Agenda item


            The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the development and implementation of the £105m leisure assets capital programme.


            After discussion the Committee adopted the following recommendations as set out in the report:


Programme level


                           i.      Consultation Feedback – note the feedback from the consultation sessions that were held in relation to the concept designs for Brook, Robinson and Andersonstown.  In summary the consultation feedback was very positive with 96% of those who responded welcoming the proposed redevelopments.  The most common comment in relation to the three centres was around delivering as soon as possible.  Following the outcome of the consultation, it was recommended that there are no changes to the concept design and facilities mixes for the Brook and Robinson Centres and that these are now progressed.  It was recommended that changes be made to Andersonstown to reflect the feedback.

                          ii.      Implementation and sequencing plan – note the updated implementation and sequencing plan for the Leisure Programme

                         iii.      Procurement – note that the tender process closed on 11th November and that 4 responses were received.  These were currently being assessed and Members would be kept up to date of the outcome.


Specific projects


                           i.      Andersonstown – Facilities mix - note that the key response received in relation to Andersonstown was to increase the size of the leisure water and over 600 written responses were received in relation to this.This feedback was presented to the West AWG at its meeting on 27th October and Committee was asked to agree the recommendation that the following elements are removed from the agreed facilities mix for Andersonstown (sports hall, geo-dome over one of the outdoor 5-side pitches and the BMX track) to allow for the leisure water to be increased to reflect the feedback from the consultation. These elements were required to be removed to ensure that the project remained within the capital budget (agreed by Committee in April 2015). 


At a special meeting on 9th November the West AWG considered in greater detail the two options proposed in relation to the configuration of the leisure water (Option 4A and 4B).  Both options were within the design cost limits and did not change the overall footprint of the building.  A further West AWG was held on 15th November and, following additional detail being provided, the Members agreed to recommend to the Committee to proceed with Option 4B. 


Wider area - note that there was planned investment of over £100m within the Andersonstown area with the proposed redevelopment of Casement Park and the new Belfast Rapid Transit (BRT) system. Discussions were being taken forward with BRT and the Department for Communities and the Committee was asked to note that an inter-agency working group was being established to ensure alignment of the projects and to maximise the communications and engagement opportunities


                          ii.      Avoniel – In August 2015 the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee had agreed to dispose of a parcel of land to the Education Authority (EA) to accommodate its development plans for the existing Avoniel Primary School site, subject to a number of caveats.  The Committee was asked to note that agreement had now been reached with the EA in relation to the valuation of the land and agree that this disposal be now progressed; and agree also that the capital receipt is ring-fenced for the interim and permanent re-location of play services in the area.


                         iii.      Robinson – note that the demolition works on the existing centre were due to commence in December.  Officers were currently looking at the communications requirements around this and would keep the Members updated.

                        iv.      Olympia – note that the new Olympia Leisure Centre was on track to open as planned in early January and preparations were currently underway for the opening. Further detail on this would be brought back to the Committee next month.  The Committee was also asked to agree to the acquisition of a site at the rear of Olympia Drive to enhance the overall appearance of the area and to aid regeneration of the local area and note that this acquisition was being funded via capital receipts unapplied.


Supporting documents: