Agenda item


            The Members considered the undernoted report and the accompanying appendices which were available on


“1.0     Purpose of Report and Summary of Main Issues


1.1       The Council has received correspondence from the Department for Infrastructure in relation to planning application LA04/2017/0474/F for the redevelopment of Casement Park to provide a new stadium. The proposal is of regional significance and the application is being dealt with by the Department rather than Belfast City Council.


1.2       The Department is seeking the Council’s views on changes to proposed conditions 14 and 36 which relate to arrangements for an Events Management Group and requirements for an Events Management Plan.


2.0       Recommendation


2.1       It is recommended that the Chief Executive, or her nominated officer, uses her delegated authority to agree the proposed changes to the wording of conditions 14 and 36 as set out in the Department’s letter of 17 May 2021 and to any further changes to the proposed conditions provided that those changes are of a minor or technical nature.


3.0       Main Report




3.1       The Council has received correspondence from the Department for Infrastructure in relation to planning application LA04/2017/0474/F for the redevelopment of Casement Park to provide a new stadium (see Appendix 1). The proposal is of regional significance and the application is being dealt with by the Department rather than Belfast City Council.


3.2       The Council provided its substantive consultation response to the planning application in August 2017. The Planning Committee offered no objection to the application but made the following specific comments:


·        Further detailed cross sections through the entire site and surrounding properties were recommended

·        Further images to demonstrate impact on the skyline and key views were recommended

·        Greater certainty around travel, transport and traffic should be provided.


3.3       The application was considered by the Planning Committee again in September 2019 following re-consultation. The Committee agreed to provide no further comments but that the Director of Planning and Building Control would write to the Department and recommend that the residents’ association known as MORA be given the opportunity to meet the Department and discuss their concerns.


3.4       A final consultation was undertaken in February 2020 in relation to technical information regarding traffic and access. As the additional information was limited, the matter was dealt with under delegated powers with no further comment provided.


3.5       The Department subsequently issued a Notice of Opinion in November 2020 advising of its intention to grant planning permission and listing the proposed conditions (see Appendix 2). The Planning Service responded to the Notice of Opinion advising that the Council is content for the Department to proceed with determination of the planning application.


            Proposed changes to conditions 14 and 36


3.6       The Department is in the process of finalising the S76 planning agreement for the application so that the decision can be issued. During this process it has identified the need to amend proposed conditions 14 and 36 in the Notice of Opinion. The Department is seeking the Council’s agreement to these changes by no later than 24 May 2021 so that the drafting of the S76 planning agreement can be finalised.


3.7       The proposed changes are set out in the Department’s letter at Appendix 1.


3.8       The proposed change to condition 14 is to make it clear that the Events Management Group must be established 2 months prior to the initial scheduled event or fixture whereas the original wording of the condition could have been interpreted such that the Events Management Group could have been established within 2 months after the initial scheduled event or fixture which would have defeated its purpose. The amended wording is considered necessary, more precise and is welcomed.


3.9       The proposed change to condition 36 allows the Event Management Plan to be modified if the modification is the requirement of a statutory body/licensing body making a decision pursuant to its statutory functions and duties without requiring the Event Management Group to reconvene. This is considered to be a practical approach which would reduce the administrative burden on the Event Management Group, and is considered reasonable.


3.10     It is therefore recommended that the Council agrees to these changes. It is also recommended that delegated authority is given to officers to respond to any further changes to the proposed conditions provided that those changes are of a minor or technical nature.


4.0       Finance and Resource Implications


4.1       None identified.


5.0       Equality or Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment


5.1       None identified.


                  The Members of the Committee recommended that the Chief Executive, or her nominated officer, would exercise her delegated authority to agree the proposed changes to the wording of conditions 14 and 36, as set out in the Department’s letter of 17 May 2021, and to any further changes to the proposed conditions provided that the changes were of a minor or technical nature.


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