Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues


1.1       The Council’s Physical Programme covers over 180 capital projects under a range of internal and external funding streams together with the projects which the Council delivers on behalf of external agencies. The Council’s Capital Programme forms part of the Physical Programme and is a rolling programme of investment which either improves the existing Council facilities or provides new Council facilities. This report provides an update on requested movements on the Capital Programme.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


                                                  i.          Proposed Movements - Capital Programme – agree that Alleygating Phase 5 project is added as a Stage 1 – Emerging Project on to the Capital Programme and


                                                 ii.          DfC Joint Projects  note the update is relation to match funding secured from DfC for existing projects in this financial year across a range of programmes


3.0       Main Report


3.1       Proposed Movements - Capital Programme 


            The Committee has previously agreed that all capital projects must go through a 3 Stage process where decisions on which projects progress are taken by SP and R. This provides assurance as to the level of financial control and will allow Members to properly consider the opportunity costs of approving one capital project over another capital project. Members are asked to agree to the following movement on the Capital Programme:





Alleygating Phase 5

Next phase of the alleygates programme

Add as an Emerging Stage 1 project


            At the SP and R meeting on 18th September 2020, Members asked that a further phase of alleygating be considered. Members have been advised in the Finance Update Committee Report which is also on the agenda for discussion today that the monies secured from DfC (see below) has contributed to a forecast capital financing budget underspend and resultant surplus and that it is proposed through this that a proportion of this (£500k) Is ring-fenced for a further phase of alleygating. It is anticipated that this will be agreed by Committee and Members are therefore asked to agree that this is added as a Stage 1- Emerging project onto the Capital Programme in order to allow the project to be developed. Members are asked to note that further detail will be brought back to Committee in due course in line with the agreed three stage approvals process.


3.2       Update on DfC/BCC Match funded projects 2020-21


            Following proactive engagement with the Department for Communities to identify opportunities for joint working in 2020-21, a total of £1,124,000 has been secured to support existing projects within the overall Physical Programme, a proportion of which is match funding for projects under the Capital Programme. Contracts for Funding are in place and work continues in order to achieve delivery this financial year.  The funding is for 14 projects in total including –


·        Upgrades to Vere Foster, Falls Park and Ohio Street playgrounds.


·        Replacement of the 3G pitch surface and upgrade of the playground at Grosvenor Community Centre.


·        Improvements to St James Community Forum’s urban farm and community garden, including new buildings for the animals and new community and educational facilities.


·        A new safe play area and community garden on waste ground adjacent to the Lagan Village Youth and Community Centre.


·        A new changing pavilion for Berlin Swifts Football Club.


·        New modular changing facilities at the Willowbank Multi-Sports Centre.


·        Additional contributions to The Urban Villages Initiative-funded project to upgrade a section of Ballymacarrett Walkway.


·        Partial replacement of the damaged roof at The Hanwood Centre


·        Extra funding towards the construction of Grace Family Centre, which is nearing completion.


·        Additional contributions to Marrowbone Community Hub Teach Eilís, with support from The Urban Villages Initiative.


·        An upgrade to the pathways and additional planting at the park at Old Golf Course Road.


·        Improved lighting at the recently relocated Navigation Buoys in Titanic Quarter.


3.5       Financial and Resource Implications


            Financial – £500k to be ringfenced for Phase 5 of the Alleygating Programme


            Resources – Officer time as required. 


3.6       Equality or Good Relations Implications/

            Rural Needs Assessment


            All capital projects are screened as part of the stage approval process.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: