Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


            “1.0     Purpose of Report

         To update Members on the £10 million submission to the Office of Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) competition for NI to become a regional exemplar for the uptake of Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs). The bid, which is 100% funded, is led by the Department of Regional Development Ecarni team, and Department of Environment in conjunction with local Councils. Belfast City Council is the lead Council.


2.0   Recommendations


          Members are asked to:


·        Note the measures outlined in the NI ecarni bid

·        Agree that Council will sign the NI Ultra Low Emission ‘charter’ as part of the bid process


3.0   Main report


3.1   The UK Climate Change Act introduced in 2008 sets a target of 80% reduction in green house gas emissions by 2050. As the transport sector is responsible for around 20% of the UK’s emissions particular focus is being placed on the transition to alternatively fuelled vehicles in order to meet this target.


         In early 2015 £35 million was allocated to a ‘Go Ultra Low City Scheme’ to encourage city regions to take a lead role in the transition to electric and other ultra low emission vehicles. This is an opportunity for a city/region to build an international reputation for the uptake of ultra low emission vehicles – a major growth market and technology over the next fifteen years.


         In April 2015 the DoE/DRD E-car team proposed leading a regional bid to the scheme in partnership with Belfast City Council. Following an initial application the Northern Ireland bid (ecarni) was shortlisted with ten other UK cities; four of which will be allocated up to £10 million.


         The NI bid is designed to contribute to the wider sustainable transport vision for the region. It will use targeted policy and financial incentives, alongside strong marketing and innovative ICT to inform and monitor measures, to promote and build momentum for a major change in the uptake of ULEVs across the region. Since April the DRD e-car team have been working with the public and private sector to draft the bid, which includes the following measures:


1.     Put in place a Diesel to Electric vehicle scrappage scheme to encourage the switch to EV’s to owners of pre-2006 diesel vehicles which emit very high levels of pollution.

2.     Provide incentives for an EV motability scheme to encourage greater uptake of EV as the car of choice for eligible customers.

3.     Create an EV salary sacrifice scheme for NICS with further implementation to the wider public and private sector

4.     Create a strong marketing and communications campaign  which will increase the awareness of ULEVs , promote the individual measures and develop an online digital platform which will act as a ‘one stop shop’ for EV drivers.

5.     Develop a Northern Ireland Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Strategy and international  policy  guidance which  focuses on the development of short , medium and long term polices and measures to encourage the uptake of ULEVs including where appropriate amendments to local legislation and policy in the transport , planning and environmental  sectors.

6.     Advance the legislative process to permit all approved electric vehicles in motorway bus lanes for a dedicated period of time.

7.     Work with local Councils, private sector and procurement partners to establish a series of   highly visible dedicated rapid charging areas and parking zones in strategic locations throughout Northern Ireland.

8.     Create a highly branded EV car pool with associated infrastructure for staff use across all government departments, public and private sectors Advance the legislative process to ensure that only these highly branded EVs can access city centre bus lanes on arterial routes.

9.     Through the use of data analytics and behavioural monitoring mechanisms, work with Invest NI, Queen’s University, Ulster University and University of Hertfordshire to identify and monitor the outcome of, measures to be implemented by the bid.


         One of the key criteria of the bid is evidence of support from key regional organisations. The bid team has asked all partners involved in the bid to demonstrate their support for the bid in principle by signing up to an Ultra Low Emission ‘charter’.  All partners are asked to sign up to general promotion and marketing activities as outlined (some of which the Council is already involved with) and some more specific activities:


1.     Introduce a ULEV policy throughout the Council by June 2016, which will demonstrate our commitment towards sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

2.     Investigate the establishment of an EV Car Pool for Council staff by September 2016, in conjunction with the overall ‘highly branded’ and visible EV Car Pool being implemented by the ecarNI team.

3.     Assist in the identification of land within Belfast City Council area which could be utilised for ‘EV Rapid Charging and Parking Zones’ in the Council area, in particular, land in or adjacent to Air Quality Management Areas.

4.     Encourage the formation of an ecarNI members club in the Council area for existing and future EV drivers, who will meet frequently to exchange new information and share EV driving experiences.

5.     Deliver a programme of marketing activities in partnership with the ecarNI team, to help promote ULEVs in the council area.

6.     Engage with the local business and wider community to promote and develop the ecar brand to facilitate a change the region’s travelling practices


         It is acknowledged that some of the specific measures will require more investigation and, if the bid is successful, further agreement with DRD on the appropriate level of funding required.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: