Agenda item

Minutes of meeting of the Parks and Leisure Committee of 11th October, 2012


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0    Relevant Background Information 

1.1      Members will recall that the SP&R Committee at its meeting in June, agreed a £105m capital expenditure affordability limit for the leisure transformation programme. This included £38m towards the Olympia and Andersonstown schemes under Phase 1.  The purpose of this paper is to update Members on the current status of these projects.


2.0      Olympia Regeneration

2.1      Members are aware that there is a very tight timescale for the delivery of Olympia given the construction programme for the new Windsor stadium. Phase 1a (development of the new facility) is integral to this development because the project design involves sharing a new roof structure.  In October 2013, approval was given to progress the Olympia project from Stage 2 to Stage 3 – Committed on the Capital Programme however it was highlighted that a number of outstanding issues remained to be resolved including the agreement of a mutually beneficial community benefits partnership with the IFA.  Subsequently the Statutory Transmission Committee at its December meeting consented, subject to conditions to award contracts for the Olympia Regeneration Project.  Members will recall that an update on these issues was taken to Committee last month and all outstanding issues in relation to Olympia were agreed by Members, subject to further information on the mutually beneficial community benefits partnership being brought back to Committee. 


2.2      Members are asked to note that a cross party delegation from the Council met with the Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure and DCAL officials on Tuesday 15th April specifically to discuss community benefits to ensure the stadia developments deliver sustained city and community benefits and to ensure that the stadia, leisure facilities and associated public realm are shared, welcoming and safe spaces for everyone. 


           At this meeting it was highlighted that both the Council and DCAL agreed on the importance of sustaining community benefit and there is a need to further refine the specific detail in regard to a community benefits partnership with the IFA.  The Minister noted that all three sporting codes were currently financially supported by DCAL to facilitate engagement with local communities and schools.  It was imperative that any proposed longer term arrangements built on this work, as well as complemented ongoing work supported by the Council and agencies such as Sports NI.  She also highlighted that community benefits proposals were not restricted to sporting activities and could include broader well-being proposals.


           It was therefore agreed at this meeting that community benefit would be looked at across the three sporting codes (with the GAA, IFA and IRFU) and that the Council would convene a meeting between DCAL officials, the three sporting codes and the Council before the end of May to allow for a revised proposal to be brought back to Committee in June. 


           Members are asked to note that a final decision on this must be made by June in order to facilitate the development of the new facility.


3.0      Andersonstown Regeneration

3.1      The project at Andersonstown will provide new leisure facilities at the site of the existing Leisure Centre. It will also include regeneration of the wider site for uses such as recreation and commerce. Three proposed design schematics have been drawn up and a period of intensive public engagement was held between 20 March-12 April.  This engagement process was extremely successful with over  1000 attendees at the different sessions and over 350 feedback forms filled in.  These consultation responses are currently being analysed and will be presented to the next West AWG (29th April) and will be fed back to Committee in June.  The results from this consultation process will inform the design brief.


3.2      Members will also be aware that discussions have been ongoing with other key providers in the area including the Health Trust to maximise the overall use of site and provide a centre that delivers the best outcomes for the local area.  Members are asked to note that the Health Trust has been very receptive and positive about looking at the feasibility of locating a number of GP practices within the redeveloped centre.  However the Trust have highlighted that at this stage that any relocation, either via a leasing arrangement or a capital build, will require departmental approvals and that this could take a minimum of 5 months for a lease or longer if it is a capital build. 


           Members are asked to note that waiting for any approved decision from the health trust will have a consequential impact on the timescale for the build.


3.3      This therefore presents Members with a number of options and Members are asked to consider:

-        If they wish officers to continue to progress discussions with the Health Trust and to defer the design brief process for the new centre until the outcome of the discussions with the Health Trust is known and the decision goes through their departmental approval processes which will take at least five months or longer; or

-        if they wish to look continue to the current timetable for the design for the new centre and as part of the design process look at how the building could be flexibly designed, if possible,  in order to accommodate any future provision for health/GPs. 


4.0      Girdwood Hub

4.1      Members are asked to note that work commenced on the development of the Girdwood Hub on Monday 14th April and is anticipated to be completed by Summer 2015. Members will be kept up to date with progress.


5.0      Equality Implications

           Phase 1 – Leisure Transformation Programme - A high level EQIA is currently being prepared for the LTP.  This will include capital investments and will be presented to SP&R in due course for its consideration.


6.0      Recommendations

           Committee is asked to note the contents of this report and  -


            Olympia Regeneration

-        note that the Council has highlighted to DCAL that it is committed to the principle of community benefit subject to further refinement of the detail involved

-        note that a meeting with all three sporting codes, DCAL and Council officials will be organised before the end of May to agree this detail and to facilitate a further update being brought back to Committee in June when a decision must be reached by Committee in order to ensure the successful delivery of the project


     Andersonstown Regeneration

-        agree if they wish to continue to progress discussions with the Health Trust in relation to the provision of health facilities within the redeveloped Andersonstown Centre.  Members are asked to note that this may an impact on the timescales for the development due to the Trust’s decision making timescales.  Alternatively as part of the design process officers can look if there is a possibility to flexibly design the new centre so that future provision for health/GPs can be accommodated


     Girdwood Hub  

-        note that work commenced on the development of the Hub on Monday 14th April and is expected to be completed by Summer 2015 


7.0      Abbreviations

           IFA – Irish Football Association

           GAA – Gaelic Athletic Association

           IRFU – Irish Rugby Football Union”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations in relation to the Olympia Regeneration and the Girdwood Hub.


            With regard to the Andersonstown Regeneration, the Committee agreed that, as part of the design process, officers look at the possibility to effectively design the new centre so that future provision for health/General Practitioners could be accommodated and, without delaying the scheme, for discussions to continue at a senior level with the Health Trust and the Department and a meeting of the West Area Working Group be held during May to update the Members on any progress. 



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