Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       To consider a motion in relation to Historic Belfast Street Signs, which the Standards and Business Committee, at its meeting on 22nd February, referred to this Committee.


1.0            Recommendations


1.1            The Committee is asked to


·        Consider the motion and to take such action thereon as may be determined.  


3.0       Main report


3.1       Key Issues


The Standards and Business Committee, at its meeting on 22nd February, considered a report providing details of the motions which had been received for consideration by the Council on 1st March.


3.2       In accordance with Standing Order 37(h), the following motion, which had been proposed by Councillor McKeown and seconded by Councillor de Faoite, was referred directly to the Planning Committee for consideration.


Historic Belfast Street Signs


“This Council recognises the important role that traditional black tile street signs play in the built heritage of Belfast and the aesthetic benefits they bring to the character of the city. However, it notes with concern the absence of robust protections to ensure their upkeep, which could put at direct threat this significant part of Belfast’s history.


The Council therefore agrees to undertake a review with the aim of identifying firm and practical recommendations for implementation in consideration of the following:


·             Creating a register of all historic street signs in Belfast including, where possible, details of their ownership;


·             Putting in place arrangements for the timely repair and upkeep of historic street signs, including those which are listed and in council ownership, and those that are not listed;


·             Establishing arrangements for the reinstatement of signs which would have originally been traditional black signs but have subsequently been replaced with generic street signs – this could be done when the generic sign needs replaced at the natural end of its lifespan or after damage. Reinstatements should use the traditional white font and black background and may include the use of other materials if appropriate and more practical;


·             Assessing whether steps should be undertaken to request the listing of all traditional Belfast street signs to provide them with legal protection, particularly those that are not in council ownership and may currently have to protection;


·             Putting in place requisite resources to enable the above to be rolled out and continued, including accessing government or third party funding if available to enable heritage and protection work to be undertaken; and


·             Any other relevant issues which arise during the course of this review.”


3.3       The Committee should note that a motion which incorporated some of the areas above had previously been referred to the Planning Committee:



3.4       A number of the street signs set out in the motion were subsequently listed:



3.5       Officers from Building Control, Planning and City Services are seeking to progress the work set out in paragraph 3 of the original motion and that the motion was referred to the Planning Committee to allow it to determine whether it wishes to incorporate the additional requests.


3.6       Financial and Resource Implications




3.7       Equality or Good Relations Implications/

Rural Needs Assessment


None associated with this report.”


            The Committee adopted the motion.


Supporting documents: