Agenda item


            The Director of Property and Projects submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       Members will be aware that requests for the use of the City Hall grounds are normally dealt with under the authority delegated by the Committee to the Director of Property & Projects, using criteria agreed for this purpose. Occasionally however, it is necessary to place such requests directly before the Committee, and the requests set out below fall into this category.


1.2       Several requests have been received for events which have previously been approved by the Committee and have run successfully and without incident. In previous years due to the relatively small scale and nature of these events, delegated authority has been used for granting use of the City Hall grounds. However due to the success of the events and the increased scale of the proposed activities this year it is deemed necessary to seek Committee approval.


1.3       As these are likely to be annual requests the Committee is also invited to consider the granting of approval for a 3-year period as has been done with other similar events (e.g. Orangefest). The events in question are as follows:-


1.     A ‘Family Fun Day’ organised under the auspices of the Belfast Pride Festival which takes place in the city from 28th July to 6th August 2018. This proposed event would take place on 28th July 2018;

2.     A music event requested by Feile an Phobail in respect of their annual ‘City Hall Rocks Back’ event which is part of the Feile calendar of events, proposed to be held in the grounds of the City Hall on the 4th August 2018; and

3.     A family event as part of the Culture Night programme of events which will include a number of food stalls and family friendly work- shops and performances which takes place in venues all over the city on 21st September 2018.


1.4       In each case, the organisers would be providing all stewarding/marshalling staff & first aiders and would of course have to comply with the usual conditions including indemnities for damage and submission of a formal event-management plan etc. The organisers may need access to electricity and water supplies and if either is required the cost of providing these services will be passed on.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is recommended to:


·        Approve the requests as outlined above by the various event organisers in respect of the proposed events in the grounds of the City Hall in July, August & September 2018.


            It is further recommended:

·        That approval is also given for similar events in 2019 & 2020.


3.0       Main report


            The key issue is whether the Committee is minded to grant approval for the events listed herein to take place on the scheduled dates during 2018.


3.2       As the various events have already successfully taken place in previous years and are likely to involve repeat requests each year, the Committee may also wish to grant approval for any requests received from the organisers for the 2019 and 2020 years.  Some further detail on each of these requests is given below:-


3.3       1.  Belfast Pride Family Fun Day


            This event would take place on the front lawns would include a radio roadshow by Q Radio, a rugby demonstration by the Belfast Azlans Rugby team, various performers on a stage, food stalls and children’s attractions. The event would last from 12noon to 5.00pm although access would be required earlier and later in the day for set ups and strip downs.


3.4       The event would be free and the organisers estimate up to 5,000 people would be in attendance. The event would take place on the front lawns only and consequently areas such as the Titanic garden and Cenotaph would remain open to the public. Access to the City Hall itself would not be affected.


3.5       2.  Feile an Phobail – ‘City Hall Rocks Back’


            The ‘City Hall Rocks Back’ events feature local young and emerging bands performing on stage. The event showcases bands from all sections of the community and the type of music played includes Rock, Blues, Heavy Metal, Rap Ska and Reggae.


3.6       The organisers require use of the grounds between 8.00am and 7.30pm for stage and sound set ups and strip downs. The event itself takes place between 1.00pm and 5.00pm. Depending on the weather the event could attract up 2,000 people.


3.7       The profile of those attending includes family and followers of the bands, plus local and overseas visitors in the city for the day. The events are free to enter and no other charges are made by the organisers. The organisers would be providing, staging, sound systems, toilets etc.


3.8       Culture Night event


            The Culture Night activities which take place under the auspices of the Cathedral Quarter Trust would take place in the City Hall grounds and would include a number of food stalls and family friendly work- shops and performances. The activities, which are free, would take place between 1.00pm and 8.00pm and it is anticipated up to 8,000 would be in attendance during this time period. The event would take place on the front lawns only and consequently areas such as the Titanic garden and Cenotaph would remain open to the public. Access to the City Hall itself would not be affected.



3.9       Finance & Resource Implications


            In terms of the main event there would be no costs for the council as the various organisers would bear any/all stewarding and equipment costs etc themselves. The utilities costs on the day are of a very minor nature.


            There are no concerns from an asset management point of view, although the organisers would be required to provide the usual insurances, indemnities and obligations.


3.10     Equality or Good Relations Implications


            The Equality Unit has been consulted in respect of the various proposed events set out herein and have indicated no issues with any of the requests.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: