Agenda item


            The Senior Planning officer outlined the principal aspects of the application to the Members.  She explained that permission was being sought for a site compound for a temporary period of three years.


            The key issues which had been considered in the assessment of the application included the principle of development/loss of open space, impact on a Conservation Area, impact on trees, impact on neighbouring amenity, impact on natural heritage, traffic, parking and a Section 76 Planning Agreement.


She outlined that the site was designated as whiteland in the BUAP and within both versions of draft BMAP as existing open space and a local landscape policy area (LLPA). The Members were advised that the site formed part of sub area F of the Malone Conservation Area.


She drew the Members’ attention to the Late Items pack, whereby there was an error in Condition 1 in the Development Management Officer Report, which should have read The permission hereby granted shall be for a limited period of 3 years only from the date of the decision notice.”


The Members were advised that the proposed change of use would result in the temporary loss of open space and would temporarily adversely impact the character and appearance of the Malone Conservation Area and the draft LLPA. They were asked to note that the Council’s Conservation Officer had objected to the proposal. However, officers considered that the temporary impacts on the conservation area and loss of open space had to be balanced against the substantial community and public benefits that would derive from an extended hospital which would be of a greater benefit to the wider community. As such it was considered that the presumption against the development could be relaxed in that instance, having regard to Section 104 of the Planning Act, Policy BH12 of PPS6, Policy OS1 of PPS8 and the SPPS.


The Senior Planning officer outlined that the applicant had agreed to enter into a Section 76 Agreement to ensure that the land was restored to its former condition on completion of the works.


She reported that nine objections had been received in respect of the proposal, citing concern with the following:


·        increased traffic congestion at Cranmore Park and busy road junction and associated road safety concerns regarding nearby schools;

·        location of the Cranmore site entrance, should be relocated to the Malone Road;

·        impact on the surrounding character with inappropriate development;

·        impact on wildlife - Badgers within the site;

·        removal of trees;

·        noise and disturbance associated with the proposed use;

·        concern regarding dates of the traffic survey, which had beenundertaken during Covid restrictions.


The Senior Planning officer advised that the issues had been addressed within the Case officer’s report. 


The Members were advised that the Council’s Trees and Landscaping Team, Environmental Health, DfI Roads Service and DAERA (Natural Environment Division) had all been consulted and had no objections, subject to conditions.


She outlined that supporting statements had been provided by the applicant to demonstrate why the proposal should be considered an exceptional case, including that the proposal would bring substantial community benefits through supporting the construction of increased hospital facilities to a key healthcare facility and the provision of services to the NHS which would also assist with current waiting lists.


The Members were advised that the proposal involved the removal of an existing tree from the site to accommodate an access point. The Senior Planning officer explained that it was proposed that the tree would be replaced after the site compound was removed and to ensure compliance, it would be subject to a Section 76 Planning Agreement.  She advised that any temporary adverse impacts on the LLPA were offset by the substantial community discussed above.


            Accordingly, the Chairperson put the officer’s recommendation that the Members of the Committee recommend that, in accordance with the Council decision of 4th May 2021, the Chief Executive would exercise her delegated authority to grant a temporary approval of 3 years, with the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the conditions and the Section 76 Agreement.


            On a vote, ten Members voted in favour of the recommendation and one against and it was declared carried.


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