Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       This report is to provide an update on progress on implementation of Belfast Boxing Strategy for October to December 2021 (Quarter 3).


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


·        Note the Quarter 3 progress report and the impacts of Covid-19 restrictions on agreed KPIs

·        Approve the 2022-2023 action plan and budget


3.0       Main report




3.1       Council agreed, through the January 2018 Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, to provide £200,000 to the Irish Athletic Boxing Association Ulster Branch (IABA) for delivery of an agreed annual action plan supporting the Belfast Boxing Strategy.


3.2       The IABA provided SP&R with a detailed breakdown of programmes to be delivered under six main areas. Salary – Development Officer and Coaches, Pathways, Events, Coach Education, Club Support, Governance.


3.3       Following this decision the Belfast Boxing Strategy Steering Group has met quarterly, with the most recent meetings held online due to Covid-19 and associated regulations. This Steering Group is chaired by the Director of Neighbourhood Services with Council Officers, IABA Officers and Officials and Co. Antrim Board Officials attending. Small variations to the budget across the six areas have been agreed to assist prioritisation in line with the agreed annual action plan.




3.4       The Leisure Development Unit works directly with IABA officials to verify reporting on performance and finance and provides detailed reports for discussion at the Steering Group.




3.5       Council agreed a total of 37 Indicators with IABA to monitor delivery of the programmes. IABA have complied with reporting requirements and their performance report for 20/21 Quarter 3 is at Appendix 1. As can be noted, achievement of targets in-year to date have continued to be significantly impacted by Covid-19 regulations and restrictions as imposed by NI Executive. However as Covid Restrictions have been eased many previously deferred programmes will now take place within Quarter 4. IABA have provided narrative against each of the KPIs to describe progress against each indicator and have advised that Covid restrictions to date will prevent some of the targets from being achieved at year end.


3.6       Much of the focus in terms of method of delivery has changed and a large number of participants  have been able to  avail of online training and workshops for both committee members and coaches, as well as delivering online workout sessions, supporting clubs with accreditation or reaccreditation, as well as with funding applications and providing ongoing advice and support.


            22/23 Action Plan


3.7       In line with normal process the IABA have developed their programme action plan relating to 22/23 (copy attached at Appendix 2 which outlines the key programmes, initiatives and planned targets for the next year.


            Financial & Resource Implications


3.8       A total of £200,000 is available within the current financial year to support the Action Plan. It is likely that the full budget will be expended for 2021 – 2022 .  For the 2022 – 2023 action plan, an amount of £200,000 is allocated within existing estimates



            Equality or Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Implications


3.9       The strategy was equality screened in line with the Council’s equality process. The screening showed that there were potential adverse impacts on a number of groups including females and people with a disability and mitigating actions were added to the strategy. Members agreed that an equality screening be undertaken prior to a decision being made in relation to funding for 19/20. Officers have finalised this screening and the initial findings show that progress has been made in increasing the participation of underrepresented groups and this has been reported separately through the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee. The IABA continue to target underrepresented groups in its delivery of the 21/22 programme and the proposed 22/23 with particular focus on the events, online activities and non-contact programme.”


            The Committee:


·        noted the Quarter 3 progress report and the impact of the Covid-19 restrictions on the agreed KPIs; and


·        approved the 2022-2023 action plan and budget.


Supporting documents: