Agenda item


            (Alderman Rodgers and Councillor Brooks declared an interest and left the room at this point.)


            The Principal Planning Officer provided the Committee with an overview of the details of the major application for the upgrading of facilities within an existing playing field off Belvoir Drive in the south of the City.


            He outlined the key issues which were considered during the assessment of the application, including the principle of the development, the visual impacts of the proposal, the impact on the amenity and character of the area, impact on the natural environment and heritage and flood risk.


            He explained to the Members that, while the proposal would result in the reduction of playing pitches from 5 to 3 within the site, there would be no net loss of open/recreational space, as larger full-size pitches were proposed.  He advised the Committee that, should the applicant wish to reduce the number of pitches available, they could so do without planning permission as it did not involve a material change of use of the land.


            The Committee was advised that the proposal would not adversely impact on amenity, traffic, heritage assets or flooding and that the proposed scale, form and massing were acceptable and would not impact on the local character of the area.  The Planning officer explained that access to the park would be unaffected by the proposals.


            He reported that DfI Roads, HED, NI Water and Rivers Agency had no objections to the proposal.


            He drew the Committee’s attention to the Late Items Pack, where the Natural Environment Division (NED) had submitted its consultation response on 7th February.  NED had expressed concerns regarding the designated Belvoir Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI), the proposed felling of ancient oak trees, the potential use of herbicides, parking and bats.  He explained to the Committee that the applicant had agreed that all ancient oak trees would now be retained, that herbicide would be precluded within the Root Protection Zone (RPZ), by condition, that DfI Roads were content with the parking provision and that floodlighting would only be used between October and April, and that no impact on bats was likely.  The officers advised that they would provide NED with clarification that the ancient oak trees were being retained and that works within the RPZ would be conditioned to prevent damage to the tree roots.


            In response to a Member’s question regarding the proposed works within the Root Protection Zones, the Principal Planning officer explained that officers felt that the minor works which were required to be carried out could be dealt with through conditions or a through a construction method statement.


            The Committee was advised that the Tree Officer had recommended that canopy works be carried out to reduce the weight of the older trees.


            The Members were provided with a detailed light spill analysis diagram which illustrated that no residential properties would be affected by the proposed floodlighting.


            The Committee granted approval to the application, subject to officers dealing with the outstanding issues which had been raised by NED, the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report and delegated power to the Director of Planning and Building Control for the final wording of the conditions.


            (Alderman Rodgers and Councillor Brooks returned to the meeting at this point.)


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