Agenda item


Restricted itemRestricted     The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1        The purpose of this report is seek to approval on the Shared     Space element of the PEACE IV Local Action Plan.



2.0      Recommendations


2.1      The Committee is asked to;


·        Approve the redrafting of the Shared Space element of the PEACE IV Local Action Plan as outlined below.


3.0      Main report




3.1      The Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) invited Local Authorities to prepare Local Action Plans under the themes of Children & Young People, Shared Spaces & Services and Building Positive Relations as part of Objective 3 of the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme.    The bid is for approximately €17 million to be delivered from 2017 to 2021.   Council’s initial bid was approved by the PEACE IV Steering Committee (with an initial score of 72%) and Council submitted a more detailed Stage 2 application on 2nd September.  The indicative financial allocation for the Shared Space theme is a maximum of €5.3 million which can comprise of a mix of capital and revenue funding.   Members are advised that in addition to the development of Local Action Plans there is a separate funding call for large scale capital projects administered by SEUPB on a regional basis.


3.2      The criteria for the Shared Space theme allows for the following indicative activities


·        Activities that contribute to an enhancement of the environment in local communities e.g. the enhancement of existing urban infrastructure or natural spaces. 

·        Dialogue, reconciliation and capacity building between interface communities, leading to the creation of shared vision and conditions where communities feel it is safe and appropriate to proceed with the removal of interface barriers;

·        Developing the shared aspects of existing neighbourhoods, public spaces and buildings;

·        Support for local initiatives with the aim of making public space in cities, towns and villages more inclusive, this will often involve addressing sensitive topics around parades, flags, emblems, graffiti and other issues which serve to intimidate and make some members of society, whether based on religion, race or other factors fell unwelcome in some areas.


3.3      The Local Action Plan proposal was developed in line with these criteria.  It aims to promote positive attitudes towards shared space, address post conflict issues, improve connectivity and build on the city’s wider economic potential.  Funded activities would focus on engagement with local communities on concepts of shared space and explore how this can be practically applied in terms of:


- Community relations

- Physical and social regeneration

- Ensuring a sustainable and liveable city.


3.4      The approach would seek to adopt an asset based community development model and support local communities in placemaking and in the development of a transferable approach to the identification, design, programming and management of shared space in the City, all within the context of improving community relations.


3.5      The proposal as submitted included scope for infrastructure/ capital works as well as programming costs.  The exact locations for the proposed signature civic space and satellite environmental improvement schemes were to be identified in Phase 1 of the works which was planned to run until September 2018.   Criteria for selection included as a minimum feasibility; deliverability; sustainability and affordability of proposals along with contribution to the specific PEACE IV Programme objectives and desired results; transformational potential, quality of design and value for money. 


3.6      Completion of all activity under the theme was anticipated by December 2021.


3.7      Key Issues


            SEUPB has now requested additional detail on the Shared Space element of the proposed Local Action Plan for Belfast including identification of target locations for the proposed capital element with a redrafted bid to be submitted to them by the end of January.  SEUPB have indicated that they expect target locations to have a clear and demonstrable peace and reconciliation focus in line with the criteria detailed above and expect the Belfast Plan to target significant interface areas.


3.8      Senior Officers were briefed on feedback from SEUPB on the application on Monday 9th January and discussed options around further development of the Shared Space proposal.  It was agreed that the methodology and approach as outlined in the bid were still relevant and appropriate but that the identification of target locations for the proposed capital element would need to be accelerated to meet SEUPB’s timetable and requirement for up front identification of specific locations.  


3.9      In discussion of the options consideration was paid to a number of capital schemes at varying stages of development that are seeking funding.   However given the call criteria as outlined above significant potential was identified for the focus of delivery to be put on the Springfield Road interface which remains the longest physical barrier in the city. The approach would involve developing a corridor of shared space via key locations at Springfield Dam, Paisley Park and the Invest NI land on the former Mackie’s site. A map is attached for reference.


3.10     Activity under the Shared Space theme would focus on creating and improving linkages between, and increasing usage of, significant assets within the area, promoting shared space within the particular local context as well as complementing existing and proposed new developments in the area. This approach would be reflected in the allocation of programming and capital works undertaken under this theme.


3.11     Proposed Capital Allocations


            Within the PEACE IV bid under the Shared Spaces theme approximately £2.6 million was allocated for infrastructure/ capital works.   If this proposal is approved for funding by SEUPB then PEACE IV funding would allow for further development of the Springfield Dam site following transfer from the Department for Communities (DfC) and completion of initial capital works to provide the basic framework to improve access and provide for recreational use of the site.  PEACE IV funding would allow for enhancements to Springfield Park in line with development proposals which could include performance area, park furniture, art installation etc and enhancements to the Dam itself, including boardwalk, boathouse and jetty etc.


3.12     The remaining capital allocation would support and complement the planned DfC development for Paisley Park aimed at increasing access from Springfield Road and assist in the development of the Invest NI site aimed at improving access from Woodvale Park. There would also be scope for supporting other small scale Environmental Improvement schemes which would arise through the Shared Space programming element.


3.13     Other Areas of the City


      In addition to this signature proposal resources would also be deployed under this theme to explore developing similar approaches in other significant areas of the city, e.g. Girdwood, Cultural Corridor, City Centre Gateway sites etc to work with local communities on identifying and planning for other shared spaces and their long term management, programming and sustainability, building upon the existing assets and relationships in the area.


3.14     Areas to be prioritised for involvement would be those that are continuing to deal with legacy issues arising from the conflict and suffering from high levels of social deprivation including poverty, low educational attainment, barriers to improved employability and increased economic activity, mental health and wellbeing issues and disability.


3.15     Programming


      Throughout the engagement and design stages and in the identification and agreement on principles of shared space specific consideration will be paid to the impact of parades; flags, emblems, graffiti and other related issues upon successful design and creation of shared spaces as well as the ongoing programming and management of shared spaces.  This will be done through creative use of planning scenarios; visioning and other techniques to facilitate discussion. The same approach will apply to the linked satellite spaces developed under this theme.


3.16     Communities would be assisted to build local capacity in terms of action planning, animating and managing shared spaces and would provide an opportunity to link in with Council’s approach to community asset transfer.


3.17     Activities would involve


·        Support for technical assistance for visioning and planning purposes.

·        Regular knowledge exchange and best practice events so that learning can be shared across the city and to identify potential for innovation and collaborative work.

·        Agreement of Shared Space Principles and identification of Environmental Improvement locations and civic space site.

·        Diversity Awareness/ Good Relations training/ events

·        Animation/ Placemaking Events/ site tours

·        Scenario Planning/ Visioning/ Discussion & Debate Support for technical assistance for Design/ Programming/ Management/ Sustainability.

·        Initial Draft Designs/ Concept - EI Schemes

·        Development of Good Relations Toolkit and Guide for shared spaces

·        Ongoing Evaluation


3.18     Building on other investment


      Significant potential was also identified to use the programme funding in terms of building the capacity and capabilities of relevant community and voluntary organisations in the area as well as contributing to key policy priorities for the city Integrated Cultural Strategy, Employability and Skills framework; City Centre Regeneration Framework etc.


3.19     The work would also seek to build upon the Shared Space policy and community engagement approach developed for the new Innovation factory located on the former Mackie’s site on the Springfield Road as an example of how this concept of shared space can be put into practice with the support of the Programme.


3.20     Links/ Complementarity


      Potential to bring in key partners in the area such as the Innovation factory; Belfast Metropolitan College; Department for Communities; NI Housing Executive and PSNI as well as sharing learning with other complementary initiatives in the city.


3.21     The proposal also offers scope to tap into the expertise and experience of other networks for example the Neighbourhood Project (supported through the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities initiative) being piloted by local authorities in Australia to promote short term, low cost and scaleable interventions to catalyse long term sustainable change and the Young Foundation’s approach to fostering social innovation. 


3.22     Activity under this theme  would also be complemented by programming under the Children & Young People and Positive Relations themes of the PEACE IV Action Plan and work alongside key partners such as the NI Housing Executive and their approach to the engagement, empowerment and enabling of local communities to achieve positive outcomes.


3.33     Financial & Resource Implications


      100% funding is available under the PEACE IV Action Plan for supported activities deemed eligible and compliant by the Managing Authority. 


3.24     Equality or Good Relations Implications


            The Plan’s design and implementation is intended to help promote equality of opportunity and good relations within the city so the Plan has been screened out on the basis that the screening exercise identified major positive impacts across Section 75 grounds which are considered as impacts that would help to promote equality of opportunity and good relations.”


            The Committee approved the redrafting of the Shared Space element of the PEACE IV local action plan as outlined in the report.


Supporting documents: