Agenda item


            The Chief Executives submitted for the Committees consideration the following report:


“1.0     Purpose of report


1.1       This report seeks to update Committee on the recent consultation on a further draft Programme for Government and a suite of associated draft delivery plans; and to enable Members to consider and agree a Council response to be submitted. The consultation ends on 23 December 2016.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


·        note the contents of this report; and

·        consider and agree the proposed Council response to the draft PfG Framework



3.0       Main Report


3.1       The draft PfG is 170+ pages long and sets out 14 strategic outcomes, 48 indicators and is underpinned by 32 draft Delivery Plans, which the Executive states that  when taken together, set a clear direction of travel and enable continuous improvement on the essential components of societal wellbeing and improve quality of life. They touch upon every aspect of government including, for example: securing economic success; supporting job creation and employability; attainment of good health and education; investment; and creating confident and peaceful communities.


3.2       Whilst welcomed, the new OBA format has introduced a new level of complexity into the PfG consultation process compared to previous years with the introduction of detailed delivery plans.  For each of the PfG indicators, a named senior official has been identified who is responsible and accountable for leading the work to deliver the improvements identified and who will oversee the development of specific delivery plans.  Each delivery plan sets out the key delivery partners involved, and their role.


3.3       The PfG will be supported by an updated Investment Strategy, an Economic Strategy and a new Social Strategy – these key strategies will also be subject to consultation and engagement which we understand will commence later in the month.


3.4       Council officers have reviewed both the draft PFG and associated Delivery Plans in the context of the previous response submitted to the first the PfG Framework (June 2016), and the ambitious set out for the city in the Belfast Agenda.


3.5       Attached at Appendix 2 for Members consideration is a proposed draft Council response to the PfG which is set out in two sections


                                             (i)          The first relates to the overarching document and specifically the 14 listed outcomes and their associated issues, indicators and actions.

                                           (ii)          The second part sets out specific and detailed feedback on the emergent ‘Delivery Plans’ linked to the PFG outcomes and indicators. These comments will be submitted directly to the senior responsible officers for the relevant delivery plans.


3.6       (i) Overarching Document


            The response to the overarching document includes the high level issues which the Council would like to see reflected in the PfG and naturally contains many of the ‘key asks’ which the Council has developed over recent months and opportunities to co-design and deliver in partnership with the Executive and other partners. 


3.7       Where possible the response strives to reaffirm the importance of Belfast to the wider region and to demonstrate that a successful Belfast will result in a positive impact across many of the outcomes identified within the PfG and provide benefits to Northern Ireland as a whole. The response also outlines the complementarity between the ambitions set out within the PfG and the Belfast Agenda and emphases the importance of working in partnership with the Executive to co-design placed-based programmes and initiatives which will deliver common outcomes. It also outlines the need to consider innovative and new forms of finance and delivery models to unlock development, regeneration and infrastructure priorities within the city and across the region.


3.8       Members will note that summary of the key issues outlined in the Council response is set out in Page 3-4 of Appendix 2.


3.9       (ii) Delivery Plans


            In terms of responding to the delivery plans, the Executive have requested that comments are submitted in writing directly to the named senior owner for each plan.  These delivery plans have been assigned in turn to senior officers throughout the Council whose views have been sought on the suitability and effectiveness of the proposed actions as well as the planned partnering arrangements. 


3.10     There is an expectation that the delivery plans will be somewhat fluid and the senior officers within central government responsible for each plan will lead on engagement with delivery partners on an ongoing basis in order to review their effectiveness.   Senior officers within the Council are engaging directly with the identified SROs for each plan in order to ensure that they can influence the respective delivery plans as they evolve over the lifetime of the Programme for Government.


3.11     Members will also be aware that there has been intensive political engagement by the Council seeking to inform and shape the emerging PFG and associated strategies including the recent series of Ministerial meetings, the representation at Westminster and Stormont and the briefings given to specific Executive Committees including the Committee for Infrastructure on 7 November.


3.12     NILGA Response


            A copy of NILGA’s response to the PfG document is attached at Appendix 3 for information only.


3.13     Financial and Resource Implications




3.14     Equality and Good Relations Implications




            The Committee agreed the proposed Council response to the draft Programme for Government framework.


Supporting documents: