Agenda item


(Councillor McMullan left the meeting at this point)


            The Case officer presented the principal aspects of the application to the Committee.  She explained that the site was currently a vacant brownfield site with unmanaged vegetation.


            She provided the Members with the main issues which had been considered in the assessment of the proposals, including the impact of the development on listed buildings nearby, the impact of the development on terraced housing opposite Greenland Street, the impact on traffic and parking and the consideration of third party objections.


            The Committee was advised that the site was within the development limits in both the extant and draft plans and was in keeping with white land designation in dBMAP.  The Case officer explained that the principle of housing was acceptable and compatible with the surrounding context.


            The Members were advised that the design was considered acceptable and would have a positive impact on the character of the area. The Case officer highlighted that a Shadow Analysis had been undertaken which illustrated that Greenland Street would not be cast in shadow and that the proposal would not result in an unacceptable impact on residential amenity.


            She explained that the size standards and the amenity space proposed were acceptable.


            The Committee noted that no statutory consultees had offered any objection to the proposals.  HED had confirmed that it was satisfied that the proposals would not affect the setting of the listed buildings nearby.


            The Case officer advised the Members that three third party objections had been received in addition to one letter of support.  The objections cited concerns with overshadowing and loss of light in classrooms of a listed school house and in Greenland Street, and over-dominant impact on adjacent listed church and Townsend Street.  The response to the issues raised had been addressed within the Case officer’s report.


            In response to Members’ questions relation to parking in the area, the Case officer advised the Committee that DFI Roads had verbally confirmed that it was content with the application, in principle, subject to the submission of Private Streets Determination drawings.  She added that when DFI Roads formally responded, the Travel Plan would be secured through conditions.


            A Member queried why NIHE had not been consulted in respect of the application.  The Planning Manager advised that it was because it was a local application.  The Director of Planning and Building Control added that, when the Council secured a different policy framework, it would then seek to consult NIHE on local applications, as it would be seeking to secure a percentage of social/affordable housing in smaller schemes in addition to major applications.


            In response to a further Member’s question regarding Air Quality, the Case officer confirmed that a dust Management Plan was required to be submitted for Council approval prior to the commencement of construction on site.


            The Committee granted approval to the application, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the Case officer’s report and delegated power to the Director of Planning and Building Control for the final wording of the conditions.


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