Agenda item


            (Alderman Stalford joined the meeting whilst this application was under consideration and was therefore unable to vote or partake in the discussion.)


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 17th November, it had deferred consideration of the above-mentioned application to enable the Council to assess the implications of the Department of the Environment’s Planning Advice Note, ‘Implementation of Planning Policy for the Retention of Zoned Land and Economic Development Uses’. That decision had also been taken also to enable the Committee to undertake a site visit to acquaint itself with the location and the proposal, which had taken place on 21st November. At its meeting on 15th December, the Committee, in response to a request which had been submitted by the objectors to the proposal, agreed to hold a pre-determination hearing that evening, and to defer formal consideration of the application to 17th December. 


            Accordingly, the Committee considered the application, which sought permission for a comprehensive mixed-use development, which would comprise 244 social and private/affordable residential units, with public open space/linear park.  The non-residential element of the application would include a community centre and business units, with associated parking.


            The Planning Officer outlined the principal aspects of the proposal. He referred to an addendum report which had been submitted for consideration, which had clarified a range of matters that had been raised previously, specifically those relating to the DoE’s Advice Note which had been issued on 16th November.


            The Committee received Mr. P. Crossan, representing the Campaign for the Economic Regeneration of the Former Visteon Site, who outlined objections to the proposal. In addition, Councillor Attwood outlined his concerns in relation to the proposal, which related principally to the percentage of land which would be retained for economic uses as part of the development.


            The Committee received Ms. A. Conway, representing the applicant, Fold Housing Association, together with their agent, Mr. D. Broderick. In addition, Councillor Walsh spoke in favour of the proposal.


            After discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor McAteer,

            Seconded by Councillor Magee,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt the recommendation and approve the application, subject to the imposing of the conditions as set out within the case officer’s report and as outlined at the meeting.


            At this point, Councillor Heading addressed the Committee and indicated that he had been made aware that a letter relating to the application, which had been circulated in October 2014 by the local branch of his political party, might be interpreted as having compromised his objectivity in respect of the proposal. He referred to the fact that the letter had been issued prior to the former DoE Planning Service contacting the applicant to request that they submit an amended scheme. He indicated that, after discussing the matter with his legal representative, he felt it appropriate to declare an interest in the matter and, therefore, he would not be partaking in any vote on the application.


            The proposal was thereupon put to the Committee when, on a vote by show of hands, eight Members voted for the proposal and none against and it was declared carried.


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