Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:       


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1  The purpose of this report is to provide Members with an update on the progress being made to manage the corporate risk that is of direct relevance to the Planning Committee.


2.0       Recommendation


2.1       That the Committee notes the arrangements in place to manage this risk and the progress being made to implement controls / measures to reduce the level of risk further and the proposed six monthly process for reporting. 


3.0       Main report


3.1       The new corporate risk management process


3.1.1    Members will recall that the corporate risk register and related processes were subject to a fundamental review in 15-16.  This included a review and re-score of all the corporate risks, including target risk scores.  For each corporate risk a ‘Risk information form’ was produced, detailing relevant controls, proposed actions (including timescales) and responsible officers.  It was also agreed that management would begin to report to the relevant committees on the progress being made to manage these key risks.





3.2       Managing Corporate Risks to an Acceptable Level


3.2.1    CMT has reviewed and, where appropriate, has updated the assessment of the corporate risks, the results of which are plotted on to the corporate risk map.  The corporate risk map shows the progress that is being made to manage the corporate risks down to an acceptable level. 


3.2.2    The risk of particular relevance to the Planning Committee is as follows:


            ‘Fail to deliver the Local Development Plan Programme in line with legislative timeframes.’


3.2.3    Progress in managing this risk is set out below.


3.3       Risk assessment


3.3.1    Following detailed review, this corporate risk has now been assessed in terms of ‘impact’ and ‘likelihood’ (using the Council’s risk scoring system) as follows:


·        Impact – 4 (major)

·        Likelihood – 4 (likely)


3.3.2    This represents a small change or improvement in the overall risk matrix assessment rating from current Severe to High which reflects some of the progress being made in through the measures identified in paragraph 3.3 below. The establishment of the governance structures and the ongoing work to secure additional resources has underpinned the improvement in the rating although the risk still remains High.


3.3.3    This assessment reflects that the Plan can be subject to challenge from a number of sources at a number of stages during the course of consultation. There are high expectations regarding the delivery of the LDP and there are also timing issues regarding the enquiry processes and procedures.  There are a number of other factors that may impact on the council’s ability to deliver the plan, including the resourcing and scheduling of Inquiry dates and availability of key statutory partners to support to the development of the plan. The delivery of the plan is important to support the Belfast Agenda, however, it is noteworthy that the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan, developed by the department, was recently adopted but could be subject to further legal challenge.


3.4       Current measures in place to manage the risk


3.4.1    In order to mitigate the risk the council has appointed a Development Planning and Policy Manager and committed to providing the resources to ensure the Local Development Plan can be delivered in accordance with legislative timeframes as agreed with the Department for Infrastructure. A Local Development Plan steering group has also been established to ensure that the LDP is linked to the emerging Community Plan and developed in consultation with the key statutory consultees. 


3.4.2    In addition, a project management team has been established to ensure all consultees are engaged in the plan development processes. The project management team will ensure the screening and scoping for the Countryside, Equality and Sustainability assessments, including the Strategic Environmental Assessment. 


3.4.3    Other key controls to manage this risk include:


·        Internal performance management monitoring and process review process comprising of quarterly reporting via Corvu Regular and reporting to Planning & SP&R Committees;

·        A business plan linked to the agreed timetable setting out key dates and targets for the 16/17 period; and

·        The approval and adoption of the Plan Timetable and Statement of Community Involvement.


3.5       Areas for further action


3.5.1    A number of additional actions are scheduled: These include:


·        The finalisation and publication of the draft Preferred Options Paper;

·        Complete resourcing for the team to take forward the Plan;

·        Continued Integration with the work for the Community Plan;

·        Completion of the Sustainability and Equality scoping exercises;

·        A consultation exercise in relation to the Preferred Options Paper; and

·        Effective engagement with other local authorities via regional working groups to supplement the statutory consultations



3.6       Council performance


3.6.1    The Policy Options paper (POP), setting out the key plan issues and the preferred options available to address them was signed off by council on 1 December 2016 and will be launched for consultation in January 2017. A range of joint engagement events with the Belfast Agenda are planned and we have written to the key consultees with a draft of the preferred options in advance of the consultation. The planned consultation will target local community groups and under-represented (Section 75) groups providing them with information on the POP and inviting them to respond within 12 weeks consultation.


3.7       Assurance


3.7.1    Regular review and progress reports on the plan development will be provided to Committee. In line with the adopted SCI there will milestones checks to ensure compliance with our statutory responsibilities and monitoring obligations including an internal review against progress following the publication of the POP. The Department for Infrastructure/Planning Appeals Commission will also monitor progress. Progress will inform financial reporting and forecasting for in year and medium term financial forecasting.


3.7.2    There has been ongoing engagement with the Department for Infrastructure in relation to the overall timetable and it has been agreed that the timetable for the plan will be reviewed on an annual basis in the context of the wider processes / procedures for all the emerging plans. This will require a formal review of the timetable and take account of the experience to date with the Preferred Options Paper and associated consultations.


3.8       Progress Updates to Committee


3.8.1    In order to ensure that members have an understanding of the corporate risks that relate to their committees and have clear information on how they are being managed, we propose that committee is provided with progress update reports on a six monthly basis, unless of course reports are required more urgently.



4.0       Financial & Resource Implications




5.0       Equality or Good Relations Implications




      The Committee noted the contents of the report.


Supporting documents: