with decision making and inform community planning.


         Digital citizen services


         Digital Citizen Services is the capability to deliver day-to-day Council services (e.g. venue bookings, reporting missed bin collections) tocitizens and local businesses through digital channels such as web or mobile apps, improving customer experience and generating internal efficiencies.


         Digital field service delivery


         Digital field service delivery is the capability to use mobile, location based and remote access technologies to increase the productivity of Council staff who are based outside of a main site Council site.


         Digital partner engagement


         Digital partner engagement is the capability to work with external parties in a collaborative and/or integrated manner to deliver outcomes for customers or for the wider city.


         Digital city access


         Digital access is the capability to provide a digital infrastructure for Belfast and to promote social inclusion in the use of digital services through the delivery of training and demand stimulation activities for citizens and businesses.


         Figure 2. Key Projects


         The following diagram provides a summary of digital capabilities and key projects mapped to the Council’s strategic themes.



3       Resource Implications


3.1     Projects emerging from the strategy that need capital funding will require business cases that will be taken through the Council’s gate review process.


4       Equality and Good Relations Implications




5       Recommendations


         Members are requested to endorse the new ICT Strategy.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: