Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues


1.1       The Council’s Physical Programme covers 170 current capital projects under a range of internal and external funding streams, together with projects which the Council delivers on behalf of external agencies. The Council’s Capital Programme forms part of the Physical Programme and is a rolling programme of investment which either improves existing Council facilities or provides new facilities. The purpose of this report is to seek approval for Stage movements on the Capital Programme and to provide an update on contracts awarded for capital or capital-related works.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked –


·        To agree the following Capital Programme Movements:


o   IT Programme: Building Control System Replacementproject moves to Stage 2 – Uncommitted

o   IT Programme: Financial Replacement System project moves to Stage 3 – Committed


·        To note the update in relation to contracts awarded.



3.0       Main Report


            Members will be aware that the Council runs a substantial physical programme under a range of funding streams including the capital programme, BIF and LIF together with the projects that it is delivering on behalf of other agencies including the Executive Office, the Department for Communities and Department for Infrastructure. There are currently 170 live projects worth in excess of £120m, as well as 100+ early stage uncommitted projects and £300m+ of completed projects which still receive dedicated resourcing effort.


            Proposed Movements - Capital Programme 


3.2       Members agreed that all capital projects must go through a three stage process where decisions on which capital projects progress are taken by the Committee. This provides assurance as to the level of financial control and will allow Members to properly consider the opportunity costs of approving one capital project over another capital project. Members are asked to agree to the following movements on the Capital Programme:





IT Programme:

Building Control System Replacement

Replacement ICT building control system to include building regulations, licensing, property certificates and addressing functions.

Move to Stage 2 – Uncommitted

IT Programme:

Financial Replacement System

Replacement of the current

SAP corporate financial system and support services which are nearing end of life.

Move to Stage 3 – Committed


            Building Control Replacement System


            Members are asked to agree that the IT Programme Building Control System replacement project is moved to Stage 2 – Uncommitted on the Capital Programme to allow the project to be further developed. Members are asked to note that further detail will be brought back to Committee in due course in line with the agreed three stage approvals process.


            Financial Replacement System


            Members are also asked to agree that the IT Programme Financial Replacement System is moved to Stage 3 – Committed. The Council has reviewed the ongoing requirements of its current financial system with the emerging outcome to replace the current system with a modern Financial System, which will enable streamlined, efficient processes, deliver accurate financial data, and provide seamless integration into and from other solutions. This offers the potential to reduce the number of systems that the council currently supports and the number of interfaces it manages. Any project which is being moved from Stage 2 to Stage 3 under the Capital Programme is required as part of the three stage approval process to complete an Outline Business Case.  Members are asked to note that this has been completed and reviewed internally.  An update will be brought back to Committee at this stage along with the final budget allocation and confirmation that this is within the affordability limits of the Council.


3.3       Contracts Awarded


            Members are asked to note the award of tenders for capital works including services related to works in the attached appendix.


3.5       Financial and Resource Implications


            Financial – The final budget for the Financial Replacement System will be brought back to Committee for sign-off and confirmation that it is within the affordability limits of the Council upon receipt of the tender return.


            Resources – Ongoing running costs over a 10 year period to be confirmed


3.6       Equality or Good Relations Implications/

            Rural Needs Assessment


            All capital projects are screened as part of the stage approval process.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: