Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1     Relevant Background Information


1.1    Belfast currently has 5 Higher Education Institutions across the city and by 2018 will have 2 major University campuses close to the city centre. There is also a growing international student market which presents a significant opportunity for Belfast in terms of international marketing, tourism and knowledge research.


1.2    International and UK research has shown that students studying and living within cities make a significant contribution to local and regional economies.  To inform Council’s ongoing work with partners on developing Belfast as a ‘Learning City’ and in developing a coherent strategic approach to student housing in the city, supplementary research to identify the economic impact of students in the city of Belfast has been completed. This report requests that Members note the research findings, a summary of which has been circulated.


1.3    Members will be aware of a number of key workstrands that have been taken forward by the Council over recent years which have identified the need to develop Belfast as a Learning city and destination of choice for students, to harness the potential for economic growth, recommending a number of key actions for Council and its partners in relation to future provision of student accommodation in the city. Related workstrands have included:


a)     Draft City Centre Regeneration Strategy and Investment framework


b)     Belfast City Masterplan Review.


c)     Anchor Institutions Research


d)     Integrated Economic Strategy.


e)     Holylands and Wider University Area Strategic Study


1.4    In taking forward the Strategic Study report recommendations, Belfast City Council has been leading a Joint Team (including DSD, NIHE, DoE, SIB), to develop a coherent strategic approach to provision of student housing within the city.


1.5    Members will recall as part of this work, Council published a ‘Framework for Student Housing and Purpose Built Student Accommodation’ in April 2014 (developed with partners on the Student Housing Joint Team with input by HEIs and other stakeholders) which sets out the need for purpose built student accommodation in Belfast that is high quality, safe, secure, well managed and properly accredited accommodation. The Framework proposes a range of proposed planning criteria regarding the location, design, management impact of, and need for future proposals for student accommodation (Appendix III).


1.6    As agreed by Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 21 March 2014, support for these criteria are highlighted in responses from Belfast City Council to planning consultations by Planning Service on PBSA planning applications in the city. This approach aims to ensure that emerging PBSA developments deliver the standard of accommodation and accredited management required, to meet the needs of the ‘Learning city’, attracting more local and international students to the City and managing impacts on communities.


1.7    To strengthen this approach, the Framework document proposes that these criteria could form the basis for a future revised planning policy for PBSA (HMO Subject Plan, Policy HMO7) after 2015, following transfer of planning powers under Local Government Reform).


2       Key Issues


         The research into the Economic Impact of Higher Education Students on the Economy of Belfast commissioned by Belfast City Council earlier in 2014 and undertaken by Viewforth Consulting identified that students coming to Belfast from outside the city (33,397 students in total) were estimated to


·        Contribute £384.5million off campus expenditure (excludes tuition fees) to the Belfast economy,

·        Create over 4,000 full time equivalent jobs and

·        Contribute £192.32million to GVA.


         Emerging PBSA proposals in Belfast


2.2    Members will be aware of a number of recent proposals for PBSA developments in the city through a number of sources including news stories in the media, planning applications or developer contacts. A summary of known proposals in the city is provided in Appendix II.


2.3    As proposals for PBSA developments progress through community engagement and planning application phases, Members will need to consider the merits of such developments within the context of aspirations previously endorsed by Council to develop Belfast as a learning city and the potential for city regeneration and economic growth, arising from the contribution of the higher education sector and students. Additionally, Members are advised to refer to the proposed planning criteria as endorsed by Council and the Student Housing Joint Team partners, outlined in the ‘Framework for Student Housing and PBSA’ (Appendix III).


2.4    As previously outlined to Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 21 March 2014 work is continuing with key partners including SIB, DSD and DEL, toexplore the feasibility of options for the facilitation of purpose built student accommodation. A report outlining the outcome of this work will be brought to committee once this has progressed further.


3       Resource Implications




3.1    Costs for development of the student housing strategy have been allowed for in existing revenue estimates.


         Human Resources


3.2    Council input to joint working arrangements with Joint Team partners is met from existing staffing arrangements.


Asset and Other Implications


3.3    None


4       Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1    There are no equality or good relations considerations in relation to this report – (information for noting only)


5       Recommendations


5.1    Members are asked to note the research into Economic Impact of Students in the City and the contents of this report on purpose built managed student accommodation.”


            The Committee noted the contents of the report.


Supporting documents: