Agenda item


            Bonfire Management Programme 2014


            In considering the minutes of the meeting of the Good Relations Partnership of 13th October, a Member drew the Committee’s attention to the decision of the Partnership under the heading Bonfire Management Programme 2014 in which the following had been agreed;


      “The Partnership then proceeded to review the alleged breaches and supporting information relating to the remaining eight bonfires on the list, following which it was


Moved by Mr. P. Mackel,

Seconded by Councillor Attwood,


That the Good Relations Partnership agrees to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that the remaining 30% of funding be allocated to the Lower Shankill Community Association and South Belfast Malecare and agrees to recommend also that that portion of funding in relation to the Graymount  Community Group, the Lower Oldpark Community Association, Pitt Park, Suffolk Community Forum, The Hub (on behalf of York Park Bonfire Committee) and Walkway Community Association be withheld, on the basis that they had failed to use best endeavours to comply with the conditions governing the Council’s Bonfire Management Programme.


Further Proposal


Moved by Alderman Stoker,

Seconded by Councillor Reynolds,


That the Goods Relations Partnership take no decision on the matter and that it be referred to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for consideration.


      On a vote by show of hands two members voted for the proposal and ten against and it was declared lost.


      The original proposal standing in the name of Mr. P. Mackel and seconded by Councillor Attwood was thereupon put to the meeting when ten members voted for and two against and it was declared carried.


      The Partnership noted that a report on the potential delivery by the Council of a Bonfire Management Programme for 2015 would be submitted to a future meeting.” 


            The Member made the point that, in his view, there had not been a appropriate analysis undertaken in relation to the types of breaches which had occured.  He pointed out that the same penalty of a 30% deduction in funding had been made for the differing levels of breaches of the criteria and that needed to be refined so that groups who attempted to adhere to the criteria were not penalised in the same way as groups which breached the criteria over a longer term.


            After further discussion, it was


            Moved by Alderman Robinson,

            Seconded by Councillor Kennedy,


      That, with the exception of the Greymount Community Group and the Hub (on behalf of York Park Bonfire Committee), the remaining groups be allocated the remaining 30% of funding.


            On a vote by show of hands six Members voted for the proposal and seven against and it was accordingly declared lost.


            The Committee agreed that the Partnership, in reviewing the terms for the award of funding for the Bonfire Management Programme 2015 be requested to include more detail on the expectations with regard to action to remedy breaches when they occurred (including contacting other Statutory Agencies) and that these would be taken into account when considering the final payments.


            Inquiry into the Together: Buildings a

            United Communities Strategy


            The Chief Executive drew the Committees attention to the minute of the Partnership under the heading “Inquiry in to the together: Building a United Communities Strategy” agreeing that an All-Party deputation from the Council seek a meeting with representatives with the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister to discuss the reduction in funding and its impact upon the Council’s delivery of its Good Relations Programme.


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Good Relations Partnership, subject to the inclusion of the request for the Partnership to consider different levels of breaces in its review of the criteria for funding for the Bonfire Management Programme.


Supporting documents: