Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting in August, it had agreed to issue a letter to the Minister for Communities and the Minister for Infrastructure outlining the Committee’s concerns regarding the enhancement of junctions and improving walking and cycling connectivity as part of the Shankill Gateway Public Realm Scheme, which was being progressed by the Department for Communities (DfC).


            TheDirector of City Regeneration and Development explained that the original designs which had been submitted for planning approval, following extensive community and statutory engagement, had included alterations to the junction by removing unnecessary road infrastructure and removing additional pedestrian crossing locations while increasing pavement space and introducing additional green landscaping. However, the design were superseded immediately prior to the granting of planning approval and without wider consultation, with a design that maintained the layout of the current junction.


            She advised that the letter to the Minister raised concerns that this change did not address the issues presented by the hard infrastructure layout of the inner ring. It further highlighted that the approved design did not take into account  the collective Council, DfI and DfC ‘Bolder Vision for Belfast’ which provided for prioritisation of integrated walking, cycling and public transport and the need to address severance and barriers to movement between the centre of Belfast and the surrounding communities.


            The letter to the Minister had advised that, whilst Council was supportive of the investment to enhance this location, it was felt there was an opportunity to bring greater benefit than the current scheme design proposes, particularly in terms of safe pedestrian and cycle movements, and reducing severance through this key junction.


            The Director of City Regeneration and Development provided an overview of the response from the Belfast Regeneration Directorate on behalf of the Minister for Communities (copy available at Appendix 1).


            She highlighted that DfC had commenced to discharge some of the planning conditions associated with the planning condition for the scheme (under planning application LA04/2019/0200/F). She also explained that, following on from the launch of the Bolder Vision for Belfast, a jointly commissioned and endorsed report by the Council, DfC and the Department for Infrastructure (DfI), Council officers were engaging with officials from both Departments through a Junctions Working Group to bring forward and accelerate the delivery of improved connections at the Inner Ring Junctions under the agreed principles of the Bolder Vision.


            She advised that, through this group, and with regard to the current proposals for the Shankill Gateway Public Realm Environment Improvement scheme, there remained concerns that the opportunity to address this junction during a current capital works scheme would be missed, and that it was unclear as to when, or how the junction improvement works would be delivered.


            She highlighted that, since the report had been published, a response from the Minister for Infrastructure had also been received which advised that whilst the scheme initially included a new layout to improve pedestrianisation, cycling and public transport facilities, this required more detailed consideration of the consequential impact on the road network. Therefore, in order not to delay the planning approval, the planning application only included the current junction layout. However, the Minister advised that her officials were continuing to consider alternative junction layouts in conjunction with DfC and the Council with a view to making future improvements to this junction. 


            During discussion, the Senior Development Manager provided illustrations of the changes to the proposed Shankill Gateway Public Realm Environment Improvement scheme.







Moved by Councillor O’Hara,

Seconded by Councillor McAllister,


      That the Committee agrees to respond in writing to both the Department for Infrastructure and Department for Communities and reiterate concerns around this major junction scheme progressing without provision for pedestrian and cycling priority, as previously envisaged within the scheme designs that were subject to public consultation’.


            Following a vote, thirteen Members voted for the amendment and five against and it was declared carried.


            After discussion, the Committee:


1)    Noted the response from the Minister for the Department for Communities at Appendix 1 and the additional response which had been received from the Minister for the Department for Infrastructure, since the report had been published;


2)    In relation to the Shankill Gateway Public Realm Environment Improvement Scheme, agreed to respond in writing to both the Department for Infrastructure and Department for Communities and reiterate concerns around this major junction scheme progressing without provision for pedestrian and cycling priority, as previously envisaged within the scheme designs that were subject to public consultation. The Committee noted that the correspondence should highlight that the alternative scheme proposals provided the opportunity to promote active travel, help lessen the impact of the inner ring road on connections to communities, and aligned with the principles of the agreed Bolder Vision Connectivity Study.  The Committee also expressed concerns that the opportunity to make impactful change would be missed if it was not realised now;  


3)    Noted that the Frederick St/Great Patrick St catalyst junction improvement scheme was currently on hold pending the outcome of the York Street Interchange Review but highlighted the need to progress with this scheme as soon as possible; and


4)    Noted that the Department for Infrastructure would be attending the Special Meeting of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee on 24th November.


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