Agenda item


            In accordance with notice on the agenda, Councillor Ferguson proposed:


"The COVID-19 crisis presents an unprecedented threat to public health. The scale of the crisis clearly demonstrates the critical role of a fully funded and protected public health service.


Council agrees that two divergent public health strategies to deal with a pandemic on the island of Ireland, North and South, is irrational, impractical and dangerous. Council calls on the Executive to begin developing a fully integrated all-Ireland public health strategy.


Council supports the Campaign for an All-Ireland National Health Service, to deliver an island-wide NHS, free at the point of delivery from the cradle to the grave."


The motion was seconded by Councillor Heading.




Moved by Councillor Nicholl,

Seconded by Councillor McReynolds,


      That the motion standing in the name of Councillor Ferguson and seconded by Councillor Heading be amended as follows:


“The COVID-19 crisis presents an unprecedented threat to public health. The scale of the crisis clearly demonstrates the critical role of a fully funded and protected public health service.


Council pays tribute to the heroic efforts made by healthcare staff in the face of unprecedented challenges during this pandemic; recognises the importance of broad alignment of the public health strategy to deal with the pandemic across these islands and particularly the need for strong North-South cooperation; welcomes the Memorandum of Understanding between the respective Departments of Health and the commitment to ongoing close cooperation and coordination on a cross-border basis.


Council calls on the Executive, the other UK devolved administrations and the UK and Irish Governments to work closely together: to develop a coordinated approach to tackling Covid-19; to provide the necessary resources and support for those sectors and individuals adversely impacted; and, to hold a summit of all 5 nations to develop consistent and coherent travel regulations to assist with safe movement within these islands particularly as we approach the Christmas and New Year holidays.


Council notes the Campaign for an All-Ireland National Health Service, supports the call for health services across this island Council notes the Campaign for an All-Ireland National Health Service, supports the call for health services across this island to be free at the point of delivery from the cradle to the grave and agrees to write to the Shared Island Unit to ask if they will consider this within their work streams."


            The Council agreed to vote on the amended motion, when fourteen Members voted for the motion and thirty-nine against and it was declared lost.


            The original proposer agreed, at the request of Councillor Groogan, to amend her proposal to provide for the addition of the following wording to the end of the final paragraph: “and agrees to write to the Shared Island Unit to ask if they will consider this within their work streams."


            The proposed amended motion as set out hereunder, was put to the meeting:


"The COVID-19 crisis presents an unprecedented threat to public health. The scale of the crisis clearly demonstrates the critical role of a fully funded and protected public health service.


Council agrees that two divergent public health strategies to deal with a pandemic on the island of Ireland, North and South, is irrational, impractical and dangerous. Council calls on the Executive to begin developing a fully integrated all-Ireland public health strategy.


Council supports the Campaign for an All-Ireland National Health Service, to deliver an island-wide NHS, free at the point of delivery from the cradle to the grave, and agrees to write to the Shared Island Unit to ask if they will consider this within their work streams."


            The Council agreed to vote on the amended motion, when twenty-seven Members voted for the motion and twenty-seven against. There being an equality of votes, the Chairman exercised his second and casting vote against the proposal and it was subsequently declared lost.


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