Agenda item


            The Chairperson advised the Committee that Mr. K. Monaghan, Eastern Divisional Manager, Mr. B. O’Neill, Belfast North Section Engineer, and Mr. G. McKibbin, Belfast South Section Engineer from Transport NI were in attendance and they were admitted to the meeting.


            Mr. Monaghan provided an overview of the main strategic transportation issues for the city, namely the York Street Interchange and Belfast Rapid Transit (BRT).  He outlined that a public inquiry had taken place, between 10th and 12th November, on the York Street Interchange.  He advised the Committee that inspectors were now considering the issues raised and that a report would be due by the end of January 2016. 

            He then provided the Committee with an update on the progress of the Belfast Rapid Transit (BRT) scheme, where work had taken place in both the east and west of the city.  He reminded the Members that Transport NI had implemented a temporary embargo on work over the Christmas period to refrain from causing any unnecessary traffic disruption but that work would recommence in January.


            During discussion, a Member had raised a query regarding residents parking schemes.  In response, the representatives from Transport NI advised that they would like to see them introduced in a number of areas as they would integrate into the city’s overall transportation strategy but that, despite considerable efforts, it had not been possible to secure community consensus to implement a scheme in any of the proposed locations yet.  In response to a further Member’s question in relation to the Belfast City Centre Ring - South Section, Mr. Monaghan explained that the scheme would be reduced in scale from what had previously been proposed in the Belfast Metropolitan Transport Plan (BMTP).  He explained that it would focus on the needs of public transport, pedestrians and cyclists, as well as general traffic, and take cognisance of potential redevelopment opportunities.


            Another Member advised that a number of the streetlights were no longer working on the Sydenham bypass, between the Connsbank Road and the Belfast City Airport, and there had been three accidents in the last few weeks.  The Transport NI representatives advised that they were aware of this and that it was a Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE) issue.  They advised also that there were 15 lights which needed repaired and that they had been programmed for repair but that they would liaise with NIE again to see if the repairs could be expedited.


            A further Member outlined to the Transport NI representatives that he had been in contact with Transport NI in relation to a number of accidents at the pedestrian crossing at the junction of the Ravenhill Road/My Ladys Road.  Mr. Monaghan advised that Transport NI would carry out an inspection and that it could be repainted if it was deemed necessary


            A number of Members raised the following issues with the representatives from Transport NI:


·        budget cuts;

·        issues with a number of speed humps;

·        plans to widen the Sydenham by-pass;

·        plans to expand the safe cycle network into residential areas outside of the city centre;

·        a number of unadopted alleyways in the city;

·        proposed new pedestrian bridge at the Gasworks (different branch in the department – will come back to you)

·        visual improvements for the bridge at Finaghy Road North;


            Before the representatives retired from the meeting Mr. Monaghan advised the Committee that Mr. O’Neill would be retiring from his position in Transport NI at the end of January 2016 and a number of Members paid tribute to his work with the Council over the years.


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