Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0       Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues


1.1       Transport NI (TNI) are requesting permission from BCC to enter into a licence agreement to carry out works at Corporation Square car park owned by BCC as part of its Advanced Works for the proposed York Street Interchange Road Scheme.  Approval is sought from Members to enter into a licence agreement to commence on 1 December 2015. 


1.2       During the period of the Advanced Works a total of 48 car parking spaces will not be capable of being used by the public at this car park.  TNI will be responsible for compensating BCC for loss of revenue during the period of the Advanced Works, and also for all other costs associated with any damages and losses which may be incurred by BCC as a result of the temporary closure of the 48 car parking spaces.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       Members are asked to agree to entering into a temporary licence between BCC and TNI to facilitate the construction of a reception shaft as part of the Advanced Works for the proposed York Street Interchange Scheme.  The licence agreement will be subject to detailed terms to be agreed between the Estates Manager, BCC Legal Services and TNI.  Members are also asked to note that there will be a temporary loss of 48 car parking spaces. 


3.0       Main report


3.1       Key Issues


            The off street car park that is located at Corporation Square was transferred to BCC from DRD as part of the Transfer Scheme of Off Street car parking on 1 April 2015.  It currently provides a total of 193 car parking spaces. 


3.2       The Westlink, M2 and M3 Motorways are currently connected through a complex arrangement of traffic signals at York Street.  This bottleneck causes significant congestion and delays for traffic travelling at peak times.  TNI has developed proposals to provide a grade separated junction at York Street that will greatly improve access between these roads and these proposals are known as the York Street Interchange Road Scheme. 


3.3       The York Street Interchange Scheme is highlighted in BCC’s City Centre Regeneration Strategy & Investment Plan as a significant project for the city.  It was agreed at BCC’s Shadow Strategic Policy & Resources Committee Meeting on 20 March 2015 that BCC would continue to work with DRD and other partners through the Strategic Advisory Forum to assess the regeneration opportunities of surplus land parcels resulting from the proposed development at an early stage to maximise the potential benefit for the city. 


            As part of the proposed York Street Interchange Road Scheme TNI has identified the need to construct a reception shaft underneath BCC lands at Corporation Square. TNI engineers have undertaken extensive feasibility and site option assessment works in respect of the proposed shaft location and have confirmed that this is the only suitable location for the reception shaft. 


3.4       In order to complete the construction works it will be necessary to close off 48 car parking spaces at this off street car park for a period of 12 weeks.  TNI has sought BCC’s co operation around a licence start date of 01 December 2015, and members will note that this is during the peak Christmas shopping period.  However, the timeframe for TNI’s proposed construction works is being driven by the proposed development of a multi storey car park by Belfast Harbour Commissioners on an adjacent site next to its newly constructed City Quays office development.  The multi storey car park site if developed before the reception shaft is in place will make it impossible to locate the shaft at this location. If the Belfast Harbour Commissioners’ development was not occurring these Advanced Works would not be commencing at this stage but would form part of TNI’s main works contract. 


            TNI engineers have advised that this is the only 12 week period during which the construction works can be carried out without significantly delaying the commencement of the multi storey car park by Belfast Harbour Commissioners.  


3.5       Under the terms of the licence agreement TNI will be responsible for compensating BCC for the loss of revenue during the 12 week period and also for all other costs associated with any damages and losses which may be incurred by BCC as a result of the temporary closure of the 48 car parking spaces.  TNI will also be responsible for ensuring that all relevant insurances are in place prior to the commencement of the construction works and these insurances will be provided subject to the satisfaction of BCC’s Insurance Officer.  The cover to the reception shaft will be designed to accept traffic loadings which will ensure continued use of the car park spaces after completion of the works.  TNI have accepted responsibility for the future integrity, management and maintenance of the reception shaft. 


3.6       Members are asked to note that the Vesting Schedule for the York Street Interchange Scheme identifies that four off street car parks currently operated by BCC and located at Corporation Street , Corporation Square, York Street and Whitla Street are to be vested by TNI, which may result in the loss of  420 spaces.  A further report will be brought back to members in due course when further details around this are known, including any compensation payments that will be payable to BCC.


3.7       Financial and Resource Implications


            TNI will be responsible for the payment of compensation for the loss of revenue during the 12 week construction period, and also for all other costs associated with any damages and losses which may be incurred by BCC as a result of the temporary closure of the 48 car parking spaces. 


3.8       Human Resources


            Resources in BCC Estates Management Unit, Legal Services and Environmental Health Services will be involved with the completion of this licence agreement.


3.9       Asset & Other Implications


            There will be a temporary loss of 48 car parking spaces for a 12 week period. 


3.10     Equality or Good Relations Implications


            There are no equality or good relations issues associated with this report.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.



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