Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0    Purpose of report


1.1    The Council’s Capital Programme is a rolling programme of investment which either improves existing Council facilities or provides new facilities. This report provides –


·        key highlights since the last Committee report in October

·        specific project updates

·        an update on planned communications and engagement activities for capital projects


1.2    Members are asked to note that a detailed report on the Capital Programme will be brought to Committee in January in conjunction with a finance paper.  It had been intended to take this paper in this month however Members will be aware that they have been updated on a number of occasions in relation to the risks associated with the ERDF projects and a number of crucial decisions are awaited from Invest NI in relation to these projects which will inform the content of this paper. 


2.0    Relevant Background Information


         Capital Programme – Key highlights – June-August 2014


2.1    Significant progress has been made in the delivery of the capital programme since it was agreed by SP&R Committee in February 14. The Property & Projects Department is happy to arrange site visits to any capital project. 


2.2    Key highlights since the last update report in October include - 


·        the new Adventurers Learning Centre at the Zoo and the new pavilion at Suffolk have been completed and handed over

·        tenders have been awarded for the new pavilions at Dixon and Waterworks as part of the £15million pitches strategy with work commencing this month

·        construction works are continuing on the extension to the Waterfront to provide dedicated conference and exhibition facilities,  Phase 2 of the Connswater Community Greenway, the £11.7m Girdwood Hub; the new £1.7m 3G pitch at Cliftonville; Half Moon Lake and Drumglass Park and work will begin early in the New Year to install the 30 docking stations across the city centre for our Public Bike Share Scheme

·        Super-Connected voucher scheme - Over 850 applications have been received for connection Vouchers and over £1m has been allocated in the form of grants. 10 of the 16 demand stimulation (information) events have been run and have been very positively received by attendees.  

·        Super-Connected wi-fi in public buildings. The tender has closed and BT have been selected as the service provider. In total wi-fi will be installed in 119 buildings including the City Hall; Waterfront; Ulster Hall; St. George’s Market; Belfast Castle and Malone house where work has begun while another 113 venues will go live by the end of the March including community centres; leisure centres; sports and bowling pavilions, the Zoo and Smithfield Market.




3.1    Members have agreed that all capital projects must go through a three Stage process where decisions on which projects progress are taken by SP&R. This provides assurance as to the level of financial control and will allow Members to properly consider the opportunity costs of approving one capital project over another capital project. Importantly it will also enable Members to focus on delivering the projects which can have maximum benefits and investment return for the city and local areas.


         Capital projects – Updates


3.2    Tamar Street – Members will recall that they agreed last month that this project is rescoped as a wider masterplan for the Ballymacarrett area and is dropped back down to Stage 1- Emerging Project on the Capital Programme. It was noted that master-planning would also provide an opportunity for any future development plans for the site to reflect wider community need and compliment the adjacent CCG Phase 2 works at C.S Lewis Square and the ‘Best of East’ centre which is currently under construction. Members further agreed that the site should be cleared to facilitate an interim use of the site. Members are asked to note that this recommendation has now been reflected in the Capital Programme.


3.3    In light of this agreement SP&R Committee is now asked to agree that this site is transferred to the corporate landbank from the Development Department.  Members are asked to note that interest has already been expressed in the use of the cleared site to facilitate contractors working on the adjacent CCG Scheme including its potential use by the Rivers Agency as a storage compound for piling. This would complement lease arrangements which are being progressed to enable the CCG contractor’s lease of hard standing space at the adjacent Connswater Community.


3.4    Fleet Programme - Members are asked to note that the Director of Finance & Resources has agreed to the purchase of an additional Bergman vehicle and has confirmed that this is within the affordability limits of the Council and the original agreed budget for the Fleet Replacement Programme for this year. 



         Capital Programme – Communications and Events updates


3.5    Members are asked to note the activity undertaken between August and November 2014 in relation to the capital programme and the wider Investment Programme. A detailed breakdown of all activity has been circulated. Highlights include:

-     97 articles placed in local/regional/national media for Investment Programme projects, with 97% rated as positive or factual, including:


-     launch of £15 million Pitches Strategy in partnership with the GAA;

-     ‘breaking ground’ on new Belfast Waterfront extension;

-     appointment of contractor for Phase 2 of Connswater Community Greenway;

-     employability and sub-contracting events relating to major developments;

-     continued rollout of Super-connected Belfast programmes and activities;

-     announcement of charges for Belfast Bike Share Scheme;

-     ‘Careers in the City’ event at City Hall; and 

-     closure of Tropical Ravine ahead of restoration work starting


·        Update on overall delivery in City Matters magazine (September/November 2014), reaching 130,000 residents, with individual articles providing more detail on projects

·        Continued increase in web traffic – our site now attracts an average of over 145,000 visitors per month. Investment pages attracted their highest figures for 2014 in October and November, coinciding with major announcements and increase in press activity.

·        Facebook and Twitter continue to be valuable engagement tools, with regular posts on key projects now reaching up to 127,000 Facebook users

·        Branded signage now installed at high visibility points within all capital projects

·        Detailed communications plans developed for capital schemes, including upcoming projects like the Innovation Centre and the North Foreshore

·        Regular updates and news items provided in Intercom, Team Brief, Interlink and TV screens in frontline locations, as well as new Chief Executive’s blog


3.6    Upcoming activity is currently being planned for the following projects and initiatives:


·        Further employability and sub contracting events – December 2014

·        Rollout of free wifi to 119 public buildings – December 2014/January 2015

·        Public information re: Phase 2 of Connswater Community Greenway – January 2015

·        Opening of Adventurers’ Learning Centre at Belfast Zoo – TBC

·        Funding announcements for Innovation Centre and North Foreshore – TBC

·        Completion of work at Half Moon Lake – TBC


4.0    Recommendations


4.1    Members are asked to note the contents of this report and


-     Note that a detailed report on the Capital Programme will be brought into Committee in January


         Project Updates


-  Tamar Street – note that the SP&R Committee last month agreed that the Tamar Street proposed capital programme project (which was a Stage 2 – Uncommitted project) is rescoped to become a wider masterplan for the Ballymacarrett area and is dropped down to a Stage 1 – Emerging Project and that the site was cleared to maximise the potential of the site.  Members are asked to note that this has now been reflected on the Capital Programme. In light of this agreement SP&R Committee is asked to agree that this site is transferred to the corporate landbank and to note that interest has been expressed in the use of the cleared site to facilitate contractors working on the adjacent CCG Scheme


-  Fleet Programme – note that the Director of Finance & Resources has agreed to the purchase of an additional Bergman vehicle and has confirmed that this is within the affordability limits of the Council and the agreed Fleet Replacement budget for 2014-15.


         Communication and Engagement – Capital Programme projects


-     note the communications and engagement activity which is planned over the coming months.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: