Agenda item


            The Director of Property and Projects submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“1     Relevant Background Information


1.1    At its meeting on 21 October 2014 the Development Committee agreed to recommend to Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that:


         (i)  North Queen Street Community Centre:


         A new licence agreement for facilities at Centre is granted to Holy Family and Golden Gloves Amateur Boxing Club.


         (ii)  Glen Road :


         A new lease for additional premises on the Glen Road is granted to An Munia Tober.


         (iii)  Ballymacarrett Recreation Centre:


         A new lease for Ballymacarret Recreation Centre is granted to Connswater Community and Leisure Services.


         (iv)  Denmark Street Community Centre:


         The rent payable for use of the Centre by Denmark Street Residents Association is reviewed under the terms of their Lease.


1.3    (v)  Land to the rear of 26-32 and 36-40 Ladybrook Park


         At its meeting on 12 September 1991 the former Parks Committee agreed to the disposal of land to the rear of houses at 8-40 Ladybrook Park, to the adjoining householders. Subsequent to the Committee approval a number of disposals took place, however the Council continue to hold title to the areas of land to the rear of 26-32 and 36-40 Ladybrook Park.


1.4    The subject land does not form part of any other land in Council ownership and is effectively inaccessible other than by the occupants of the houses on Ladybrook Park.  In addition the householders may seek to claim to have been in possession of the land for sufficient time to establish possessory title. Despite this the Council has received an enquiry from the owners of 38 Ladybrook Park seeking to formally acquire the portion to the rear of their property from the Council. The area in question is outlined red on the location map attached as appendix 1.


1.5    (vi)  Disposal of Land at Orangefield Playing Fields


         At its meeting on 11 December 2014 the Parks and Leisure Committee received a report regarding the disposal of 54 square metres of land at Orangefield Playing Fields Director of Property and Projects will provide an update to Committee on the decision of the Parks and Leisure Committee.


1.6    The relevant land is not currently used for parks purposes and no other service use has been identified following circulation of details to other Departments.


1.7    (vii)  Licence Agreement – Bicycle Stands at Lagan Valley Regional Park


         At its meeting on 11 December 2014 the Parks and Leisure Committee received a report on the proposed installation of bicycle stands at three Parks and Leisure sites within the Lagan Valley Regional Park. 


1.8    At its meeting on 20 August 2013 the Development Committee approved a BCC contribution to the installation of bicycle stands and signage, to be installed, at those sites within LVRP which fall within the Belfast Local Government Area.  The installations reported to the Parks and Leisure Committee form part of the works to which this funding is being applied.


2       Key Issues


2.1    (i)  North Queen Street Community Centre – New Licence Agreement to Holy Family and Golden Gloves Amateur Boxing Club


         A new licence agreement would be based on the previous agreement for a period of 5 years from 1 February 2014. A revised rent is proposed of £1,075 per annum.


2.2    (ii)  Glen Road – New Lease to An Munia Tober


         The new lease until 30 September 2017 will include the former traveller liaison office, the remaining space within the compound and the adjacent car park at an annual rent of £2,315 per annum.


2.3    (iii)  Ballymacarrett Recreation Centre Lease Renewal


         The new lease will be for a period of 5 years from 1 October 2014 at a revised rent of £10,775 per annum.


2.4    (iv)  Denmark Street Community Centre – Denmark Street Residents Association Rent Review


         Rent review from 1 April 2013 at a revised amount of £3,786 per annum.


2.5    (v)  Land to the rear of 26-32 and 36-40 Ladybrook Park


         The Council no longer have any practical means of gaining access to the land at the rear of Ladybrook Park. The disposal price agreed in recent times for similar portions of land has been £4,000 per acre. It is considered that disposal at this same figure of £4,000 represents the best price the Council could hope to achieve for the land.


2.6    (vi)  Disposal of Land at Orangefield Playing Fields


         As some use has been made of this land by adjoining owners, its disposal will assist in clarifying the Council’s responsibilities at this location. The agreed disposal price of £1500 is considered to represent ‘best price’ in accordance with the Council’s statutory responsibilities as set out in the Local Government Act (NI) 1972.


2.7    (vii)  Licence Agreement – Bicycle Stands at Lagan Valley Regional Park


         A Licence Agreement between BCC and LVRP is required in order to regulate the installation and pre-installation processes and the transfer of ownership of the bicycle stands to BCC following their successful installation. The Director of Property and Projects will provide a verbal update to Committee on the decision of the Parks and Leisure Committee. 


3       Resource Implications


         Finance and Assets


3.1    (i)  North Queen Street Community Centre – New Licence Agreement to Holy Family and Golden Gloves Amateur Boxing Club


·        A licence fee of £1,075 per annum would become payable from 1 February 2014.


3.2    (ii)  Glen Road – New Lease to An Munia Tober


·        An annual rent of £2,315 would become payable until 30 September 2017.


3.3    (iii)  Ballymacarrett Recreation Centre Lease Renewal


·          A rent of £10,775 per annum would become payable under the new lease from 1 October 2014.


3.4    (iv) Denmark Street Community Centre - Denmark Street Residents Association Rent Review


·          A rent of £3,786 per annum will become payable from 1 April 2013.


3.5    (v)  Land to the rear of 26-32 and 36-40 Ladybrook Park


·          A figure of £80 (£4,000 per acre) has been agreed with the owners of 38 Ladybrook subject to Committee approval.


·          If the formal disposal of the entirety of the land was achieved this would provide the Council with a capital receipt of approximately £730.00. However it is not expected all householders will take up any further offer of the land and total capital receipts from the land are likely to be somewhat less than this. As part of the arrangement with householders it would be expected they would bear their own legal costs.


3.6    (vi)  Disposal of Land at Orangefield Playing Fields


·        Disposal will result in a capital receipt of £1,500 to the Council.


3.7    (vii) Licence Agreement – Bicycle Stands at Lagan Valley Regional Park


·        As the bicycle stands are designed to benefit Council facilities no licence fee is appropriate in this case.


·        The introduction of these new installations is designed to enhance the attractiveness of the Parks (and LVRP) to cycle users, ownership of the stands will transfer to Council after installation.


3.8    Human Resources


         Staff resources from the Estate Management Unit, Community Services, Parks and Leisure Department and Legal Services will be required to complete all agreements.


4       Recommendations


         It is recommended that Members agree to the following subject to incorporation of appropriate terms, as required, in legal agreements to be prepared by the Town Solicitor:


4.1    (i)  North Queen Street Community Centre


         To a further licence to Holy Family and Golden Gloves Amateur Boxing Club for 5 years from 1 February 2014 subject to an annual fee of £1,075 per annum.


4.2    (ii)  Glen Road – New Lease to An Munia Tober


         To a new lease until 30 September 2017 at a yearly rent of £2,315 on the terms outlined above.


4.3    (iii)  Ballymacarrett Recreation Centre Lease Renewal


         To a further lease to CC&LS for 5 years from 1 October 2014 with provision to extend for a further 5 years subject to a rent of £10,775 per annum.


4.4    (iv)  Denmark Street Community Centre Denmark Street Residents Association Rent Review


         To a revised rent of £3,786 per annum payable from the rent review date of 1 April 2013.


4.5    (v)  Land to the rear of 26-32 and 36-40 Ladybrook Park


         To dispose of the land to the rear of 38 Ladybrook Park to the dwelling’s owners at a price of £80 (£4,000 per acre) with each party bearing their own legal costs. In addition to this authority for officers to contact again the remaining householders at 26, 28, 30, 32, 36 and 40 Ladybrook Park with a view to agreeing disposal terms based on the figure of £4,000 per acre, with each party bearing their own legal costs.


4.6    (vi)  Disposal of Land at Orangefield Playing Fields


         To authorise the disposal of 54 square metres of land at Orangefield Playing Fields for the sum of £1500, subject to each party bearing their own legal costs.


4.7    (vii)  Licence Agreement – Bicycle Stands at Lagan Valley Regional Park


         To authorise the grant of a licence agreement to allow LVRP’s contractors access to the Council sites within LVRP, for the installation of approved bicycle stands and for ownership of those stands to transfer to the Council upon their successful installation.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: