Agenda item


(Mr. A. Hassard, Director of Parks and Leisure, and Mrs R. Crozier, Assistant Director of Parks and Leisure, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1     Relevant Background Information


1.1    The Council currently hold the land at Slievegallion Drive.  The land is held on a 10,000 year lease, date 20th Feb 1984, from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.  The lease restricts the use of the site to informal open space and NIHE consent is required for any assignment or sub letting.


1.2    De La Salle College is located adjacent to the Council’s land at Slievegallion Drive.  The school have approached the Council with a proposal for the redevelopment of that part of the Council’s land at Slievegallion Drive, to provide a school/community facility comprising 3G sports pitch and associated changing pavilion.


1.3    The College require a 99 year lease in order to secure funding from the Department of Education for their proposal.


1.4    The site does not form part of the Pitches Strategy and there is currently no identified funding in the Capital Programme for the development of this land by the Council.


1.5    Parks and Leisure Committee at its meeting on 13th June 2013 agreed to officers progressing discussions with De La Salle College with a view to exploring the most appropriate arrangement for the redevelopment of the informal open space at Slievegallion Drive, with a further report to be brought to the Parks & Leisure Committee in due course.


1.6    A further report was brought to the Parks & Leisure Committee on the 11th December 2014 recommending that:


1.   Officers continue to meet with the College representatives to progress the matter;


2.   Agree in principle to the leasing of the land subject to obtaining the necessary statutory approvals; securing funding and reaching agreement with Council officers re terms and conditions including a community use clause;


3.   Agree to make recommendations to Strategic Policy & Resources that the Council fund the refurbishment of the land outside of the pitch proposal using the land fee; and that the Landscape Planning and Development Unit is tasked to undertake the design element of this work.


1.7    The recommendation was not approved by the Parks & Leisure Committee but was subsequently overturned at the Council meeting on the 5th Jan 2015 to provide that the Council proceed with the recommendations as set out within the report and, in addition, that officers arrange a meeting with residents in order to discuss any concerns which they may have in respect of the development.


1.8    A report was brought to the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee on 23rd Jan 2015 seeking approval to the premium of £129,450 and approval to use part of the receipt to upgrade and landscape the retained land.  The Committee deferred a decision and asked that the matter be taken back to Committee following BCC officers undertaking the proposed information session with local residents.


1.9    A public information session has been arranged for 10th February 2015 at Andersonstown Leisure Centre and the Director of Parks & Leisure will provide an update at Committee on the outcome of this.


2       Key Issues


2.1    De La Salle College are seeking funding from the Department of Education’s School Enhancement Programme (SEP). The Department of Education have confirmed that there is not enough funding in the SEP to cover all projects and therefore funding will be allocated as and when projects are ready to go forward for procurement.  In the case of the pitch and pavilion proposed at Slievegallion Drive, the Department of Education will only confirm the allocation of funding when there is Council approval to the sale of the land and planning approval is in place.  De La Salle has recently advised that the planning application process is well advanced.  There is, therefore, a risk that DE funding may not be available if Council approval to the land disposal and planning approval is not in place


2.2    Council officers have negotiated with the Department of Education and De La Salle College and the following has been agreed in principle and subject to Committee approval:


1.   The land shown shaded green on the plan attached at Appendix’1’ is to be leased to the Department of Education for 99 years for use as pitches and a pavilion.


2.   The premium is agreed at £129,450 in accordance with the Land & Property Services valuation of the land.


3.   The Department of Education will be responsible for the construction costs associated with the pitch, pavilion and associated perimeter fence.


4.   De La Salle College will be responsible for obtaining planning approval for the proposed development.


5.   De La Salle College will facilitate the use of the new facilities by the local community outside of school hours.


2.3    While the Department of Education will be responsible for reinstating the Council’s retained open space, the Council will fund any additional landscaping to provide higher quality and upgraded open space using part of the premium received from the Department of Education.  A preliminary scheme has been prepared as part of the College’s proposal at an estimated cost of £110,000.


3       Resource Implications


3.1    Finance


         The Department of Education will pay a premium of £129,450 for the site: it is estimated that the upgrading and landscaping of the retained open space will cost £110,000.


3.2    Assets


         De La Salle College will be responsible for the management, maintenance and insurance of proposed development.  The College will provide access to the new facilities for the local community outside of school hours. This integrated approach is in line with the ‘One Public Estate’ concept and the improved use of publicly owned assets across the wider public sector, voluntary and community sectors.


3.3    Human Resources


         Staff resource to complete the sale of the land by way of long lease to the Department of Education (subject to Committee approval).  Further staff resource required in developing the agreement for the community use of the new facility.


4       Recommendations


4.1    Members are asked to note that BCC officers are undertaking a public information session on 10th February 2015 in relation to the proposed development of the land and the Director of Parks & Leisure will provide an update on the outcome of this at Committee.  Members are also asked to note the position outlined above in relation to the Department of Education funding.


         Subject to this update being provided at Committee, Members are asked to note that following the Council’s decision of the 5th January 2015 to approve, in principle, to the leasing of the land (as outlined above) a premium of £129,450 has now been provisionally agreed with the Department of Education for the disposal (by way of 99 year lease) of the land, subject to:


·        Committee approval.


·        An appropriate legal agreement to be drawn up by Legal Services.


·        Expenditure of part of the receipt from the land disposal on the refurbishment and upgrade of the retained open space at this location.”


            The Committee was advised that a request for a deputation of residents who had concerns in relation to the development had been received and the Committee agreed that they be admitted to the meeting.


            Prior to the admission of the deputation, the Director of Parks and Leisure tabled, for the information of the Members, a briefing paper in relation to the consultation responses on the De La Salle proposal and outlined the main aspects contained therein.


            It was reported that Mrs. A. Kerrigan, Mr. A. Marron and Mrs. M. Keenan, representing Friends of Glasmullan Open Green, were in attendance and they were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Deputy Chairman.


            Mrs. Kerrigan proceeded to outline the concerns of a number of local residents in relation to the proposal by De La Salle school.  She pointed out that the open space was a community amenity and offered free use for all residents in what was a densely populated area.  She stated that the open space was tranquil and peaceful and suggested that the school should consider alternative options for the location of a pitch.


            The deputation then answered a number of questions from the Members and retired from the meeting.


            After discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor Hendron,


            Seconded by Councillor McVeigh,


      That the Committee agrees to the leasing of the land as outlined, subject to an appropriate legal agreement to be drawn up by the Legal Services Section and to part of the income received for the land disposal being used for the refurbishment and upgrade of the retained open space at the location.


            On a vote by show of hands thirteen Members voted for the proposal and three against and it was declared carried.


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