Agenda item


            The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the development of the revenue estimates for 2017/18 and the key issues which Members needed to consider as part of the rates setting process.  The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 6th January, it had deferred a number of issues but would now be required to make a decision on those in order to set the cash limits for the other Committees of the Council.


            After discussion, the Committee made the following decisions:




            The Committee agreed that the report in relation to the Revenues Estimates and District Rate and associated decisions would not be subject to call-in as it would cause an unreasonable delay which would be prejudicial to the Council’s and the public’s interests in striking the district rate by the legislative deadline of 15th February, 2017.


            3G Pitch Hire


            The Committee agreed not to include in the district rate the loss of income of £17,500 as a result of the decision of the People and Communities Committee to reduce the price of 3G pitch hire by 25% for community and voluntary sector use and that the matter be referred back to that Committee to be considered within its cash limits for 2017/18.


            Belfast Bike Scheme


Moved by Councillor Long,

Seconded by Councillor Jones,


      That the Committee agrees to rescind its decision of 6th January to approve a revised pricing policy for the Belfast Bike Scheme and that the current policy as set out below remains in place until a review of the scheme is undertaken.


“The current pricing policy has two subscription options:


·        Annual membership at £20 per annum.

·        Casual 3 day subscription at £5 per annum.


On both options the first half hour of usage is free.  Charges apply after this period at 50p for the next half hour of use and then £1 per hour thereafter.


Both subscriptions also allow for rental of up to four bikes which are charged at the standard usage rate.”


            On a vote by show of hands thirteen Members voted for a proposal and five against and it was declared carried


            Membership of the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA)


Moved by Councillor Reynolds,

Seconded by Councillor Craig,


      That the Committee agrees that the Council ceases to be a Member of the Northern Ireland Local Government Association.


            On a vote by show of hands five Members voted for the proposal and fourteen against and it was declared lost.


            Accordingly, the Committee agreed to remain as a Member of the NILGA and to pay the annual subscription of £70,759.


            Elected Members Personal Development Plan (PDP)


            The Committee agreed that the Elected Members PDP budget be reduced by £22,000, with a limit of £730 per Member.


            Belfast Agenda


Moved by Councillor Reynolds,

Seconded by Councillor Craig,


      That the Committee agrees to include in the district rate a budget of £575,000 to support the delivery of the Belfast Agenda priorities, that is, Belfast Works £250,000; Smart City £250,000; and Small Business £75,000.


            On a vote by show of hands five Members voted for the proposal and thirteen against and it was declared lost.


            According, the Committee agreed to include in the district rate a budget of £750,000 to support the delivery of the Belfast Agenda priorities, that is, Belfast Works, Smart City and Small Business.


            The Committee agreed also that monitoring reports on the Belfast Agenda be incorporated into the Committee’s Quarterly Finance and Performance Reports.


            Community Grants


Moved by Councillor Reynolds,

Seconded by Councillor Craig,


      That the Committee agrees to provide 25% of the £588,000 funding required for the Community Support Programme, that is, £147,000 through the district rate and to consider funding the remaining balance as part of the Quarter 3 forecast and Quarter 4 outturn which would be considered by the Committee in February and June 2017.





Moved by Councillor Long,

Seconded by Councillor McVeigh,


      That the Committee agrees to provide 50% of the £588,000 funding required for the Community Support Programme, that is, £294,000 through the district rate and to consider funding for the remaining balance as part of the Quarter 3 forecast and Quarter 4 outturn which would be considered by the Committee in February and June 2017.


            On a vote by show of hands, seven Members voted to provide 25% of the funding through the district rate, with twelve Members voting against and it was declared lost.


            On a vote by show of hands, twelve members voted to provide 50% of the funding through the district rate, with seven members voting against and it was accordingly declared carried.


            Cash Limits


            The Committee agreed that, taking into account the impact of the above decisions, the Cash Limits for each of the Committees for 2017/18 be set as follows:


a)     Strategic Policy and Resources                £42,443,408

b)     Capital Financing Budget                          £18,751,901

c)     People and Communities                          £76,242,845

d)     City Growth and Regeneration                  £15,841,354

e)     Planning                                                    £1,520,440


            District Rate


            The Committee noted that the aforementioned decisions would result in an increase in the district rate of 1.89% and noted also the next steps in the setting of the district rate.


Supporting documents: