Agenda item


            (With the exception of the Chief Executive and the Senior Democratic Services Officer, all Council officers left the meeting whilst this item was under discussion.)


            The Chief Executive submitted for the Committee’s consideration a report which outlined and sought the agreement of the Committee in principle, for the next phase of organisational change at the officer leadership level across the organisation, to ensure effective delivery of the priorities in the Belfast Agenda, continued investment across the city and excellent service delivery.


            The Chief Executive explained that the Council, having been through local government reform, extended its boundaries and embedded delivery of the new powers, had set out an ambitious plan for the City under the Belfast Agenda.  The Agenda committed the Council under the leadership of the Elected Representatives to delivering inclusive growth across the city, with a focus on integrated service and programme delivery, investment and diverse economic growth, regeneration of the city centre, investment in neighbourhoods, improved infrastructure and addressing health, income and skills inequalities.  The Agenda set out ambitious targets to grow the population, create more jobs and reduce inequality gaps.


            To deliver the Belfast Agenda, the Council needed to ensure it had the right skills, resources and leadership in the right places.  Considerable work had been done to do this since local government reform (LGR), by continuing to build the Council’s capacity to deliver major physical projects; the development of a City Centre Regeneration/Investment Plan and a City Centre Team; the development of the necessary planning teams; as well as work on employability; both investment and small business advisory services; smart city projects and a city deal proposal.


            The Chief Executive indicated that, however, as the resourcing, leadership and skills requirements of those aspects of the Belfast Agenda had become clearer, the Council needed to move to the next phase of organisational development and design to support these major city projects.


            She submitted a report which outlined the approach to a phased organisation redesign and development; the interim arrangements which had been put in place to embed new functions and review existing functions to maximise the new powers and deliver Members’ ambitions; the future Council model; and proposals for agreement and the next steps.


            The new model sets out the reconfiguration of Planning and Building Control; Development; City Centre Regeneration; and Property and Projects and the formation of a new City Growth and Regeneration Department, with one Director and three Assistant Directors and the creation of a stand-alone Major Project Service, reporting to the Chief Executive.


            It also shows the internal departments and reporting lines to the Chief Executive (including Finance and Resources; People, Improvement and Inclusion; and City Solicitor)



            After discussion, the Committee agreed in principle to:


·        The reconfiguration of Planning and Building Control; Development; City Centre Regeneration; and Property and Projects and the formation of a new City Growth and Regeneration Department, with one Director and three Assistant Directors and the creation of a stand-alone Major Project Service, reporting to the Chief Executive; and

·        The reporting lines set out in the new organisational model shown at paragraph 3.4 and the more detailed recommendations set out in paragraph 3.5 of the report.


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