Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report, together with the consultation and proposed draft response to the Department of the Environment’s Call for Evidence: Renewable Energy, and the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland (SPPS) current Policy for ‘Renewable Energy Development’:


1.0  Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1   The Minster of the Environment committed to undertake a review of regional strategic planning policy for renewable energy following the publication of Strategic Planning Statement (SPPS) ‘Planning for Sustainable Development’ in its final form in 2015. Members will be aware the SPPS consolidated some twenty separate policy publications into one document, setting out strategic planning policy in relation to a wide range of subject policies, including regional policy for Renewable Energy Development. A copy of the SPPS Subject Policy ‘Renewable Energy’ is available on the Council’s website.


1.2    The aim of the SPPS in relation to renewable energy is to facilitate the siting of renewable energy generating facilities in appropriate locations within the built and natural environment in order to achieve Northern Ireland’s renewable energy targets and to realise the benefits of renewable energy without compromising other environmental assets of acknowledged importance. The regional strategic objectives for renewable energy are to:


·        ensure that the environmental, landscape, visual and amenity - impacts associated with or arising from renewable energy development are adequately addressed;

·        ensure adequate protection of the Region’s built and natural, and cultural heritage features; and

·        facilitate the integration of renewable energy technology into the design, siting and layout of new development and promote greater application of the principles of Passive Solar Design.


1.3    Depending, in part, upon the evidence received following the ‘Calls for Evidence’, the scope of the forthcoming reviews will be refined to focus on the key matters that need to be addressed. The subsequent reviews will be the subject of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).


1.4    The purpose of the report is to update and make members aware of the Calls for Evidence for Renewable Energy Development and seek members approval on the proposed draft response set out in paragraph 3.5.


2.0    Recommendations


2.1   Members are asked to consider and, if appropriate agree the proposed draft response to the Call for Evidence: Renewable Energy (copy available on the Council’s website).


3.0    Main report


3.1    Key Issues


         The Department of Environment (DoE) issued a formal ‘Call for Evidence’ for Renewable Energy Development. The ‘Call for Evidence’ process seeks to gather the necessary information from interested parties and their views or concerns as part of a review of strategic planning policy which will influence future Local Development Plan (LDP) policies. The DoE through the review is calling greater understanding of the operation and impact of the existing strategic policy and evidence on the social, environmental and economic impacts of developments. The DoE is particularly keen on views in relation to how strategic planning policy can assist in addressing potential amenity issues that may arise as a result of facilitating all types of renewable energy development (e.g. wind, solar, water (hydropower), geothermal energy, biomass).


3.2    The Council welcomes the broad aim of the SPPS for sustainable development across Northern Ireland. Within this context, the key issues are set out in the draft Council response to DoE’s Call for Evidence: Renewable Energy.  In summary, it is proposed Council:


·        Supports the increase of the use and supply of renewable energy and their contribution towards sustainable development without overriding environmental assets of acknowledged importance.

·        Takes into account the potential and cumulative impacts of siting and scale of renewable energy technologies on the local environment with particular regard to wind turbines and large scale solar farms.

·        Identifies Landscape Character Areas through Landscape Character Assessments to assess likely impacts of proposals and identify areas suitable for renewable energy technologies to assist managing development.

·        Introduces a requirement for community benefits for significant renewable energy proposals through contributions, contracts and/or employment.

·        Affords protection to sensitive landscapes such as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and wider settings.


3.3    Finance and Resource Implications


         There is no resource implications associated with this report.


3.4    Asset and Other Implications


         The evidence received by DoE following the Calls for Evidence may have implications on the policy making process of the LDP.


3.5    Equality or Good Relations Implications


         There are no relevant equality and good relations implications attached to this report.”


            The Committee approved the draft consultation response for submission to the Department of the Environment.


            Arising from discussion, the Committee noted that further guidance and information would be provided to the Committee regarding renewable energy at a future Planning Workshop.


Supporting documents: