Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report


1.1       Over the last year Council Officers have been working with the local organising committee, who operate under the auspice of Athletics Northern Ireland, in their bid to secure the 2017 Twenty-Four Hour World Endurance Championship.  This paper contains a request for approval of an underwriting letter of support in order that the organisers’ bid can be endorsed by United Kingdom Athletics (UKA), which in turn will allow the submission to be presented to the International Association of Ultrarunners (IUA) in order to secure the event for Belfast


1.2       For Councillors’ information, the IUA operates under the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).


2.0       Recommendations


2.1      Committee is asked to consider whether


·        a letter of support, underwriting up to a value of £50,000, the bid for the World 24 Hour World Championship in 2017,should be issued by Council to United Kingdom Athletics.  This will enable the bid to go in-front of the International Association of Ultrarunners in order to secure the event for Belfast.


3.0       Main report


3.1       Key Issues


            This event would be staged from the 30 June to the 2 July 2017, and would attract approximately four hundred participants, accompanied by four hundred coaches and support staff.  It is also estimated that the event would attract around 1,000 spectators and create approximately 5,000 bed-spaces, which in turn would generate £364,000 additional economic activity for Belfast.


3.2       The main race elements of the event would take place in the Council owned Victoria Park, with the opening and medal ceremonies being staged at Belfast City Hall.  Both these elements are subject to Council approval.  Three hundred of the proposed competitors would come from out-of-state and the event would be in keeping with the Belfast Agenda, in that the Championship would not only help the local economy through tourism bed-nights, but would portray the city as an active and vibrant place to visit.


3.3       To date Council Officers have issued general letters of support to assist the local organisers, who operate under the auspice of Athletics Northern Ireland.  However, United Kingdom Athletics have now indicated that they will not support the bid unless an underwriting commitment is made by a commercial sponsor or public body.  The total cost of staging the event is £78,761 and the organisers have secured £28,761 from commercial sponsors and other sources, including personal loans.  However, the local bid group has been unable to gain an underwriting commitment for the outstanding £50,000, thus Belfast City Council is being to act as guarantor for the bid up to the amount stated £50,000.


3.4       Financial & Resource Implications


            The organisers have given assurances that they will address the cash shortfall prior to the event.  Any underwriting arrangement agreed by the Council would be subject to a final business case and legal contract. They have also stressed that the likelihood of Belfast City Council being asked to pay the full £50,000 is low, with the Council’s commitment likely to be £10,000, which would be sought via Belfast City Council’s annual Support for Sport Events grants scheme.


3.5       To date Belfast city Council has made no resource commitment to this event or its bid.  However, if Council agrees to underwrite the proposal, and the bid is successful, it would mean that BCC would be exposed to a possible £50,000 shortfall in 2017.  Therefore, Members are asked to note that Officers would attempt to address the financial implications as part of the Development Department’s budgets for the 2017/18 period.


3.6       Equality & Good Relations Implications


            Belfast City Council Officers will work with the local organisers to ensure that all sections of society in Belfast can become involved in the event.”


            After discussion, during which a number of Members sought clarification regarding the issue of underwriting, it was


            Moved by Councillor Dudgeon,

            Seconded by Alderman McGimpsey,


      That the Committee agrees to defer consideration of the report for a period of one month to allow more information to be submitted to the Committee.




            Moved by Councillor McDonough-Brown,

            Seconded by Councillor Attwood,


                                   (i)          That the Committee agrees that a letter of support be issued by the Council to United Kingdom Athletics, underwriting up to a value of £10,000 towards the bid for the 24 Hour World Championship in 2017 to enable the bid to be considered by the International Association of Ultrarunners in order to secure the event for Belfast;


                                  (ii)          that additional financial support of £40,000 would be subject to a staged assessment to ensure compliance;


                                (iii)          that officers, in conjunction with the Legal Services section, draw up a contract to ensure that the organisers have made genuine attempts to attain funding from other sources and to demonstrate delivery ability at key milestones; and


                                (iv)          if the conditions are not met that the Council can end the contract and withdraw, or limit, its support.


            On a vote by show of hands, thirteen Members voted for the amendment and three against and it was declared carried. 


            The amendment was thereupon put to the meeting as the substantive motion and agreed.


Supporting documents: