Agenda item


            The Committee considered a report which sought approval to transfer to the Council land at Springfield Dam which was owned by the Department for Communities (DfC) following expenditure of c £0.5m by the DfC on capital work to upgrade the area.


            The Committee was advised that the DfC owned land at Springfield Dam.  It had commissioned AECOM to undertake a feasibility study in partnership with the Council to develop high level concept plans for the site.  The Springfield Dam site shared a boundary with the Council’s Springfield Park and there was an opportunity to create a larger enhanced and integrated open space at the location.  The feasibility study produced two options; the estimated construction cost for Option 1 was £448,513.71 and for Option 2 was £1,215,511.01. The Department had advised that it had funding available in the current financial year for Option 1 and it was keen to start spending the estimated total construction costs for Option 1 before 31st March, 2017.   If expenditure was committed and commenced prior to that date, it had advised that the full cost could be accrued by the Department for Communities in the financial year 2016/17.  There was no funding currently available for option 2.


            The Director of Property and Projects reported that Option 1 comprised the basic framework to improve access and provide for recreational use of the site.  The proposed paths would provide for circulation between the Dam and Springfield Park and also link into proposed new entrances to the site.  That would facilitate ‘loop’ walks in the locality.  The proposed recreational facilities included a proposed building for classroom/training/recreational use, fishing stands and an activity trail.


            He reminded the Committee that, at its meeting of 21st October, it had agreed in principle to the transfer of land and property assets from the Department of Communities, or other central government bodies as appropriate, upon completion of identified projects, subject to the conditions of transfer as set out in the report and specifically on agreement on revenue budgets at the time of transfer, with up to three years agreed maintenance costs being provided as a minimum, depending of the nature of the asset.


            The following Heads of Terms had provisionally been agreed with DfC in respect to the transfer of Springfield Dam to the Council, subject to Committee and subsequently Council approval:



-       DfC to provide BCC with copies of satisfactory title and confirmation that there are no restrictions, onerous conditions or charges in the title which would preclude the proposed works.

-       BCC will appoint consultants to design Option 1 of the Springfield Dam project.

-       BCC will secure planning approval and statutory approvals as required for the scheme.

-       BCC will appoint the contractor to complete the works.

-       DfC will fund all costs including design, statutory approvals and construction.

-       BCC will agree to take ownership of the site at nil cost to the Council on completion of Option 1 of the works.

-       BCC to be represented on the design group for the project to ensure that the future maintenance and management of the Springfield Dam is properly reflected in the designs.

-       DfC will fund the Council's maintenance costs for a period of three years following handover of the site to the Council.


            The Committee was advised also that the transfer would be at nil cost to the Council and would only take place following completion of capital expenditure of c0.5m.  The maintenance cost for three years following completion of the capital works and hand over to the Council would be covered by DfC; and staff from Legal Services and the Estates Unit would complete the transfer of land and staff from the Project Management Unit would deliver the project on behalf of DfC, with design and maintenance advice from the City and Neighbourhoods Department.


            The Committee granted approval to accept the transfer of land from the Department of Communities on the terms and conditions as outlined in the report.


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