Agenda item


            The Principal Planning officer provided the Committee with an overview of the application.


            She reported that the main issues to be considered in the assessment of the scheme included the principle of development, the design and impact on the character and appearance of the area, the impact on listed buildings, the impact on neighbouring amenity, density, private and shared amenity space and access, movement and parking.


            The Members were advised that the application site was within Belfast Urban Area Plan 2001 (BUAP) as zoned within a Housing Action Area and, within the Draft BMAP (2004), the site was designated as Land Zoned for Housing.  The Planning Appeals Commission (PAC) made no reference to proposed land use designation within BMAP enquiry, indicating no objections were received regarding land zoning, within the dBMAP 2015 the site was zoned as land for housing.


            The proposal had been assessed against and was considered to comply with PPS3, PPS6, PPS7,PPS7 Addendum, PPS8, PPS12, PPS15 the SPPS, BAUP 2001 and Draft BMAP 2004.


            The Principal Planning officer explained that the proposal would contribute to the restoration of a Georgian terrace, which would provide 12 units, and that the restoration of the Listed Building element would be secured by a Section 76 Legal Agreement. The remainder would be built to form a quad within the Mount, with a central amenity and parking area. She explained that the site would result in 41 new homes and was acceptable in terms of density, design, amenity provision, highway safety, parking and flooding.  The Committee was advised that officers had concluded that the scheme would bring a positive benefit to the site and locality, given that it had been vacant for many years, and that the Listed Buildings were in a state of disrepair.


            The Members were advised that the scheme would include 34 parking spaces within the site and a number of travel cards for residents, which considered acceptable given its location within a highly accessible location close to bus, rail, the city centre and district centres.


            She reported that Rivers Agency, Historic Environment Division, NI Water, BCC Environmental Health and DfI Roads Service had been consulted and had offered no objection to the proposal.


            The Committee was advised that nine letters of objection had been received, with stated concerns from six individuals.  The issues raised included road safety, parking congestion, social housing provision, noise impact on human health, loss of greenspace/wildlife, overlooking, density and impact on listed buildings.  The Planning officer explained that the issues had been addressed within the Case officer’s report.  She added that, following amendments to the scheme, only one repeat objection had been received, regarding a loss ofgreenspace. 


            The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Late Items pack, whereby Members noted that reports had been submitted to Environmental Health and remediation conditions would therefore be applied.  The Principal Planning officer explained that conditions would be finalised prior to the Decision Notice being issued under the authority delegated to the Director.


            The Principal Planning officer explained that, in relation to the Section 76 Agreement, delegated authority was sought for the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording to secure the works to the listed building and to include Travel Passes for nine properties within the proposed development.


            The Chairperson commended the applicant and architect on the impressive design for the scheme.


            The Committee granted approval to the application, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report and delegated power to the Director of Planning and Building Control for the final wording of the conditions and to finalise the Section 76 Agreement if required, subject to no new substantive planning issues being raised by third parties.


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