Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 22nd April, it had been suggested that a presentation from representatives of Transport NI should be delivered to a meeting of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee in order that they could deliver their Spring Report.  At that meeting, it was agreed that an invitation be extended also to representatives of Translink which would enable Members to consider a range of strategic transport-related issues which were relevant to the City.  It was reported that Mr. T. Reid, Director for Policy, Strategy and Legislation Division (DRD), Mr. K. Monaghan, Eastern Divisional Manager at Transport NI, Mr. B. O’Neill, Belfast North Section Engineer, Mr. G. McKibbin, Belfast South Section Engineer, and Mr. B. Gilpin, Head of Operational Support & Planning at Translink, were in attendance and they were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairperson.


            Mr. Reid explained the need for significant investment in Northern Ireland’s public transport system and the key role that Belfast played as the key economic driver for the region.  He outlined the progress which had been made with Belfast Rapid Transit, the Great Victoria Street Transit Hub and outlined the proposed changes to the York Street Interchange.


            Mr. K. Monaghan outlined the principal aspects of Transport NI’s Programme of Works for the forthcoming year.  He advised the Committee that, while funding had not yet been established for the Knock Road (A55) widening scheme, it was in a procurement-ready position should funding become available.  He also stated that road improvements to the south section of the Belfast City Centre Ring, between Sandy Row and Cromac Street, would be significantly smaller in scale compared to what had originally been proposed and that these would proceed only if additional funding was identified.  He highlighted the vastly reduced budget that the Department was working within with regards to routine maintenance costs which had resulted in a skeleton service of repairing road defects, clearing gullies and cutting grass verges and trees to maintain visibility.  The Chief Executive informed Members that officers would be meeting with officials from the Department for Regional Development to discuss routine maintenance, such as grass cutting across the City, the following week.


            Mr. B. Gilpin provided the Committee with an overview of Translink’s plans to integrate and modernise ticketing systems across its services, the expansion of park and ride facilities across the City, continuous frequency enhancements to core routes, the importance of the Goldline coach network which brought people into Belfast, the progress of the Belfast Rapid Transit preparation throughout the East and West of the City and the anticipated increase in footfall from the Ulster University’s relocation from Jordanstown.


            The Members drew the attention of the officers from Transport NI and Translink to several matters, a number of which are set out hereunder:


·        what arrangements were in place for rapid response when vehicles broke down on the Westlink causing the traffic to come to a standstill;

·        the progress on a number of residential parking schemes across the city;

·        whether the proposed bridge for the York Street Interchange could be a few metres lower, as the current proposals placed the road in front of a number of houses;

·        the low level of grass cutting and gully clearing which had been taking place due to budget cuts;

·        the Cycling Strategy;

·        the Belfast Plan;

·        the recent removal of security and closure of the terminal at the Dundonald Park and Ride site;

·        whether Translink had encouraged those commuters from Bangor/Holywood to use the train while NI Water was carrying out long-term work in Mersey Street;

·        whether the Boyne Bridge could be considered for removal from the plans for the new Transport Hub in Great Victoria Street;

·        how the west Belfast Black Taxis would be incorporated into the Belfast Rapid Transit plan; and

·        whether a number of alleyways could be adopted by Transport NI.


            The officials from Transport NI answered a number of the queries and undertook to advise the Council of its response in relation to those matters which required further examination.  The Chairperson thanked the officials from Transport NI and Translink for attending and they left the meeting. 


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.


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