Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.0  Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues


      On 26 August 2015, members of the committee attended a planning workshop with a view to developing a work plan for the City Growth & Regeneration Committee.


         A total of 16 Members attended the workshop, together with the Chief Executive and the Directors of Development, Planning and Place and Property and Projects. 


         Members identified a number of priorities and made a number of proposals which are detailed within the main report.  Members made these proposals in the context of emerging priorities identified as part of the ‘Belfast Conversation’ and the development of the Belfast Agenda.  Discussion was also informed by information on the role of the committee and the resources at its disposal for delivery. The proposals will form the basis of a committee plan will be brought back to members in October 2015.


         Members also received a presentation from Heavenly, the brand consultancy appointed to develop a new customer focused Brand Strategy for the Belfast Waterfront.  There was support at the workshop for the brand values & behaviours, positioning and the proposal on the name of the venue.  A separate report on the brand strategy and the recommendations of the consultants is a separate item on the agenda for this committee.


2.0   Recommendations


         Members of the committee are asked to consider and approve the list of key priorities and suggested proposals resulting from the committee workshop on 26 August. 


         Members are asked to give approval for officers to draft a committee plan based on the key priorities and bring a draft of the committee plan to the City Growth & Regeneration Committee in October.


3.0    Main report


         Key Issues


         At the recent City Growth & Regeneration workshop, Members considered the following questions as part of the planning exercise:


1.     Discuss the role and priorities for the committee

2.     How is the new committee working?


         The top roles and priorities discussed by table have been circulated.  The key issues and priorities identified by members include:


·        City centre regeneration & investment strategy;

·        Job creation and the employability & skills strategy;

·        Place positioning and an agreed city brand to maximise the opportunities for investment, tourism and regeneration;

·        Integrated tourism strategy;

·        Investigate the feasibility of a City Deal for Belfast;

·        Develop a car parking strategy; and

·        Ensure the above strategies give consideration to connecting neighbourhoods to the city centre, ensuring that the whole city enjoys the benefits.


         Members discussed how the new committee is working and have made a number of suggested proposals, as follows:


·        Currently too much on the agenda and it is not possible to fully discuss the key strategic issues of the city – more time needs given to these;

·        Consider the possibility of having a second meeting every month.  The second meeting could be in the form of a workshop and/ or discussion sessions with key partners; and

·        Improved working relationships with key outside bodies.

·        Improve the coordination of discussions and agendas with other BCC committees.


         Next Steps


         If approved by Committee, the proposals made at the workshop which relate to the remit of the committee will form the basis of a committee plan which will be brought back in October 2015.  The plan will be based on the identified priorities and proposals highlighted by members.  It will also identify existing programmes currently being delivered by the council which contribute to committee’s priorities. 


         Financial & Resource Implications


         The committee plan will be developed in the context of the resources available to the committee.


         Equality or Good Relations Implications


         There are no equality or good relation implications.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: